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Death’s Strength is blooming.

Above this battlefield, in this brief moment, Goddess of the earth raised his head, a trace of existence was reflected in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, her strength and strength broke out all over her, and Profound Truth, which belongs to life, showed up, forcibly supporting the offensive of the others, and heading towards one of them.

That person was no one else, it was McCedo.

As the highest-ranking wizard among the on-site wizards, Mackay not only had the strongest strength, but also recovered part of his strength from successive plunders. Speaking of comprehensive strength, it is definitely the most powerful house on the scene.

Therefore, the Goddess of the earth did not hesitate, and directly tilted the offensive on this person.


Feeling the strength explosion of Goddess of the earth, Mike Duo slightly stunned and was about to block it, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

A faint hazy feeling emerged from my heart, and a fatal sense of danger emerged at this moment.

The death’s strength erupted, turning into true and unremarkable damage.

Still not reacting, a silver long sword chopped down suddenly, chopping on Mackay’s body in an instant.

Silver Flower, Sword of Absolute Killing!

The stunning killing intent bloomed, and the most terrifying Strength broke out.

Profound Truth, which belongs to death, appears at this moment, condensing into one after another mark on Mackay, directly destroying the Strength guardian above his body, and then going further, gradually spreading to the depths of his origin.

boom! !

A faint, clear sound rang continuously at this moment.

A burst of strength broke out.

Under the influence of that strength, McCain’s body began to shatter.

The crack of one after another appeared on his body, and began to spread on his body. At a glance, it looked terrible, and it made people feel throbbing.

Subsequently, his body exploded directly, and at this moment, even if its powerful essence was somewhat unbearable, he could only keep going backwards.

The dying Strength exploded, with the previous desperate blow of the Goddess of the earth, and it almost didn’t let McCedo fall directly.

Feeling all this happening, everyone present was helpless.

In front of me, I don’t know when, there is already a silhouette.

It was a young man with a tall figure, a handsome appearance, and a black robe. His temperament was cold and icy, such as the ice that has not changed for 10000 years, which is daunting.

Above his body, a faint Death Power spilled out, slowly spreading out here, and one after another small Death Domain was faintly formed in all around, directly covering the four sides of the earth.

Suddenly, Gafina and the others looked dignified.

“Belongs to Death Aura, you are God of Death …”

Gafina’s face was a little unsightly, looking at God of Death in front of her, suddenly realized something: “Chimudan lost?”

Earlier, they noticed the remote Qi machine, and there were two Strengths of Death Authority colliding.

At that time, they already knew that God of Death had shot and was colliding head-on with Chimoudan.

However, out of judgment of the situation and trust in Chimoudan, they did not immediately go to support, but prepared to clear up the Goddess in front of them, and then go to Chimoudan to suppress God with Chimoudan. of Death.

This choice is not to be blamed. After all, when they want to come, Goddess of the Earth, as the Supreme God of God World, knows that it should be more difficult to deal with than the existence of God of Death, which has been sacred for more than 1000 years.

Unexpectedly, the final result was completely wrong.

In the face of God of Death, Chimoudan defeated so fast that they had not suppressed the Goddess of the earth, and came to support it.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Mai Jieen looked cold, looking at God of Death in the distance, and his heart was still calm: “The strength of Goddess on the earth is not much. Even if God of Death comes, it will be the same result.”

Everything that has been done before is not in vain.

In the previous period, they had almost suppressed the Goddess of the earth, even if they were given the aid of God of Death at the moment, so they were sighed in relief.

Strength that has been lost will not recover so quickly, and the injuries caused by them are also impossible to heal in a short time.

Under the current situation, the strength of the Goddess of the earth is less than half of the previous one, and it has not posed a great threat to them.

Even though God of Death came, but it had suppressed Chimoudan before, and it was impossible to consume at all. At this moment, Strength is also at a loss.

Taken together, the situation is still in their favor.

With this idea in mind, they moved on.

It was only soon that they knew that their ideas were very wrong.

In the front, looking at the few people who were rushing towards me, God of Death’s face was calm, and the breath of his body was calm, without any vain.

In the midst of meditation, the Strength belonging to the Material World is constantly blessing, so it is constantly blessing on his body, so that the Strength in him begins to climb continuously, and gradually reaches an extreme.

Strength, which belongs to death, is raging, and Divine Realm is erupting, which covers the earth of 4 square meters.


A long sword of silver came out, and the strength of death broke out, chopped down in an instant, and rushed forward.

Just as in the beginning of ancient times, the splitting heaven and earth apart’s blow, under this sword, all the brilliance and laws began to be cut off inch by inch, and the strength of an inch was gradually broken, frozen by the strength of death.

The side that belongs to life gradually stops, and the side that belongs to death explodes completely, presenting at this moment.

boom! !

The sound of a light sound enough to shake the soul came from afar.

Under the terrified eyes of several Maijans in the distance, the long sword in God of Death’s hand waved down, even forcibly pushing their strength and pressing down.

It seems that the crisp sound of broken glass is continually wandering.

Under Majeon’s horrified eyes, the sword swung straight down, directly covering the strength of several people in front of him, directly chopping on his chest, leaving a streak of death on his chest.

boom! !

Crisp sounds continued to ring.

The wave of death ripples here.

Under the strength of this sword, Maijan’s body began to break and was stimulated by the strength in it. Every inch of flesh and blood on his body seemed to be baptized and insanely crazy.

If the Strength of the rest of the people shared the damage of this sword, with this sword alone, he would be on the verge of falling. .

“Impossible, your Strength, how can it be so powerful!”

Feeling the strength in God of Death, Maijan barely supported his body, with a shock on his face, a face full of unbelievable expressions.

Beside him, the faces of the rest of the people were a bit unsightly. At the moment, they looked at God of Death in front of him, and his face looked very pale.

It was on the side, feeling the strength of God of Death, Goddess looking thoughtful.

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