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After more than half a year of negotiations, the gods and the king of earth demons initially reached a consensus.

The conditions for negotiation between the parties are as follows.

One: The Earth Demon King immediately surrenders the technology of the World Gate and the coordinates of the Scourge World. As for the World Gate that has been constructed before, it can be retained and used by the Earth Demon King himself.

Part 2: Royal General Abyss Sea to God of Death …….

Part 3: Open the Abyss World completely, and build a World channel between the two parties to allow the material World and the Abyss World to communicate with each other, and allow each other to spread transactions and engage in free trade …

Part 4: The King of Earth Demon represents Abyss World in the Council of Gods, and its status is equivalent to God of Death …


There are many specific regulations, but these are the general directions.

After the agreement was reached, the Lord of Earth Demon readily handed over the technology of World Gate and the coordinates of Scourge World to the gods.

God of Death also led the gods and thus returned to the material world within the realm.

Avoid a war.

It was very vigorous at the beginning, but so calm at the end.

The material World and the abyss World finally did not all really fight.

While many people feel happy about this, a few people are disappointed.

Some ambitious people who were originally furious and ready to get get involved at any time also lost their chances and could only continue to lurking, waiting for the next opportunity.

After this return, God World returned to calm again.

Because of the agreement with the gods, Abyss World and Material World began to communicate.

A large number of business travelers have come out of the material world and come into the abyss.

Similarly, in the abyss World, a large number of new demons came out and went to the material world.

This is unprecedented in the past.

In the past, the Abyss World is in chaos. The demons in it are chaotic and slaughter-loving. They are the natural enemies of any intelligent life, and there is no possibility of communication.

Except that the demons of the Abyss World occasionally come to disrupt the Material World, there is no communication between the Material World and the Abyss World at all.

After that, when the king of earth demons entered the abyss and became the master of the abyss, and the new demons replaced the old demons in the past, the two sides had the conditions for communication.

But at that time, the inherent impression and influence continued, and the relationship between the two sides did not dissolve so quickly.

It wasn’t until the King of Earth Demons and the gods reached an agreement that the exchange between Material World and God World officially began.

The rich production from the material world quickly enriched the abyss world, and the grain and alchemy creations from the abyss world are also continuously transported to the material world within the realm.

As soon as the trade between the two parties started, they immediately obtained amazing benefits.

At the first time, only a few deities ’churches and some demon kings’ teams were trading.

But then, as time slowly passed, more and more people chose to get involved, making the trade of the two worlds continue to flourish.

When the time passes slowly, and both sides have made huge profits from the trade, even if some gods want to stop, they will not be able to stop.

After all, food from the time of the abyss is very important for the growth of souls.

Once the food from the Abyss World is lost, their believers will also lose Source of Life.

The time passed so smoothly, unconsciously, another 5000 years passed.

During 5000 years, with the opening of the Abyss World, a big eruption ushered in the entire God World.

The creatures of the material world continue to grow, and a large population increase provides a huge belief for the gods.

Similarly, the openness of Abyss World ’s faith also provides a new source of faith for the gods.

In this case, the original beliefs continue to expand, and each deity benefits, and the strength of the acquired belief generally grows a lot.

As for ordinary creatures, they also benefited a lot from the exchange and opening of the two worlds.

At least until now, the production of food has greatly increased, and cheap food from the abyss World has poured into the material World, feeding a large number of people.

The repeated increase in productivity has also increased the standard of living of ordinary creatures, freeing more energy from tedious labor and focusing on the Spirit level.

For a moment, the entire God World was thriving, a scene of harmony.

And with the strength of God World becoming stronger, in the midst of darkness, a kind of strength is also continuously blessed on the body of God of Death, so that his strength is constantly growing, almost every moment there are a lot of growth.

In 5000 years, the strength of God of Death has reached a new level.

His savings are profound, and he has reached a horror level under the supply of God World day after day.

It can be said that if he wants, he can be promoted to level 8 at any time, and truly take the final step to reach the Supreme God level.

The reason is not so, just spontaneous suppression of that’s all.

And on this day, on the day after 5000 years, quietly sat in a piece of Divine Realm, God of Death slowly opened eyes.

