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“let’s start……”

Standing at the top of the material world, God of Death slowly opened his eyes, looking at the gods gathered in front of him at the moment, so he said.

At this moment, the gods gather in this place, and the strength of the entire physical world also gathers.

The gods themselves represent part of the consciousness of the material world. When each deity is promoted, he will grasp the authority and origin of the material world. To some extent, he is one of the masters of the material world.

Together, all the gods of the material world represent most of the authority of the material world.

At this moment, as the gods gather here and the will unites here, the consciousness of the material world also begins to respond.

A little bit of World Strength began to fall, and fell on many gods, and began to bless them, so that the breath of them increased and continued to advance to a more powerful level.

Among them, God of Death’s blessing is definitely the biggest one.

The terrifying Strength is erupting, standing on the spot, God of Death’s face is calm, and the Strength all over his body spills out, reaching a level of horror.

A little bit of Death Power overflowed, he stood on the spot, there were 2 black holes in his eyes, he wanted to swallow everything in front of him, leaving no trace.

In front of him, a deity stood here, and a faint glory bloomed all over him.

Every one looks extremely sacred and extremely brilliant. The burst of Strength all over the body can easily destroy myriad worlds.

More than 40 7th grades existed here and gathered at the moment, the kind of horror is unimaginable.

I am afraid that even if it is placed in the entire boundary sea, there will be not many situations like this today.

This is an extremely terrifying strength.

No matter who it is, if you want to face this strength, I am afraid that the end will be extremely miserable.

As part of this strength, the gods believe in this.

The scene in front of us was unprecedented during the reign of the Sun King.

In the past, when King Cauldron of the Sun was flourishing, its strength was much stronger than that of God of Death today, and it was also the status of Divine King, the head of the gods.

But in his hands, the gods are not as cohesive as they are now. They want to gather all the gods together and shoot towards a goal together, which is even more unimaginable.

What the King of the Sun couldn’t do, now God of Death can do it easily.

Eliminating some of the gaps in Strength, not to mention the rest, at this point alone, God of Death is much stronger than the former Sun King.

“lets go.”

Standing on the spot, looking at the gods present, God of Death nodded, issued a command.

With his orders, the gods began to move intermittently.

More than 40 deities took action together, gathered together, and headed towards the abyss World.

There is no doubt that this scene is extremely spectacular.

Being in the abyssal world within the realm, you can easily see in the distance, dozens of golden suns are coming slowly, approaching the abyss world quickly.

The faint light was flashing, and the terrifying majesty was scattered.

At this moment, in the abyssal world within the realm, even the most ordinary creatures felt a wave of uneasiness, a wave of palpitations appeared in their hearts.

They looked up towards the sky and looked at the dozens of golden suns that appeared above the sky. At this moment involuntarily, they felt a terror, as if something terrible was about to happen.

“They are still here …”

Looking at the dozens of suns emerging outside the world, outside the abyss world, a devil king took a breath of breath: “So many …”

As for the news of the impending attack of the gods, they had been understood long ago.

On the one hand, God of Death not at all’s own intentions, on the other hand, in order to prepare for the expedition, some traces cannot be avoided at all.

Therefore, as early as a few hundred years ago, many Abyssal World Kings of Earth Devil knew the news that God World was about to strike.

But what made them didn’t expect was that God World’s offensive would be so fierce.

As early as in the past, in the long years, the gods of the material world have not launched the expedition against the abyss world.

It was only during those few expeditions that the strength was not so huge, and at most a few deities shot that’s all.

For example, this time dozens of deities joined forces to jointly shoot the scene of the Abyss World, they do n’t even see it, they did n’t even think about it.

But until now, they have no choice.

As the Earth Demon King enshrined by the Earth Demon King, they are destined to be tied to the war chariot of the abyss. No matter how scared they are in their hearts, they can only face the scalp at this moment.

If you want to run away like the past, or even go back, you do n’t even have a door.

At this time, throughout the abyssal world within the realm, a little message was also spreading rapidly.

The breath of the Earth Demon King is spreading, and the majesty of terror is covering up. In an instant, the whole abyss is enveloped, and the breath from the gods outside the abyss World is directly cancelled.

“The lord is calling us.”

Feeling the message sent by the king of earth demons, many kings of earth demons have been relaxed.

