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Death’s strength is ravaging.

In the nothingness, various scenes emerge at this moment, God World’s will will slowly appear, at this moment, manifest.

The faint light was flashing.

With the blessing of the entire world, God of Death slowly rose and truly stood above a certain level.

At this moment, the strength of his within the body began to transform. At this moment, he finally completed the ultimate leap into a true Supreme God power.

The brilliance that belongs to Supreme God is spreading.

Within the entire God World, at this moment, wherever there are creatures, you can clearly see the distant sky above, and the black sun slowly rises.

A black sun slowly ascended into the sky, at this moment radiating its own glory.

The terrifying Strength is raging, rippling at the moment, with the entire God World stirring together, emitting a magnificent light.

The light was pure Ray of Death, shining on the earth, and there was a transformation between them.

Over the earth, roaring sounds kept coming.

each and everyone In the past, the dead souls revived again, and gradually began to rejuvenate under the glare of death, looking at the black sun at the moment in the sky, and emitted a silent roar.

The majestic Strength is emerging.

At this moment, in the entire God World, I felt the mighty Ray of Death. The originally silent gods were all alarmed. At this moment, I looked at the black sun in the sky, and I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, they knew clearly that the situation thereafter will become clearer.

Earlier, after going through a series of events, God of Death’s status was already solid, as the head of the gods, replacing the status of the past sun king.

Compared with the past Sun King, God of Death has done a better job in all aspects. The only thing missing is his own strength.

His own strength is insufficient. Although it is comparable to the Supreme God power under the blessing of the material World, it is still not the true Supreme God power after all, and there is still a gap with the former Sun King.

Therefore, in this respect, God of Death is still lacking compared to the former Sun King.

But now, with the success of God of Death’s promotion, this last missing point has also been made up.

In the material world within the realm, the status after God of Death will be more stable, almost impossible and shaken again.

Thinking of this, the Divine Hearts could not help being complicated, and they all sighed.

“Bless God of Death …”

A burst of sound rang all over God World.

In various places of God World, at this moment there is one after another, the brilliance is flickering, rising from the sky directly to the body of God of Death.

That brilliance is very shining, which contains one after another, the pure law of Strength, and the sacred idea, which contains the blessing to Supreme God.

This is the blessing of Spiritual God. If it is obtained by a mortal, it is enough for the mortal to complete a complete transformation. Another mortal transformed into Demi-God has been standing in the realm of the gods since then.

At this moment, dozens of radiances flashed together, and the terrifying Strength swept the four sides, grandiose, rushing towards the body of God of Death.

This is the blessing of the gods. Although the strength contained in it is not very helpful for God of Death today, it represents a tendency and attitude.

Within God World, feeling the movements of the gods, God World ’s will is trembling gently, and an invisible strength of radiance is coming, thus covering the body of God of Death.

“Really fun.”

Within the Abyss World, looking at the black sun above the sky above the sky, the King of Earth Demon was in black robe, standing there laughed, and then waved his hand.

On it, a pure, far more powerful and majestic light than ordinary gods rose into the sky and rushed towards the sky.

It is a blessing belonging to the abyss master, symbolizing the will of the abyss world, and rushing towards God of Death together.

The entire God World is shaking.

All the sacredness within God World has been dispatched together to bless and bless an existence. This has never happened in the past, to some extent, it has already represented what people want.

The entire world began to oscillate slowly, and God World ’s will slowly oscillated, emitting a hazy light at this moment, blessing it on the body of God of Death.

Invisible, some of the powers that God of Death originally possessed also seem to have increased.

“Has it reached the limit?”

Standing between nothingness, feeling the state of the whole body, God of Death muttered to himself, the thought flashed in his heart.

At this moment, he can feel that his current strength has reached a limit.

The blessings of World still exist, and the blessings of the gods continue, and at this moment they still bless him.

At this moment, he can feel that God World’s attention to it has reached an extreme. If there is no other factor involved, it has already continued to grow.

