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The situation of Material World has fallen into an awkward situation.

According to the past inertia, when the first batch of gods in the material world appeared, the gods would have to start the civil war mode, and they would start fighting for their faith, and start a battle in the material world within the realm.

But not now.

the reason is simple.

Prior to this, God of Death had admitted to admit that the first mover would not oppress the latecomer, and would ensure the promotion of everyone.

Now, the foreign enemies originating from the Wizard World have retreated. God of Death, because of the previous rescue of the gods and the defense of the material World merits, there is now a tendency to be the head of the gods.

But if the conditions he promised previously could not be fulfilled, and the gods were allowed to conquer with the realm in the material world, then the prestige that was finally established would also be put into vain.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, he can not allow the God War in God World to start, he must stop it.

But if you want to stop this, it is not enough to use Strength to suppress it.

Forcibly suppressing with Strength, suppressing the pioneers, of course, can work for a while, but in the long run there are no small hidden dangers, and it is even more detrimental to God of Death itself.

So this choice is not as a last resort, God of Death can never do it.

Therefore, how to coordinate the contradictions between the parties, and how to make the conflict between the forerunner and the latecomer less sharp, this is the first problem that God of Death is facing now, and it is what he wants to face when he wants to be the king of the gods. The first challenge.

But for this, God of Death is already prepared.

In the realm of the material world, leading the gods that have already recovered, God of Death has begun a large-scale development.

The contradiction in God World begins with the struggle for faith.

The believers of the entire material world within the realm are limited. The more you are, the less I will be.

It is for this reason that the relationship between the gods is not harmonious, but it is the relationship between the competitors.

If you want to prevent the gods from fighting, you must meet the gods’ need for faith, so that they have enough believers.

According to God of Death, this problem is not too difficult.

Just make the cake bigger.

To meet the basic needs of all the gods for faith, it is not enough to believe in the material world.

But in this case, it is enough to increase the number of believers within the realm.

The land in the material world is very vast. Even though the years of existence are so long, many of the land in it is still not occupied by people. Or, although there are creatures, the efficiency of utilization is not very high.

Past experience tells God of Death that the same piece of land can have different populations.

In the primitive era, it may take extremely large land to satisfy a tribe, but with the progress and explosion of productivity, more and more products are produced on a piece of land, and the population that can be supplied will continue to increase.

And this trend of change is often a criterion for determining whether a civilization is sufficiently advanced.

However, at this moment, within the realm of the entire material world, because of the past conquest between the gods and some reasons brought by faith, there are not many advanced areas of the material world within the realm civilization, but it is reckless Geography occupies most of it.

Even in those advanced civilized regions, the productivity of them may not be so strong in God of Death’s view, it can only be said that it’s all better than other places.

Commonly known as rotten.

The existence of this phenomenon is undoubtedly extremely harmful to the reproduction of the population.

Especially in some areas, there is even a slave system, which openly sacrifices precious populations.

In the past, no one thought of change. It was not that no one saw it. It was the result of the gods pulling each other and dragging each other ’s hind legs.

Those who want to change are powerless, those who are capable are already vested interests, and have no incentive to change.

But by now God of Death, the situation is a bit different.

The situation of the material world within the realm in front of us has reached a point where it cannot be changed without change.

Unless, God of Death is willing to overthrow his promise.

This may be true, but God of Death will never do it as a last resort.

In response to the material World situation, God of Death led the gods and began to actively take action.

In various ways, they began to change.

The gods personally intervened with mortals, and the speed of change was extremely fast.

Illuminated by the divine force of the gods, the entire material world began to change slowly, each and everyone The ancient old empire continued to collapse, and the new empire continued to build and collapsed.

On the earth, a high-yielding crop was discovered and put into use, which greatly reduced the pressure on food and the population began to increase.

At the same time, the development of the wild area also promoted the growth of the material world within the realm.

The population of the entire material world within the realm has multiplied several times in just a few thousand years, enough to meet the needs of the gods ’recovery.

At this time, God of Death also launched his second regular meeting of the gods with his prestige.