The Earth Demon King is calling them to go to the core of the abyss and go to that place to meet the Earth Demon King together.

Although in the end we still have to face the terrifying gods, but with the King of Earth Demons, the uneasiness in their hearts can also be relieved.

Within the entire abyss World.

Seemingly feeling the threat coming, Abyss World began to change.

The brand-new Abyss World felt the crisis and began to recover at this moment. The Strength in it was constantly falling, and there was a faint lingering anxiety.

“Do you feel anxious?”

At the core of Abyss World, feeling the change of Abyss World, standing in a huge castle, the King of Earth Demon wears a black robe, his face is calm, and he cannot help laughing at the moment.

“At this time, can you still laugh?”

Aside, a silhouette of the God of Destruction appeared, wearing the iconic black robe at the moment, looking at the King of Earth Demon in front of him and could not help but look at the head.

“What can there be?”

Lord of the Earth Demon laughed: “Whatever, how can it be?”

“Is it possible that when I waited for it to happen, could it still fail because of such things?”

“You naturally don’t …”

The God of Destroying looked at the King of the Earth Demon in front of him. At this time, he didn’t know what to say: “But I don’t have to wait.”

“Stop it.”

The Earth Demon King shook his head, a little speechless: “With your strength at the moment, if you don’t want to, who can make you fall?”

The god of destruction laughed and did not speak.

They are all telling the truth.

At this step of theirs, it is really difficult to want to fall.

The King of Earth Demon itself is the abyss ruler and is in charge of the power of the abyss world. To a certain extent, as long as the abyss world is immortal, he will not fall completely.

In front of this time, the offensive of the gods looks fierce, but in fact for the King of Earth Demon, there is no danger of falling.

Although the gods have the strength to be the world annihilation of the abyss, they dare not dare at all.

the reason is simple.

The material World and the Abyss World seem to have no relationship, but in fact belong to the God World, and are one of the strengths of God World.

If the gods dare to destroy the Abyss World, then the moment the Abyss World is destroyed, God World ’s will will automatically bring down the disaster and cause backlash to it.

The backlash caused by an entire abyss world annihilation, the horror of that kind of backlash, is unwilling to try.

Therefore, the gods of Material World seem to be menacing, but in fact, they simply dare not destroy the Abyss World.

While the Abyss World is not destroyed, the King of Earth Demon will not fall, and naturally there is no need to fear anything.

The same is true for the god of destruction and the first demon.

At their level, they have drawn a long distance from the normal 7th grade existence.

To some extent, it can be said that as long as they do not want to fall, it is difficult for someone to fall.

It ’s hard to die.

Of course, if it is at a time of weakness, it may be suppressed by a higher level of existence. That is another matter.

But among the gods who committed this time, obviously there is no such existence.

“The gods of the material world are indeed a problem. If they are not handled properly, it will cause a great blow to the development of the abyss world.”

Standing on the spot, looking at the God of Destruction, the King of Earth Demon, who looked at the head, and then a smile appeared on his face: “But for this, I am ready.”

“Unsurprisingly, this battle will not be fought.”

“It’s just that we will lose something more or less.”

He looked at the god of destruction on the side, opened the mouth and said: “From then on, in the abyssal world you within the realm monopolizing the situation of faith, I am afraid it will become a thing of the past.”


Listening to the words of the earth demon king, the god of destruction looking thoughtful, could not help but nodded: “It’s okay.”

“At this step, a little strength of Faith is nothing.”

The existence of strength of Faith is an excellent source of strength for the gods.

But for approaching Supreme God power, perhaps it is the existence of Supreme God power, although the role is still there, it is not so important.

At this step, what they pursue is to get rid of the shackles of faith and seek to be free from the contract of faith.

Therefore, for the God of Destruction, whose strength has been restored, although the belief of Abyss World is still important, it is no longer as important as it used to be.

“That’s good.”

Looking at the god of destruction, the king of earth demons nodded.

At this time, there were golden radiance flashing outside, shining across the abyss.

Standing in the same place, the King of Earth Demon and the God of Destruction looked up at the same time, just above the sky, Divine Realm Strength belonging to God of Death had already arrived, and was now wandering outside the Abyss World.

The gods have already arrived.

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