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In peace, time gradually passed.

In the 3000 years signed by the calendars of the gods, great changes have taken place in the entire material time.

The mortals continue to multiply, the number of believers continues to increase, and the existence of evil is constantly being hit, all of which have greatly increased the strength of the entire physical world.

Feeling this change, Material World also began to feedback back to Strength spontaneously, continuously feeding back to God of Death, which made God of Death’s Strength more and more scary.

At this moment, in just a few thousand hours, God of Death’s Strength seems to have expanded to a new level. That kind of terrifying Strength cannot be directly seen by any god.

He is like a soaring black sun, no one can face it, even the gods.

The horrible Strength is raging, in a world of nothingness, the breath of God of Death gradually becomes horrible.

And here, the entire material world within the realm, the strength of the gods has also recovered.

Counting that period of time, it has been 8000 years since the last Witcher World invasion.

In 8000 years, the changes in the material world are changing with each passing day, and the originally silent gods have also completed their recovery at this moment, and they have been promoted one after another.

In today’s material world within the realm, the number of true deities alone is no less than 40, and the number of Demi-God is far more than that.

Such a terrifying Strength, if placed outside the bounds of the sea, was understood by many wizards of the wizard world, I am afraid that it will be frightened.

In the emptiness, God of Death slowly eyes opened, and in a pair of black eyes, it seems that there are 2 rounds of black sun rising, shining a rich death glory.

The terrifying Strength is erupting, and an inch of Death Aura spills from him, spreading out continuously.

That terrible breath, and the extremely strong authority Strength, is no longer the 7th grade Peak in the past, but has gone further and reached a more terrifying level.

Although it has not really been promoted to level 8, it is not far away.

“it’s time……”

Standing in place, God of Death muttered to himself, looking at a World in the distance, and began to speak slowly.

Then on his body, a little breath diffused toward the entire material world, and was felt by the remaining gods.

In the following days, as the supervisor of his own gods and the head of the gods, God of Death began to call on the gods and began the third regular meeting of the gods.

The theme of this time’s regular meeting is very simple.

Conquer the abyss.

When God of Death uttered this sentence calmly, all the gods present could not help but be amazed.

“finally come……”

Looking at the God of Death in front of him, the thought flashed through the Divine Hearts, and he couldn’t help feeling lightly.

The conflict between Abyss World and Material World has a long history.

As early as in the past, when the Material World was strong, the gods did all kinds of small movements within the realm.

And 8000 years ago, when the Material World was in turmoil, the abyss not only did not have support, but blatantly sheltered the sacred wizards from outside.

God of Death fought with the exotic Supreme God for a long time, and it was hard to hit the other party, but was sheltered by the abyss, allowing the other party to leave directly.

Regarding this result, the gods present remembered it at the moment, and did not forget it.

The time of 8000 years is a very long time for mortals, but for the gods it seems like yesterday.

They still remember clearly what happened during that time.

When God of Death pursued the exotic Supreme God, the abyss master, the Earth Demon King, also appeared in person to block God of Death from the outside.

Liang Zi of the two sides had already settled at that time, and now it was time to return.

I did n’t mention it in the past because the strength of the material world is still inadequate, but now, after 8000 years of hard work, the strength of the material world has returned to a certain level, even if it is not far from the peak.

It was a great time to find Liang Zi back.

For the God of Death’s proposal, the gods thought for a moment, but finally nodded, and agreed.

Fighting against the World of Abyss and expedition against the King of Earth Demon is not only to find Liang Zi, but more importantly, it is totally profitable.

After the transformation of Abyss World by Abyss World, the environment today has become very different.

In the past, the abyss World is full of strong abyss gas. No creature can survive on the vast earth, and the vast earth is wasted in vain, and can only be left there.

But after passing the King of Earth Demon, the situation of Abyss World is very different at this moment.

The atmosphere of the huge abyss began to fade, and various creatures suitable for the abyss World were also nurtured by the King of Earth Demon.

Even the demons in it are new demons cultivated by the King of Earth Demons, not the chaotic creatures of the past.

This is totally profitable.

The land of Abyss World can be used to grow food and feed more people.