The first regular meeting of the gods was when Adier and other ancient wizards invaded the material world.

At that time, the gods were threatened by the wizards, so they came to seek the refuge of God of Death.

At this time, the regular meeting of the gods is held again, relying on the prestige of God of Death itself.

After these 1000 years of hard work, God of Death’s prestige has gone further, and while the population of the material world is multiplying, it has also mastered many key authorities and gained more support from the material world.

It can be said that after thousands of years of hard work and brewing, the prestige of God of Death is now no less than that of the former Sun King.

Compared with the former King of the Sun, the present material world within the realm cannot find an existence that can compete with it.

All the gods are new, and their strength is all at a low point. They dare not violate the orders of God of Death.

Faced with his call, the gods came without hesitation.

This time the meeting of the gods, under the witness of the gods, God of Death established several guidelines.

There are many, many of them, but the real key and specific ones are actually only two.

First, the believers of the gods are not allowed to initiate blood sacrifice and take any ceremony and sacrifices offered by wise creatures. The offenders will be beaten as Evil God, and the gods will fight together.

The second is to allow believers to believe in multiple Spiritual Gods together, and faith is no longer unique.

In the past, a person who believes in the king of the sun can no longer believe in Goddess, but this situation has now been changed.

An ordinary mortal, he may believe in God of Death as well as other gods.

Faith becomes no longer unique.

This change does not seem very good, but it is actually a means of liberating believers.

A believer who can believe in many deities is impossible by itself. Even if he is not allowed to believe in other deities at the same time, his faith in the original deities may not be so religious. The supply of strength of Faith is also impossible how many.

However, if it is allowed to believe in multiple deities, then the strength of Faith can be provided for multiple deities at the same time, which invisibly increases the utilization rate of resources.

At the same time, this is also a way of life for the weak gods.

The strength of the deities varies from strong to weak, and the powers they possess vary.

There are many gods whose priesthoods and powers are too small, and they are destined to have few believers.

In the past, when a believer can only believe in one deity, believers of this type of deity are destined to be less likely to be able to compete with those powerful deities.

But if believers are allowed to believe in multiple deities at the same time, then the situation will undoubtedly be much better.

At least after the believer has more choices, the chances of these weak gods will be much greater invisible.

In addition to these two, there are actually a lot of small regulations that only really affect the gods, and there are only two of them.

After reaching a consensus with the gods and jointly formulating the law of the gods, in the invisible, the prestige of God of Death grew again.

the reason is simple.

Enforcement rights.

If you want to implement these two rules seriously, you need to monitor and enforce them.

As the head of the current gods and the initiator of the meeting of gods, God of Death automatically has these two rights, and the deterrent to the gods naturally becomes stronger.

This is also one of the purposes of God of Death’s initiative to convene a meeting of the gods.

In the following days, the material world within the realm gradually fell into peace.

The gods lurked silently and began to cultivate in their respective regions, slowly recovering their strength.

But for the existence under those gods, the material world is extremely lively.

The regulations made on the meeting of the gods have a certain binding effect on the gods, but the impact on the existence of those gods is even more terrifying.

In the material world within the realm, there are many Legendary powerhouses, and even some Demi-Gods have the habit of letting believers blood sacrifice in order to gain strength.

This is one of Strength’s acquisition methods. After all, Demi-God is not a real deity, and the origin of Strength is far from that wide.

Therefore, within the realm of the material world, many Demi-Gods use blood sacrifice as their main means of gaining strength.

At the moment, as soon as the regulations of the meeting of the gods came out, many of these existences were directly called Evil God.

Within the material world, God of Death’s sacrifices kept shooting, killing each and everyone.

If it is Demi-God, there will even be Divine Item, and even some deities incarnation personally shot against it.

For a while, these existences can be described as extremely miserable.

The severity of the strike, the terror of Strength, is something that evil existence never thought of.

Under the continuation of this blow, the atmosphere of the entire material world was cleared in a short time, and it seemed much cleaner.

In this atmosphere, God of Death also began to prepare for new actions.

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