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A huge silver giant beast is showing its head, showing itself to this World.

The huge tide-like moon God’s Force is surging, converging on its entire body, condensing into one sea after another, almost submerging half of the abyss World.

The huge moon God’s Force is like the magic water in Myths and Legends, with a unique strength, but when it comes into contact with a piece of land, it changes the terrain of the piece of land, which emits a light divine splendor, in a flash Transformed by the majestic Moon God’s Force, the essence of it has transformed into another look.

The massive Bloodline showed its majesty, spilling over 4 squares, causing countless people to panic.

Looking at the figure that Adier showed in the distance, the Lord of Earth Demons was laughed.

The look in front of him is nothing else, it is one of Adier’s two major forms, the true shape of Moon King.

In the past, when Adier had not yet obtained Sun Bloodline, and was still a Moon Elf pure blood, Moon King’s true form was Adier’s strongest attacking method.

However, above Adier’s promotion to 7th grade, Moon King’s true strength is no longer important, so it is rarely used again.

At this moment, along with Adier’s further improvement, this form that was urged to the extreme by Moon Elf Bloodline was finally revealed again.

Roar! !

A more violent roar sounded.

In the distance, Adier suddenly opened his eyes.

Silver’s giant beast opened his eyes, and above a huge silver horn, the huge strength was overflowing.

Among them, a new strength is brewing.

Blazing like fire, as hot as the sun, pure and sacred, like the Sun God of aloof and remote, the divine force of that great shore is horrifying.

A new breath broke out.

If you look closely, you can find that at this moment on Adier’s body, a little golden light slowly emerged from the huge silver horn.


The thunderbolt on the horizon is even more raging.

The magnificent glory blooms at this moment, it looks more sacred and magnificent.

The rain of the boundless laws crashed down, almost submerging the whole abyss World at this moment.

And in the boundless thunder sea, a giant beast suddenly stood up and waved a claw to the horizon.

Hong long! !

The sky began to shake, and the void began to boil.

On the micro level that ordinary people can’t observe, countless micro particles are breaking, and all the strength in it begins to explode at this moment, and overflows at this moment.

The huge strength converges towards the sky and eventually condenses on a huge silhouette.

one after another thunderbolt keeps falling, still gathering.

In the air, when Adier appeared again, his appearance had changed.

The original silver scales transformed into golden, and a pair of huge silver eyes also turned into dark golden. Before the forehead, the huge silver horn disappeared. Only a densely packed yellow golden seal appeared before the forehead.

Under his whole body, the original peace and sacred moon God’s Force disappeared, and the new supreme strength of yang surged at this moment, and it just emerged.

The majestic Strength is emerging.

Along with Lei Hai hissing, a silhouette of a golden ancient beast showed that the majestic Sun God’s power could not be concealed, and it was so powerful that it seemed to be burned by it like a void, every cell, Every inch of flesh and blood is like a huge sun, incredible and powerful, and terrifying and incredible.

The true type of the sun!

This is the true form of the sun, nothing else, it is the form elicited by the elf Bloodline to the extreme.

To a certain extent, this is the opposite of the true form of Moon King, and it is also a powerful method.

In terms of the theory alone and its strength, it is even better than the true shape of Moon King.


In the mid-air, under the gaze of countless consternations, the huge Sun King glared at the sky, and an exquisite beauty radiated from all over him. A giant claw swung violently into the air.

boom! !

A huge sound was ringing, and I saw that in the mid-air, the majestic thunderstorm slowly separated, and the Strength in it continued to boil, but forcibly split into 2 halves under the pressure of a huge Strength, and was directly torn Cracked.

Hong long! !

The endless light is still falling, and the imprint of the law is constantly being shot down, imprinted on Adier’s body.

Subsequently, the glory belonging to Bloodline bloomed again.

A faint burst of jadeite blooms, in this instant, God’s Force and supreme strength of yang begin to slowly merge and gradually evolve.

A new type of Strength appeared slowly, and the performance was pure jadeite.

Emerald Blood!

This is Adier’s real Bloodline, and it is also the pure Bloodline of Moon Elf and the blood of the sun.

At this moment, this supreme Bloodline began to shine, driving Adier’s Strength to continue to change.

The endless light rain flashes.

In the next moment, with the unexpected eyes of the two demons and God of Destruction, the scene in front changes again.

The endless thunderstorm began to disappear, turning into a burst of branding, forming on Adier’s body.

In the center of the World, a slender silhouette slowly appeared and came to countless people.

It was a sacred and brilliant silhouette. The whole body was composed of two colors of gold and silver. Despite its huge body, it did not appear bloated at all, but it had a thrilling sense of beauty and luxury.

The faint light is blooming, standing in the center of the world, Adier slowly opened his eyes.

In front of his forehead, a complex emerald imprint slowly emerged and appeared at this moment.

Complicated, mysterious, mysterious …

In this imprint, there seems to be some unique and powerful strength, which makes people feel a little palpitations at the first sight, and there is a sense of inexplicable palpitations.

The horrible strength overflows.

With the light of the soul blooming, Adier’s Strength reached Peak, truly standing above the 8th level.

The look in front of him is a new form born after integrating his own way into Bloodline.

Born from the new form of Moon King and Sun, but they are completely different.

It can be called the third form, which is the true form of jadeite unique to Adier.

The faint light was scattered.

Under the eyes of countless eyes, Adier’s huge body began to fade slowly, and the whole body gradually disappeared and became another look.

Subsequently, the appearance of a black hair boy appeared again.

He was wearing a white robe. The whole appearance seemed not at all much changed from before, but it seemed to have changed a lot. There was a change that was unclear.

At this moment, he stood in the center of the World, and his handsome and elegant face was perfect, as if a smile appeared on the face like World’s perfect work.


Looking at Adier that appeared again in the distance, feeling the breath on him, the smile of the Earth Demon King’s face appeared, joyfully said from the heart.

This congratulation is sincere.

Traveling all the way to the present, after experiencing an unknown number of journeys, Adier finally came to this step and possessed such a level of strength.

Today, Adier not only has Jadeite World as a backing, but also promotes himself to level 8.

If you count the strength of the Earth Demon King and the abyss World he masters, it is the Great World with 2 positions, 8 levels and 2 peaks.

In this way, even if you look at the whole world, not many people can be underestimated.

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