And those new demons are also great sources of believers, and can provide a huge strength of Faith for the gods.

Once the conquest of the Abyss World can be won, these things can be obtained by them.

Although the outcome of this battle is undecided, on the whole, the gods still prefer the material world.

The reason is very simple.

After 8000 years of hard work, the Strength of the Material World has returned to a certain level at this moment. God of Death itself is only the last step away from the Supreme God. Under the Strength of the Material World, it will not be inferior to the Supreme God.

Of course, within the realm, the King of Earth Demon is also Supreme God’s power, and it also has the blessing of the Abyss World, and the comprehensive Strength is still better than God of Death.

But in the whole abyss, who besides the Supreme God power of the Earth Demon King?

That is the first two demons Hera Udi and God of Destruction.

A total of 3 gods, although each one is extremely powerful, either Supreme God power or Supreme God power in the past.

But apart from these three, they have no one else.

At the moment, within the realm, there are more than 40 deities.

God of Death itself is enough to offset the power of a Supreme God, and after excluding a person, it is more than 40 gods to fight against the 2 sacred world of the abyss World.

This gap in quantity is extremely obvious, and the disparity reaches a terrible point.

Equivalent to everyone, have to face more than 20 divine joints alone.

This amount of terror, even when it was the past Sun King Peak, felt a bit tricky.

Even with the existence of the Abyss World factor, the odds of winning this battle are also on their side.

Therefore, the gods of death chose the proposal without much hesitation.


Looking at the decisions of the gods below, God of Death nodded, a smile appeared on his face.

The proposals of the gods are passed, then next is the preparation time.

After the meeting of the gods, the gods did not immediately start, but prepared for a long time.

After a full 1000 years, they started to work.


In the material world, a faint shimmer flashes.

On this day, the entire material world within the realm began to undergo various changes.

Under the horrified eyes of the believers of each and everyone, the material world within the realm and various natural phenomena began to show.

There is an ocean roaring indiscriminately, the sky subverts, the earth trembles, and a black sun ascends to the sky, and the horror scene illuminating the world appears.

The sounds of prayer began to resound over the earth, and the endless strength of Faith began to boil, rising directly into the sky.

The strength of Faith of golden shines on the sky, almost covering the whole sky, turning into golden suns, covering everything.

Then in various places of the material world, the breath of a deity began to spread, rushing directly out of the material world.

boom! !

Under the call of God of Death, a deity began to descend and appeared beside God of Death.

The majesty of the world broke out, it was the breath of the gods alone. It was now diffused in this place, almost collapsed here, and turned this place into nothingness.

In the center of the gods, God of Death stood still, his eyes closed, and there he adjusted his breath.

Aside, Mar, the god of fate, stood to the right of God of Death, looking at the scene in front of him.

“The picture of destiny is a little vague, but overall, it is in a good direction.”

After a moment, Mar looked at the God of Death on the side and spoke so.

“The same is true for my deduction.”

Below, another Goddess named God of Foresight, who also has the relevant authority, slowly opens his mouth, and respectfully opened the mouth and said to God of Death: “In the picture I foreseen, not at all scenes where the gods are falling.”

Without the gods falling, it means that the gods will win.

See the two Goddess who have the relevant authority to say so, the gods present can not help but the heart is relaxed, at this time the heart secretly sighed in relief.

Although not on the surface, there is still some concern among the gods about the battle of this time.

After all, the three people in the Abyss World are not to be trifled with, even if they are the weakest destructive gods at the moment, and they are also fierce persons who can compete with the Sun King as early as in ancient times.

Not to mention the King of the Earth Demon and the original devil Hera Udi, not to mention that each one is a ruthless character, and none of them is irritating.

It is not easy to deal with these three people, and it is not easy to deal with them, let alone face three at a time.

Although the gods are very confident in their own strength, they are also somewhat upset.

Seeing that the two Goddess are so open at the moment, I naturally feel a little sure in my heart and feel a lot of peace of mind.

Located in the center of the gods, God of Death stands there. For the two Goddess, it is just nodded, there is not much.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at him.

At this moment, after a period of waiting, the gods participating in the war have already arrived.

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