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In God World, at this moment in every corner of the material world, there is a strong breath rising.

God of Death vs. Adier, Goddess vs. Gafina and other sacred figures, both of which have a breath of breath rising above the battlefield.

The whole material world within the realm is boiling.

Within the Abyss World, several pairs of eyes are also watching.

“It’s wonderful.”

Looking at the chaotic situation of the material World, the Earth Demon King has a faint smile on his face, and at this time, he can not help but sigh gently.

Beside him, the god of destruction stood quietly, looking at the chaos of the material world at this moment, could not help shaking his head.

“Who said no?”

He shook his head and sighed a little at this moment: “I have experienced a lot of big scenes from ancient times to the present, but there are really few exciting scenes like this one.”

“Aren’t you going to help?”

The King of Earth Demon opened the mouth and said: “You are now in the past to help, with your Strength, enough to reverse the situation and decide the final battle situation.”

“Nothing is necessary.”

The God of Destruction spoke softly: “Even if I don’t exist, they are enough to save the situation.”

“Besides, if God of Death and Goddess of the earth have really failed, isn’t there you?”

He said softly that the observation of the situation was very thorough.

Lord of the Earth Demon laughed, not at all continue to speak.

The God of Destruction does not care about the gods of the Material World, which is quite normal.

In the battle in the ancient times, he failed to compete with the Sun King and was knocked down into the abyss. Those gods who followed him naturally had no good ending. Each and everyone were slowly in the past for countless years. Suppressed, eventually one after another fell into the dust.

In this day and age, few of the gods that exist within the realm in the material world are familiar to the god of destruction, but many belong to the former enemies.

Previously, there was a God of Slaughter, a former subordinate and betrayer.

And now, even God of Slaughter has fallen. His authority is inherited by God of Death, and he is completely dead.

The God of Destruction is naturally not interested in ending.

However, this is also good.

If he really wants to end, the King of Earth Demons has to think of a reason to stop him.

“What do you think of the God of Death?”

Standing quietly, looking at the scene of the battle between God of Death and Adier in the distance, the Lord of Earth Demon laughed, so opened the mouth and said.


The God of Destruction looked at it and said, “He not only mastered the Slaughter’s authority very well, but also quickly grasped the essence of Death’s authority. If this time can not fall, he definitely has the potential to promote Supreme God’s power.”

“The catastrophe of this time is a disaster for others, but it is a rare opportunity for them.”

He laughed and saw the essence of it thoroughly: “Those exotic gods invaded God World and brought an unprecedented slaughter.”

“The Slaughter’s Strength enveloped the entire God World, and even his Strength was also improved.”

“This is a rare asset.”

“When the catastrophe of this time is over, if he can fully absorb the gains of this time, I am afraid that he can really reach this level and approach the Supreme God.”

He laughed and made such a comment on God of Death.

On the side, the earth demon king is nodded, indifferent expression about it.

They looked very leisurely.

The turmoil of the material world is a great disaster for the gods of the material world, but it is nothing to them.

Although the Abyss World and the Material World belong to the same World, in general, they are two completely different individuals.

And in the past history, the contradiction between the gods and the abyss is not small.

At the moment, the gods of bad luck, as the side of the abyss, the King of the Earth Demon watching the play silently on the side, this is a completely understandable behavior.

Faint ripples rose in the void, coming from within the realm.

The Earth Demon King looked up and saw that within the realm, the majestic light flashed.

Dim and light are together. In the interweaving of light and darkness, a young boy with an ordinary appearance and a tall figure walks out of the air and sends his own voice to the entire material world.

“I am the Lord of Darkness!”

A faint voice fell, and the law of light and darkness intertwined, rippling at the moment.

In this competition, the advent of the Dark Lord returned first and returned to the material world within the realm.

Seeing this, the King of Earth Demons is unable to bear laughed: “It seems the ending has been revealed.”

Another brand-new deity returned and re-entered the sacred.

This undoubtedly ended the turmoil.

The strength of the material World is surging, and the World Power of Origin is constantly blessing, and it is boiling for the appearance of a new deity.

“It seems that we won in the end.”

The material world within the realm, a battlefield.

God of Death was covered in blood, and there were scars all over his body, all split up and in pieces.

His face was cold and cold, and the golden divine blood continued to spread from above his body, but his breath was still so dead, without any fluctuation.

In the fierce fighting, he was suppressed very miserable, and almost fell several times.

But at this moment, the ending was announced, and he finally supported it until the dawn dawned.

On the opposite side, looking at God of Death, who was still in a blood bath, Adier remained silent for a moment, and then laughed: “Yeah.”

“It seems that this time, you won.”

“It’s no longer necessary to fight.”

He spoke lightly, holding the previous smile on his face: “However, your companion seems to be running out.”

God of Death was stunned, and subconsciously turned and looked.

I saw that on another battlefield in the distance, the body of the Goddess of the earth was torn by Gafina and the others, and now it was weak to the bottom.

Her body is constantly broken, and the sacred flesh is constantly spreading. At this moment, she does not know how far away it spreads.

The life force belonging to the deity became extremely weak. She looked weak to the extreme, only one step away from the eventual fall.

At this moment, the addition of a new strength announced the final outcome.

With the strength of the Emerald Mark flashing, the dreaded Strength exploded in an instant.

The Goddess of the earth hadn’t had time to react, and his body shattered and exploded in an instant.

But at this time, she failed to continue to restore, and was directly seized by the other side of the fairy lord and the mother of the earth, and the last point of life was directly suppressed.

A faint blood rain drifted, and a little blood floated on the sky.

The consciousness of the material World is faintly mourning, saddened by the fall of a deity.

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