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The horrible strength overflows, and the law of death is condensed at this moment, oppressed towards the body of God of Death.

Indistinctly, a Death World unfolded in full, so oppressed to go away, slammed down.


As if the entire world exploded completely, the entire world began to shatter, and the existing strength in it shattered, striking forwards, and an extremely terrifying strength broke out.

This was an extremely terrifying blow, even though it was in the 7th grade, when I faced this blow, I felt a powerlessness, and would be injured or even seriously hit by it.

However, even with such a terrible blow, God of Death still did not cause any results.

Death Aura swept through the four sides, but the moment it touched God of Death, it calmed down strangely.

Although the external Strength is fierce, it is nothing for God of Death.

No matter how violent the outside is, when it touches the God of Death, it is peaceful, without any threat.


Looking at this scene, Chimoudan was stunned, a little unbelievable.

Ahead, the death strength is still sweeping.

Under the precipitation of Death Aura, God of Death slowly lifts the head, his eyes deep and deep, looking forward: “In the name of death …”

A faint voice fell, and then the entire world began to change.

The strength of death begins to be deprived and changes in an instant.

One after another rule began to be stripped from Chimudan, as if he met his supreme monarch, and began to respond to his call.

Feeling this scene, Chimudan felt a little unbelievable.

“Your mastery of death is above me!”

Looking at the God of Death opposite, he was a little unbelievable.

There is no doubt that there is only one reason why this scene is happening.

The opposite God of Death’s mastery of the authority of death far surpassed him, and severely suppressed it, which finally led to such a result.

No, not only that!

It is just a gap in authority. Although it will be suppressed, it will not reach such a terrible level.

The reason for this is more of a gap in strength.

The strength of God of Death in front of him is more powerful than he thought, so he directly suppressed him in an instant, and completely suppressed his strength, leaving no room at all.

But how is this possible?

For information about God of Death, Chimudan also collected it.

This is the existence of that’s all that has reached the sacred level but not more than 1000 years. On the history and precipitation is far less than the sun king before this, why is there such a level of strength?

Confused in his heart, he was too late to continue thinking.

With the faint flash of light, in the front, the dead Divine Realm is still expanding.

Under the hood of Endless Death Power, the color of death was calm, and Death Power spread throughout the body. The right hand slowly lifted up, and the silver long sword pointed forward.

On the 1000, Wan Daoguang glowed, which contained the strength of completely different rules. Each sword light represented a completely different kind of Profound Truth, which contained the world’s most essential horror strength.

At this moment, along with God of Death’s shot, this strength began to explode, eventually converging into one point, and completely exploding away.

Silver Flower, Sword of Absolute Killing!

The stunning Sword of Death fell, and suddenly fell forward.

In an instant, all the changes in the surrounding World seem to start to stagnate even the movement between the substances, with some brand-new changes.

In front of him, Chimudan’s body began to stand still, just like a sculpture, he froze directly there.

Then, under the gaze of God of Death, a texture of death emerged on the surface of Chimudan’s body, spreading into black spots spreading into one after another, slowly covering its entire body.

Hula …

A breeze came slowly.

When 10000 objects blink, everything changes.

Qi Mudan’s body turned into a burst of dust, which dissipated and drifted away.

A bit of death’s origin remained, and God of Death caught him in his hand.

The power of death belonging to Chimudan was partly captured by God of Death to serve as his own food and became a further step.

In the blink of an eye, a divine presence fell.

Of course, it is said that it fell, but it is not.

Standing in the same place, God of Death can easily feel that around him, a hazy world breath flashed away, directly taking away a bit of True Spirit left by Chimudan.

That was the strength of Wizard World, and it erupted at the moment when Chimoudan was about to truly fall, and responded.

Strength can’t change the situation at this point, but it can instantly pull Qimoudan’s True Spirit away, leaving the last point of vitality, and can return again.

Of course, with the strength of God of Death today, if you think about it, you can actually stop it.

It’s just not necessary.

His shot against Chimudan was only part of the plan, and he had no resentment against him at all.

Moreover, in Adier’s next plan, Chimudan can continue to contribute to Adier’s body and the upcoming war.

So just before the action, God of Death not at all, just let the Wizard World pull the power of Chimoudan’s True Spirit and leave.


Aside, looking at Chimudan’s body that had disappeared into dust, Mar was lightly sighed, saying so.

“Yeah, that’s the end.”

God of Death lifts the head, looking into the distant sky, with a pair of deep black eyes, seems to reflect the various scenes in the distance.

“Start as soon as possible.”

Looking at the distance, he said, “These gods are going to Divine Kingdom in Goddess.”

“According to this progress, the Goddess of the Earth will not last long.”

“Our speed must be faster.”

He said so, a faint voice spread around, and it just echoed.

“I know.”

There was a smile on Mar’s face, so nodded.

The next moment, the strength of Death Divine Realm swept over the place.

The silhouette of God of Death and Marr disappeared instantly and returned to the Divine Realm.

At the moment, within the Divine Realm of death, there are already many silhouettes standing in it.

In addition to some silhouettes that God of Death is very familiar with, such as Kate, Blood Moon and Angola and the others.

Among them, Kate is the reincarnated body of the Dim Lord, Blood Moon is the coming body of the God of Blood Moon, and Angola is the caller and the only successor of the Night Watch King.

In the time of the past, with the aid of God of Death, these three have already reached the Peak level of Level 3, only one step away from the final step.

If you count Mard behind God of Death as Goddess successor, then there are only four Gods of Death who are about to reach the level of gods.

At the moment, there are more than these four people standing here.

One after another silhouette stands here, each silhouette has a burst of divine radiance flashing on its body, and there is a rhythm of rhythm flowing on it, which is extremely sacred and solemn.

These silhouettes are nothing else. They are a deity that exists within the realm.

Of course, it is not the deity of Peak.

In today’s material world within the realm, only God of Death and Goddess are still at the sacred level. As for the rest of the deities, most of them are still at the Demi-God level at this moment, not at all truly recovering their former strength.

And at this moment, these deities gather here.

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