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“Now the situation has evolved to this point, and the King of Earth Demon has already been promoted to the King. Are you willing to open the door of the World for us?”

Standing in the same place, looking at the people present, Mackay asked sincerely.

The words fell, and everyone on the scene could not help frowning.


Up to now, several wizards present have been recalled.

The cooperation between the Earth Demon King and them is essentially an exploitation.

They used the King of Earth Demons to open the door of World and took the opportunity to invade God World. Why did the King of Earth Demons use them to re-strength the Strength of the Abyss World, so as to clean up the mess.

If they had not hit the Strength of the Abyss World, so that the will of the abyss would be forced to the extreme, how could the King of Demon go to the position of the abyss so easily.

Of course, this is nothing wrong.

They and the King of the Earth Demon belong to two Worlds. There is no friendship at all. Some just use that’s all for each other.

Only in this situation now, the gods within God World have recovered, and the King of Earth Demon himself is incarnation dominated by the abyss, successfully promoted to level 8.

Is he willing to continue working with them to open the door to World?

The thoughts flashed in the hearts of several wizards present, and then his eyes focused on Adier.

The cooperation and contact with the King of the Earth Demon are all responsible for Adier from beginning to end. Even the discovery and development of God World are the foundations laid by Adier.

At this moment, only Adier can answer this question.

Facing the eyes of everyone present, Adier slowly took the head: “I’m afraid not.”

“Now, he is already the master of the abyss. He is the master of God World and will not easily cooperate with us.”

“Moreover, after the changes of this time, the gods within God World will also be vigilant in order to put pressure on the King of Earth Demon.”

“There is no special reason, he will not open the door to the world for us again.”


Speaking of which, Adier paused, did not continue to speak.

“Unless what?”

Mackay and the others asked.

“Unless, we can give him enough benefits.”

Standing in place, Adier laughed, saying so.

“He is now the master of the abyss. As a king, what can we touch him?”

Standing on the spot, Mackay frowned, asking with some doubt.

The rest of the people also seemed a little puzzled and couldn’t help focusing their eyes on Adier.

“The construction method of the World Gate, and … how about the coordinates of a source World?”

“The coordinates of the source World!”

Several people were stunned.

Origin World, this is undoubtedly the biggest temptation.

A source World represents to a certain extent a boundary sea. As long as a source World is conquered, then to a certain extent, it is equivalent to a boundary sea that is conquered by you.

The huge benefits revealed in this can be imagined.

No matter who it is, as long as it can completely control a source World, it can use it to obtain a whole range of resources of the sea. Under the accumulation of infinite resources, it is enough to reach an unimaginable level.

This level of temptation, even a king, can never resist.

At the time of Ancient Era, why did the Witcher World and the Scourge World confront each other, even though both sides suffered heavy losses, never thought of giving up?

It is not because both sides are the origin of the world. Once they conquer each other, they can completely control the sea of ​​the opposite world and sublimate the souls of the entire world.

Because of this, there will be an outbreak of a tragic war in ancient times.

And now, Adier actually wants to use a coordinate of the origin World as a bargaining chip?

Even though several wizards present were powerful and sacred, each of them was extremely transcendent in nature, reaching above the 7th grade. At this moment, it was almost in a trance and almost stunned.

“Jade Emperor … you …”

Gafina opened the Unable to Bear and looked at the Adier in front of him, and asked the Unable to Bear opening: “Apart from the coordinates of God World, do you have the coordinates of other origin World?”

The Origin World is extremely difficult. From the ancient times to the present, there is only one Origin World discovered in the entire Wizard World. That is the Scourge World.

Now, in addition to the coordinates of God World, does the Adier in front of him also have the coordinates of other origin Worlds?

the thoughts got to this point, Gafina and the others could not help but light up, and their eyes were fixed on Adier in front of them.

Being watched by their eyes, Adier’s expression appeared calm, just laughed: “The coordinates of other origin World, I not at all.”

“It’s just that there is one right in front of us?”

Looking at Gafina and the others, Adier spoke gently.

“You mean…”

Mackay suddenly realized something, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

“Not bad.”

Adier nodded, slowly say a name: “natural disaster.”

Scourge World is also one of the Origin Worlds, and it is the Origin World in Peak, and its Strength is much stronger than the Wizard World.

“so that’s how it is.”

Gafina and the others also reacted. At this time, she couldn’t help but shine.

“Sell them the coordinates of Scourge World and drive them to fight Scourge World?”

Maijan twisted her neck, and a unique smile appeared on a vicious face: “Good idea.”

There must be a battle between Wizard World and Scourge World.

Regarding this point, several wizards present were very clear in their hearts.

And from the current situation, it is not too far away from this battle at this moment, it may start soon.

But in terms of hard power, the natural disaster as a winner is undoubtedly much stronger than the Wizard World.

2 Once the war broke out, the Wizard World could only take a defensive position, and the real chance of winning was actually not great.

But with the addition of the variable God World, the situation is very different.

The strength of God World is extremely powerful. There are so many sacred numbers in it, and the World Strength accumulated in it is so rich.

Its powerful level is the only life of many wizards present.

Due to the power of God World, once it has obtained the coordinates of Scourge World, it is very likely to come into contact with Scourge World, and eventually it will gradually evolve into a more violent situation.

What are the good results when two powerful sources of World come into contact?

Perhaps at first, because Mo was not clear about the situation, God World would not start.

But when they figure out the truth and truth of Scourge World and understand that Scourge World is far less powerful than them, the result will become inevitable.

A war will surely break out.

Once the war between God World and Scourge World breaks out, the danger of Wizard World can be temporarily lifted, at least for a considerable period of time, there will not be any problems.

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