The faint shimmer began to flash, and the dim breath enveloped the four sides, beginning to spread outwards with God of Death as the center.

The huge death Divine Realm opened in an instant, slowly spreading out, and almost enveloped the entire material World in an instant.

The darkness shrouded the earth, and the strength of death was roaring, accompanied by the movement of God of Death, and now it was turbulent.

At this moment, in the entire material world, all people lifts the head, they can only see the endless depth of the horizon, not the slightest light.

“what is that…..”

Looking at a dim sky, within the realm of the material world, countless creatures fell into shock. At this moment, I don’t know what happened.

“Strength of Death …”

In the Adier Empire, feeling the Death Aura rippling from the outside world, the fate woman Mar is violently eyes opened, and within a pair of eyes, the Strength belonging to the destiny is constantly rippling, and at this moment begins to blink.

The Strength of the Way of Fate blessed her, allowing her to see the way ahead and see through all the scenes that occurred after that moment.

At this moment, she sat in a shrine of her own, looking at the darkness above the sky, and the turbulent Death Power, her face could not help smiling.

All the gods were alarmed.

In this brief moment, I feel the Death Power rippling in the world, all the gods are not moved by expression, in this brief moment I feel a burst of unusual.

More than the material world, this moment is also true within the realm.

The entire God World has begun to change. The rule of death, Strength, is in turmoil. As God of Death moves, it begins to oscillate spontaneously.


Indistinctly, it seemed to be able to feel the vibration of the strength of the law, spreading at this moment, and bursting into soft sounds.

On the earth, the dead souls of each and everyone reappeared, showing their breath at this moment.

Death’s Strength comes, and at this moment it covers the earth, awakening the undead in the past.

each and everyone The dead souls that reappeared again, looking at the sky invariably at this moment.

In their sight, the scene above the sky was a little different, not as dark as ordinary people.

A dark golden sun hangs high above the sky, emitting eternal Ray of Death, felt by them at this moment.

The pure Ray of Death is blooming, and under this glorious envelope, the sleeping souls of each and everyone are awakened, and roars are sent out.

“Great God of Death, please listen to me …”

The invisible sound enveloped everything, and this moment passed into the ears of all creatures.

In the void, God of Death slowly rose up, and above his body, the light of one after another rule was blinking, and the way of his own soul began to transform.

The body of the law, which had already reached the extreme, began to transform again, and at this moment it went further and evolved to a higher level.

In other words, he is being promoted to level 8.

For this step, God of Death has become very familiar.

His strength in the body, the laws and other aspects have already met the conditions. It should have been promoted for several thousand years, but it self-suppressed this process, so the forcibly dragged to the present.

The strength that belongs to death is blooming, God World’s will begins to cheer, and is pleased with the appearance of a Supreme God.

No surprises, no twists and turns, with God of Death getting up, his promotion was completed.

A Supreme God is born.

In the void, God of Death stood still, and the breath of the whole body was not covered at this moment. The majestic majesty spilled out, shattering the 100 Million Li void.

The space collapsed spontaneously, the World was shaking, and even the nothingness began to twist under this aura, terrifying.

“God of Death, finally reached this step …”

Feeling the breath from the void, the gods couldn’t help moving.

After the former King of the Sun and Goddess of the earth, after 10000 years, the material world within the realm finally appeared a Supreme God force.

Moreover, it is also the Supreme God power who is in charge of death and slaveter, ascended to peak.

This is the first place in the history of the material world, and the presence of the power of Supreme God with the authority of death is self-evident.

After the promotion of God of Death was completed, the strength not at all of World Consciousness disappeared immediately.

The will that belongs to God World envelopes God of Death, blessing it.

A little Strength slowly fed back from World consciousness, and gradually fed back to the body of God of Death, so that his breath gradually condensed and became thicker.

This is the blessing of World consciousness and the joy of God World.

For World itself, any sacred is an extremely precious wealth, a miracle that can be born under the accumulation of countless resources.

The 8th order is even more so.

Such an existence, even if you look at the entire world of sea is extremely rare, it is really standing at the top of the existence, no matter how to cherish the treatment.

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