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The breath of Goddess of the earth surged within the realm throughout the material world.

At the moment when the Goddess of the earth had just recovered, it was located within the realm of the physical world, including a few people in Chimoudan, and everyone felt a strange breath rising.

The pulsation of the material World rises at this moment, the Strength of which is boiling, and gradually starts to be active.

Feeling this, Chimoudan stood up in unison and quickly rushed towards the direction of the earth Goddess.

This is not unity, but a clear understanding of one’s situation.

At the moment, they can wreak havoc in the realm without the obstruction, because there are so many powerhouses in the realm not at all.

Although the World consciousness of the material World is strong, it ca n’t show its huge strength without the powerhouse blessing. It can only sit and watch them continue to wreak havoc in the material world without help.

But after Goddess was promoted, the situation was different.

Previously, there was only a person divine existence in the material world, that is God of Death.

Under the circumstances that the King of the Sun had already fallen, God of Death, even if he shot, was afraid that he would be unable to support the single tree, and he could not do anything in the face of the seven of them.

But after the Goddess also recovered, the situation was very different.

The addition of Goddess and God of Death is a divine presence.

In the number of 2 people, facing the 7 divine beings, although it is a bit difficult, but under the interference of the Strength of the Material World, it is not impossible.

Even if they are not enemies, at least they have the power of a blow, which can have some impact on them and delay their footsteps slightly.

Once their actions were delayed, the gods who had been suppressed before had a chance to breathe.

In the following time, there may be other gods who will be promoted, trying to restore the power of the divine level.

By that time, their actions at this time may be over early.

It is precisely to understand this, so Chimudan and the others did not hesitate to move forward one by one, toward the front, trying to suppress Goddess of the earth immediately before the other gods reacted.

If this can be done, their actions at this time may be able to continue for a long time.

But obviously, what they can think of, other people can naturally think of.

In the corner of the material world, in a remote area, a glimmer of light shimmers.

The majestic divine force blooms and erupts at this moment.

A hazy Strength enveloped everything and completely covered the place.


Qi Mudan was immediately alert, the strength of the whole body was shocked and spilled out, and at this moment a terrorist strength erupted, attempting to shock the strength from the outside.

It’s just that even though his response was quick, it was still too late.

A huge net opened and was released at the moment. It instantly enveloped the place and included everything between nothingness. It was impossible to escape.

Chimoudan’s silhouette was in place, directly affected by a huge strength, and could not continue to move.

Subsequently, with the slight rise of Strength, a dead Strength began to recover.

A faint Death Power rose from all directions and bloomed at the moment.

Feeling this strength, Chimoudan suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked away and saw a silhouette in that direction.

In that corner, a silhouette came slowly.

It was a young man with a very heroic appearance, dressed in a black robe, holding a silver long sword in his hand, with a tall posture, a handsome appearance, and an extremely outstanding temperament, with a very cold atmosphere.

His face was calm, and there was a huge death force over him, and he walked so slowly. From far away, Death Power spread out and condensed into a huge death Divine Realm in an instant, completely covering this place. In.

“It’s you!”

Looking at the person in front of him, although he had never seen it before, the moment he felt the other person’s breath, Chimudan understood the other party’s identity and stared wide-eyed at once: “God of Death!”

The youth in front of him is none other than the material world within the realm which is opposed to the Sun King. Previously, one of the only divine beings existed, representing God of Death.

Even before, even though the King of the Sun had fallen within the realm, God of Death had no action at all.

But at this moment, without thinking, God of Death moved.

Move so quickly, so decisively.

Chimudan’s complexion gradually became difficult to look at.

He knew that the worst had happened.

At the moment Goddess returned to the throne, God of Death finally shot.

Not only did he take it, but as soon as he did it, he found him, a sacred being who also had the authority to die.

2 silhouettes stand against each other, facing each other at this moment.

Some are very different, but they are somewhat similar. Death Aura began to slowly spread from the two. Although similar, it has a very different difference, with two people’s different understanding and understanding of death.

The slight footsteps sounded slowly.

Behind God of Death, a silhouette slowly walked out and made his voice here.

Chimudan looked closely and found that it was a woman.

The appearance of the woman looks very ordinary, and it can even be said that it is a little ugly, and her face looks a little deformed, but she is very plump. At the moment, she is wrapped in a black robe. .

With a faint smile on her face, she walked behind God of Death in this way. On her body, Strength, which belongs to the way of fate, bloomed slowly on her body.

“A man who walks the path of fate, only one step away from the sacred …”

Looking at Mar behind God of Death, Chimudan’s face was ugly, and at this moment a trace of clear comprehension flashed in his heart.

There is a 6th-level Peak level life runner assisted. I am afraid that this encounter will be expected from the other side from the very beginning.

From the recovery of the Goddess of the earth, to their response, all timings are just right.

I can’t believe it by coincidence.

All thoughts flashed in his mind, and Chimudan knew in his heart that today’s battle is probably inevitable.

So, he took a deep breath, and his strength began to slowly disperse, and the strength of death was activated, which was opposed to the death of Divine Realm everywhere.

It’s just that no matter how he improves his strength, to what extent he raises his strength, the God of Death in front of him is so terrifying, and the atmosphere is terrifying to the extreme, as the same Supreme God only came, just a thread The overflow of of aura is enough to make people feel terrified, and can’t be shaken at all.

Feeling this, Chimudan complexion ashen finally took the initiative.

The law of death began to surge, and the power of the 7th grade wizard ’s True Spirit exploded, which was directly manifested as a true Death World and suppressed forward.

The consciousness of the material world is oscillating, and the terrifying strength is exploding. At this moment, it seems that even the material world cannot bear this kind of terrifying strength, and the instinct begins to tremble.

The strength of the law began to interweave, and the terrible Death Power overflowed the four sides, covering the place, and rushing towards the body of God of Death.

This is a terrible blow. Even if it exists in the 7th grade, it must be taken seriously. If it is not good, it will suffer.

However, it was such a terrifying blow that no trace of God was left on God of Death.

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