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From the past to the present, Adier has finally acquired Strength in Peak.

Even if you exclude the other avatars and layouts of Adier, just in front of you, Adier has mastered the two top great worlds of Jadeite World and Abyss World.

The main body and the king of earth demon are also standing in the 8th level, even if they are in the 8th level, they are not weak at all.

Such a strength, even when the ancient wizard World was at its heyday, was sufficiently powerful, and could be used as a core leader to sit on par with other supreme kings.

What’s more, if Adier’s plan continues, Adier will get much more than that.

Because of this, Adier is really pleased.

Standing in the same place, looking at the King of Earth Demon in front of him, Adier turned around silently, looking out.

In an instant, his eyes penetrated the layers of isolation and saw the distance.

The material world within the realm.

Hong long! !

A faint light sound kept ringing.

In an extremely secret Secret Realm, a fierce fight continues.

Strength of life is revealed in it.

Among them, the Lord of the Fairy and the Mother of the Earth stand side by side, and the strength that belongs to the divine existence all over the body blooms out of nowhere, and presses forward.


I’m afraid the strength is overflowing.

This place was violently shaken, and the strength of the law was spontaneously activated, began to condense here, and emerged again, turning into the most solid shield.

“hmph! ”

Looking at this scene, the fairy master lightly snorted, making a faint sound.

Strength, the law of life, broke out in this brief moment, except for the horrible strength.

In all directions, the originally condensed strength rule collapsed in an instant, collapsed at this moment, and turned into a pure strength strength, spilling away from all around.

Can’t stop it at all.

After all, this is just a fixed arrangement, although the strength contained therein is strong enough to deal with the ordinary field, but in the face of the sacred existence of the two strengths, it is still inconvenient, naturally with no difficulty was defeated by it, revealing the subsequent The original face of the.

The faint Life Aura is blooming, the power of the rule road that belongs to Life Law alone, but it is faintly detached. It makes the heart palpitate, so that at the moment, the face of the fairy lord 2 can not help but smile.

“Not bad.”

There was a smile on the face of the Fairy Lord, looking at him, feeling the deep and unpredictable Life Aura, could not help taking a deep breath: “It is worthy of the Goddess of this World Supreme God, even if it once fell , The strengths left over are so powerful. “

“If it weren’t for us to have the authority to live, there are evasions and insights for most of these methods, otherwise it would be really troublesome to switch over to others.”

“Defeat the outside guard as soon as possible.”

The mother of the earth spoke lightly, and there was some dignity in her voice: “Any accident happened, we immediately started to solve the mother of the earth.”

“it is good.”

Fairy Lord nodded, agreed with this.

They quickly reached a consensus, and then began to shoot together.

The faint Life Aura flashes.

The massive Strength spilled 4 squares and destroyed everything.

In the outer area of ​​the Secret Realm in front, the densely packed chain of law broke it in an instant, and it could n’t stop the two divinely existing strengths.

Subsequently, the true face of this Secret Realm was revealed.

The faint light began to flash.

It seems that the clear comprehension has come with the 2 masters of the goblin. In Secret Realm, a great divine presence has begun to recover spontaneously.

At this moment, in all corners of the material world, among the gods of Goddess, the gods are spontaneously recovering.

All the earth sacrifices were alarmed at this moment. Under the revelation of God, they began to lead believers from all over the world to pray.

The entire material world within the realm, if it is the most powerful god, then it is naturally the sun god.

This god has existed for a long time. Not only is it ancient in history, but its strength is strong. Its belief is rooted in the material world within the realm, and it is the well-deserved first in terms of the number of believers alone.

And in the queen of the sun, the follow closely from behind is Goddess of the earth.

Compared with the King of the Sun, the rise of the earth Goddess is more short-lived, but it can stand side by side with the King of the Sun and become the Supreme God within the realm of the material world, it can already explain something.

The entire material world within the realm, except the king of the sun, is the strongest in the Goddess of the earth, and has the most believers.

Earlier, under the suppression of the Sun King, in order to avoid causing hostility, Goddess of the earth although not at all really restored the 7th grade Strength, but its strength has reached the 6th level limit, and it can reach the 7th grade at any time.

At this moment, as the goblin lord and mother of the earth came to the door, Goddess of the earth finally ceased to be silent.

At this moment, within the entire material world, a huge strength of Faith is coming together.

The point that was originally missing was filled in an instant, and then the huge Strength was instilled in an instant.

The breath of Goddess on the earth began to slowly change, starting from the original 6th level, and instantly climbing toward the 7th grade level.

“Not good !”

Feeling the change in the Goddess of the earth, the expression on the face of the fairy lord changed instantly.

“Block her!”

Without any hesitation, the two masters of the goblin and the mother of the earth started to shoot at the same time, and the two powerful forces rushed at the same time and rushed forward.

At this time, they didn’t keep their hands at all. The first shot was spare no effort. They attempted to kill Goddess directly and interrupt their promotion.

However, this time is already late.

At this moment, with the actions of the Goddess of the earth, the consciousness of the material World also quickly reacted.

The massive World Strength hangs down and blesses Goddess on the earth, forming a barrier above his body, blocking any external strength from the outside.

At the moment when the strength of the fairy lord and the mother of the earth fell, they were directly offset by the strength of the material world and dissipated directly into the invisible.

With the material world’s resistance, Goddess’ most critical step was finally completed.

The sky of divine light blooms, the endless strength of Faith turns into golden divine force, and the positive sky is dyed as a golden.

Standing in this golden sea, the Goddess of the earth is exquisite in appearance, a beautiful face looks a little dark, and the divine force of the whole body blooms, so it slowly walks forward and welcomes the mother of the earth and the master of the fairy.


The majestic breath spilled out, and the laws and powers of life were boiling.

That is the higher level of life authority Strength. Once it spread out, even the two of Lord of the Fairy and Mother of the Earth could not help reacting instinctively. They almost couldn’t bear the kind of instinct in their hearts. The existence of acknowledgement allegiance.

Feeling this, their faces suddenly turned black.

Throughout the material world within the realm, in this brief moment, several ancient wizards turned around at the same time, and at this moment their faces looked equally ugly.

“This unique breath has revived with a new divine presence.”

“Looking like this, it seems to be Goddess.”

In the distance, on top of a sky, Maijan’s complexion ashen, this moment looks very ugly: “Damn, what the hell are the Lord Lord and Mother Earth!”

Without hesitation, he turned directly and rushed in the direction where the breath came.

In other directions, the other wizards made this choice.

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