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A faint blood rain wafted above the material World.

With the fall of the Goddess of the earth, the entire physical world sent out bursts of wail.

Sighs of sighs came from the depth of the material world, and that was the sadness of the material world.

The Goddess of the earth is one of the Supreme Gods of the material world. It holds the most powerful authority of the material world. Its strength and status are respected. It is within the realm second only to the sun king before the whole material world.

Today, within a few days of the World, the King of the Sun and Goddess of the Earth have fallen one after another.

Even though the material World does not have real will, it can’t be irritated at this moment. The Strength of it explodes and bursts of thunderbolt.

A series of thunderbolt traversed through the air, the endless light rain filled, there seems to be some strength in the midst of the heavens, blessing the body of God of Death.

Suddenly, the breath of God of Death began to change, and the body that was originally damaged due to the struggle with Adier began to recover slowly at this moment, almost recovering Peak.

Looking at this scene, Adier looked calm, but secretly nodded.

God of Death is one of himself. If it is not necessary, he will naturally not fight God of Death.

The reason why he has been fighting God of Death for so long is of course also a purpose.

Adier’s identity is a member of the Wizard World, and God of Death is a member of God World. The two sides are antagonized in identity, which is a difference in position.

Unless the relationship between the 2 people is completely exposed, otherwise Adier and God of Death will have no choice but to fight.

Therefore, the collision between two people is actually unavoidable.

The reason God of Death shot is to win God World ’s consciousness and recognition.

As the first god of promotion in this era, God of Death has the potential to be promoted to Supreme God, but this does not mean that he can stand on the top of God World and become a real Divine King.

In front of God of Death, there are two historical Supreme God powers, the Sun King and Goddess.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if God of Death promotes Supreme God’s power with his own strength, he can’t become the king of the gods and get all the support of the material world, at most the same as the king of the sun.

In order to avoid this, Adier will take the shot first.

Gafina and the others thought that the reason why Adier shot the King of the Sun was because he was staring at the origin of the King of the Sun, plus the existence of factors such as the God of Destruction, the King of Demon and so on.

But in fact, those reasons are not important, just to cover up.

Adier from the beginning to the end, the purpose of at first is to level the obstacles for the God of Death.

Therefore, he first attracted Gafina and the others, removed the king of the sun by the hand of the ancient wizard, and exposed the location of the Goddess of the earth.

Adier knew.

Among the ancient wizards, the mother of the earth and the goblin lord are the same sacred powers of life. In the realm, within the realm, they will surely focus on Goddess, the Supreme God who controls the power of life.

And as long as they stare at the Goddess of the earth, the things that follow are logical.

As long as the Goddess of the earth also falls with the king of the sun, then as the first place deity of this era and the most powerful powerhouse of the current strength, God of Death will certainly be the only object supported by the material world.

On the potential, God of Death holds the power of the slaughter and death. Under the circumstances where the sun king and the Goddess of the earth successively fall, it is already the only existence in the realm with the hope of being promoted to Supreme God.

On Strength, God of Death, who holds the slaver and death authority, is already the 7th grade Peak, and is the supreme powerhouse within the realm of the current material world.

In the case where the Sun King and the Goddess of the earth fell one after another, the material World had no choice but to bless Strength on God of Death.

And this kind of blessing will deepen the advantage of God of Death, so that God of Death will be promoted faster in the following years.

Similarly, in the material world within the realm, the performance of God of Death is also seen by the gods.

At the threshold of the wizard’s invasion, the Sun King and Goddess of the earth fell one after another. Only the God of Death stepped forward to fight for the promotion of the gods, fighting with an exotic Supreme God to fight for the gods. Open up a glimmer of survival.

Putting such performances in the eyes of the gods will lay the strongest foundation for God of Death.

When God of Death is promoted to Supreme God, he is the well-deserved king of the gods, enough to unify the entire material world.

And Adier is the same.

At the most critical moment, many ancient wizards were rescued by God of Death. Many ancient wizards must be grateful.

Coupled with today’s wizarding world within the realm, he is already the only king.

The combination of various factors will inevitably make him gain a certain degree of prestige among wizards, and it is not impossible to become a wizard leader.

In nothingness, Adier and God of Death glanced at each other, and all thoughts were silent.

Between the nothingness, a sharp light flickered past, God of Death’s Strength exploded again, and became extremely powerful under the blessing of the material World.

His strength had already reached the Peak of 7th grade. At the moment, he is further on the blessing that the Material World no longer retains. Now he has reached a higher limit.

At the moment of fighting, the prestige that broke out was amazing.

Silver Flower, Sword of Absolute Killing.

The stunning killing intent blooms.

In the Divine Realm of death, a sword of silver flashed, and then spilled out, crashing down.

boom! !

A horrible sword erupted, the most deadly killing intent overflowing.

At this moment, Adier’s complexion finally changed. At this moment, he felt a horrible strength being depressed. He was thinking about chopping down his origin. He seemed to be chopping off his origin and directly let him step into death.


The terrifying Strength erupted at this moment, and the void seemed distorted.

Faintly, you can hear roars coming from all directions, like is a Demon God roaring, and an extremely horrible sound erupted.

The space at 4 begins to break, and the space fragments of one after another have scattered since then.

In the endless brilliance, one can only see one after another space fragments spread out from a distance and rushed beyond the world crystal wall.

“This kind of Strength …”

In the distance, suppressing the origins left by the Goddess of the earth, Gafina’s face was dignified, and she looked to the distance. Rao was already prepared. At this moment, she was shocked.

“It is close to the level of the king, even if it is not far from my Peak time.”

Mackay’s face was solemn, and he said so at this moment.

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