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Standing on the high platform, several powerful wizards are quietly deducing.

Earlier Adier’s statement opened a whole new way of thinking for them.

Following this line of thought, they began to play silently, deducing what might happen next.

not very long, Gafina nodded: “It is indeed feasible.”

“Once God World and Scourge World come into contact, for at least hundred of thousands of years, Wizard World will not have any problems.”

“Even as a third party outside of the fighting, we may have more opportunities.”

“But there are problems.”

Mackay frowned, saying another possibility: “God World’s strength is too strong, even if Scourge World is far behind.”

“If they really defeated Scourge World and occupied the entire Scourge World, what should they do?”

He raised this possibility.

This is indeed an extremely dangerous possibility.

No matter how you calculate it, the gap in strength is there, almost irreparable.

God World is stronger than Wizard World, and also stronger than Scourge World.

40-50 divine shots together, the scene is extremely scary.

The strength of Scourge World and Wizard World is not as good as God World.

Not to mention that in the ancient times, when the two worlds were at war, the sacredness of each other had fallen a lot. At this moment, the strength was already not in Peak.

This is the case with Wizard World, as is Scourge World.

With the powerful strength of God World, what if the natural disasters are really wiped out?

Many wizards present did not think that after the Scourge was wiped out, they would let go of the Wizard World.

For their sacred group, if they can do everything, they will not make choices.

God World has the strength to swallow everything, and will never let go of the Wizard World.

If the situation really evolves to this point, then their behavior today is equivalent to finding a more terrifying adversary for the Wizard World than the Scourge World.

the thoughts got to this point, several wizards present frowned.

Adier laughed: “If it does, don’t let the Scourge World be destroyed by them.”

“If Wizard World and Scourge World join forces, God World’s strength is still an advantage, but it is unlikely to destroy us.”

Witcher World and Scourge World join forces?

Can it still be like this?

Several wizards in the scene did not turn around for a while.

Since ancient times, Scourge World and Wizard World have been enemies. Almost the brains of both sides have come out, and both sides have fallen a lot of sacred.

The ancestor of Adier, the former master of Jadeite World, the mother of jadeite is still suppressed in the natural disaster world at this moment.

Since the defeat in that year, Wizard World has been preparing for countless years in order to resist World Scourge.

Now it is said to let Scourge World and Wizard World join forces.

Even if it was McCedo, the former World Guardian, there was no came back to his senses.

But soon, they reacted, and after thinking for a while, could not help but nodded: “Feasible.”

There are no eternal enemies or eternal friends in this world, and there are only interests that’s all.

In the past, there were only the Wizard World and the Scourge World. Both sides naturally died of each other, hitting their brains.

But after the third party God World appears, this may not be the case.

After the emergence of God World, if Scourge World is unable to support it and is trapped in pressure, it will inevitably choose to join forces with Wizard World to fight God World together.

The strength of God World is indeed very strong, but if faced with the two Great World of Scourge and Wizard at the same time, it may not be able to please.

The situation was suddenly revitalized.

Standing silently, looking at the suddenly realized expression on the face of Gafina and the others, Adier stood there, couldn’t help laughing.

He turned around and looked at the sky above the horizon. His eyes seemed to pass through the barriers of the World in an instant and saw the outline of another World.

Outside the infinite distance, in God World.

Thunderstorms flashed, and after the baptism of the mighty law, a new deity came out head-on.

Under the blessing of the material world, all 12 deities were successfully promoted and turned into sacred.

Among these 12 deities, many people have a relationship with God of Death.

Kate is the disciplinary of God of Death, and the former Dim Lord’s advent body. He was raised by God of Death since he was a child.

Angola is the successor of the king of the night watchman and a follower of God of Death. He has been following God of Death for many years.

Blood Moon is the descendant of the blood moon god. When it was awakened by the bloody jazz, it was rescued by God of Death who was Legendary at that time, and then he was supported all the way.

Needless to say, Mar is the most loyal follower of God of Death from the beginning. At this moment, he also inherited the goddess of Destiny Goddess and became a new generation of Destiny Goddess.

These 4 people are arguably the most loyal followers of God of Death, and their loyalty need not be questioned.

In addition to these four people, among the remaining deities, there are also a few who have made good contact with God of Death.

Even some gods who had not communicated before, after standing up after God of Death this time, they are equally grateful to them and very supportive.

But in front of them, as these gods were promoted, some problems began to gradually emerge.

The promotion of the deity requires the accumulation of food. It can be said that the birth of each divine existence consumes a large amount of strength, reaching a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The expression put into God World is faith.

In the past, why did the gods argue and the battle with each other never stopped?

The conflict between authority and individual is one of the reasons, but a more fundamental reason is the struggle for faith.

The deity’s strength recovery requires a huge strength of faith, so the more deities the believer has, the faster the strength recovery speed and the faster the speed.

No one wants to fall behind, because being behind means being beaten.

Because of this, the gods argued and dragged each other.

At this moment, within the realm, within the realm, including God of Death, there are a total of 3 gods that have been successfully promoted, but they have not yet been promoted, and are still at the Demi-God level, but there are also dolls.

Under normal circumstances, a bloody battle is bound to erupt.

In order to maintain their own advantages, expand their beliefs, and at the same time fight against competitors, these firstly promoted gods will inevitably continue to fight against the beliefs of other gods, so that they ca n’t recover safely, or even directly wage wars, and directly promote the gods who have not been promoted Kill.

But now, this cannot be the case.

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