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“It seems that everyone is here.”

Standing in front of this great hall, God of Death stood quietly, looking calmly at the countless silhouettes.

“Alien gods have arrived and are now fighting Goddess.”

He looked calm and spoke lightly: “In this opportunity, we must do something.”

“Dear God of Death Your Majesty, what should we do?”

A goddess covered with fluorescent light, where Goddess could see the waves rippling gently, a face full of dignity.

This is a Poseidon.

Earlier, with the movement of Gafina, the Poseidon within the realm of the physical world had fallen into several places.

As Poseidon, she naturally also has a strong sense of crisis, so she seems very positive.

Below, the other gods also look to God of Death in the front, each and everyone looks extremely solemn.

The situation in front of them could not help them not dignified.

As the former gods, although their strength is no longer present at this moment, their original strength still exists.

And their body, once the sacred source, is the best treasure in this world, so others must not be disturbed.

Those gods from other worlds, clearly stated, are coming to their source, and each and everyone are extremely cruel.

Under such circumstances, if they do not have the slightest sense of crisis, I am afraid they will really be over.

“The situation now is very clear.”

Standing at the top, God of Death’s face was calm and lightly opened the mouth and said: “The strength of the group of alien gods is not powerful. The sacred presence revealed so far, but 7 that’s all.”

“This amount, if you are all in Peak, simply does not matter.”

Strength in God World is not trivial, and the number of gods that have accumulated over countless years is definitely not small.

Even though some of the actions of Gafina and the others fell before, some of them still sit here at this moment, there are still nearly 40 people.

Nearly 40 sacred beings, compared with the strength of Wizard World, can easily see the disparity.

It can be said that if these gods recover, it would be nice if Wizard World would not invade God World without being reversed by God World.

“Goddess of the earth has recovered, and is fighting against the gods from outside.”

Standing on the spot, God of Death’s face was calm, and he slowly said: “I will shoot and fight side by side with the Goddess of the earth to fight for the time for you.”

“Taking advantage of this time, everyone present took the opportunity to get promoted together.”

He looked at some of the crowd and said so.

After 1000 years of brewing, many of these gods are now at the Demi-God Peak. Only one leap is needed to make the final step and return to the altar.

Of course, when God of Death spoke like this, some people in the crowd also changed color, and his face looked a little bad at this moment.

These are basically deities that are still some distance away from Demi-God Peak and cannot catch up at this moment.

“Don’t worry about the persecution of the first mover against the latter.”

Noting the faces of those people, God of Death said calmly: “In my God of Death’s promise, before all the gods are promoted to the sacred realm, the war between the gods will never erupt.”

The faint words fell, and then in front of me, many gods secretly sighed in relief.

After several thousand years, only two sacred beings, the King of the Sun and God of Death, appeared in the realm within the realm. This is not without any reason.

Between the gods, it is actually a competitive relationship.

The god who took the lead in recovery will inevitably take measures to suppress the latecomers and suppress the latecomers in various fields.

Therefore, in order to prevent the other party from taking the lead, the gods acted against each other and used their means to drag their legs, which ultimately led to the fact that no one was promoted to the sacred realm for an entire 1000 years.

Under the previous environment, even if the savings are already enough gods, they would not rush into the sacred realm.

Because it means not only to bear the two divine gazes of the King of the Sun and God of Death, but also to be hostile and targeted by many latecomers.

The Sun King and God of Death do not have this problem because their status is too transcendent.

One is Supreme God since the ancient times of the material world, and the other is God of Death who is not interested in spreading his beliefs not at all.

These two have little effect on others.

But others are different.

But at this moment, since God of Death has already made a promise, the rest of the people are worried, but it is not good to continue to say anything at this moment.

“Please be willing to try the gods.”

Quietly standing on top, God of Death spoke lightly.

The words fell, the gods below looked at each other in blank dismay, and then a few silhouettes stepped out of it.

Including Blood Moon, Angola and the others, there are more than a dozen silhouettes juxtaposed, standing together in front of the eyes.

These are enough to seal the existence of God, and everyone can impact the sacred realm at any time, and incarnation is truly sacred.

Even if they haven’t really been incarnation sacred at this moment, their Strength at this moment can’t be underestimated.

Perhaps one-to-one is not an opponent of the divine existence, but if 5 or 6 people join forces, it will be no problem to contend with the divine existence in a short time.

It can only be said that the strength of God World is already extremely powerful, only because of past grudges and inertia, it was not integrated for a while that’s all.

Once integrated, the strength that the gods can explode is extremely huge.


Looking at the dozens of people present in front of him, God of Death nodded, he then said: “Take them to the land of nothingness.”


Mar walked out of the side, black robe elegant, with a hazy breath all over him, just left with the gods in front of him.

After that, only the weaker gods stood.

“Please wait.”

Looking at the silhouette below, God of Death nodded, then the silhouette was directly blurred in place and disappeared here.

The faint death strength shocked, and the breath of terror erupted from here.

Then next moment, in the distance, a burst of breath emerged.

Under the gaze of the gods, they clearly saw that in the center of the material world, the Goddess of the earth emerged with several other breaths.

It was Goddess of the earth and the alien wizards, who were in a fierce fight at the moment.

2 The confrontation between the two is extremely fierce. The breath of Goddess of the earth has gradually weakened, and it is firmly suppressed at the moment.

Even though he was once a Supreme God and had the strength help of Material World, it was too reluctant to face so many wizards alone in the 7th grade.

And at this moment, the strength of death began to show.

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