So taking advantage of this opportunity, God of Death began to take action.

In nothingness, he turned around silently, looking at the abyss World.

In the abyssal world within the realm, the king of earth demons stood quietly, standing quietly in his castle, with a smile on his face at the moment, facing God of Death, then nodded.

They glanced at each other, and in a moment, they understood each other’s thoughts and thoughts, so they began to move in agreement.

“Is it finally going to start?”

In the abyss World, the Earth Demon King began to move with a constant smile on his face.

“In the name of the abyss …”

He looked at the earth with a plain smile on his face, and the authority belonging to the abyss ruler began to function within the realm.

Under the call of the Earth Demon King, the entire Abyss World was trembling slightly at this moment.

The will of the Abyss World is surging, and this moment has spontaneously been active, covering every corner of the Abyss World.

The earth is shaking and the laws are surging. At this moment, there are bursts of natural phenomena throughout the Abyss World, which are constantly changing throughout the Abyss World.

“what happened?”

Within the Abyss World, countless creatures were a little shocked. At this moment, they couldn’t help but look up to the side, and they didn’t understand where this unknown pulse originated.

The whole abyss World is shaking.

The vast Strength emerges, within the realm, a black river becomes active.

It was a black sea, boundless, and its borders could hardly be seen.

At one end of it, the negative emotions of the entire God World flow to this place through some mechanism, which turns into the black sea water, which makes the Strength in it even deeper.

And in it, there is one after another soul fragments floating up and down, flowing quietly in it, being pulled by its instinct.

This is the sea of ​​abyss.

The abyss sea itself has the trait of pulling negative energy and soul. Although after the change of the abyss world, the abyss sea is no longer needed to breed demons, but this trait of the abyss sea is still preserved.

After the new demons, this trait is no longer important to the abyss.

But in it, there is still a huge soul surging in it, waiting for the opportunity to transform again.

At this moment, the entire abyss is turbulent.

Under the order of the king of the earth demon, the abyss master, the sea of ​​abyss began to move, stripping from the entire abyss World.

Grandiose’s black river began to soar into the sky, and at a glance he could not see the edge at all.

This sea of ​​abyss is formed by the negative emotions accumulated by the entire God World in the past countless years. Its one side is connected to the core of the entire God World, and now it has long been unclear.

Under the accumulation of countless years, the negative emotions in it have already accumulated to a certain extent, even if it is a Demi-God, if he stays accidentally for a long time, I am afraid that the end will be bleak, it will become extremely bad.

Only the true Spiritual God can survive in it and resist the erosion of negative emotions with its own divine force.

Any creature under sacredness, once it touches this sea of ​​abyss, there is only one death.

At this moment, the majestic sea of ​​abyss began to be turbulent, and under the influence of the strength of the Earth Demon King, it began to peel from the abyss and rushed to the sky.

“What does the abyss master want to do?”

Within God World, looking at the movement of the Earth Demon King, many gods frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

Only a few deities, including Goddess of fate, smiled and understood what was going to happen next.

Under their gaze, a glimmer of light shone above the sky.

Standing in the void, God of Death stood upright, just standing there, on top of a black armor, with a faint death Aura flashing.

Below, the majestic sea of ​​abyss came to him, and the terrifying strength was still emerging, rushing towards him directly.

He looked calm, looking at the scene before him, but waved his hand.

The faint Death Aura spread outward, and the immense Strength struck in an instant.

In the nothingness, Profound Truth of Formation is manifesting, at this moment it is converging and pulling with each other, and finally explodes here.

The horrible Strength exploded, and the nihilistic Small World of each and everyone was formed. Although it seemed a bit vain at the moment, there was no specific body, but the rough outline had been drawn.

Then, the sea of ​​huge abyss rushed into the world under the common manipulation of God of Death and the Lord of Earth Demon.

The strength from the abyssal sea is pouring in, and the whole abyssal sea takes root in an instant, transferring from the abyss World to this new age within the realm.

And with the roots of the abyssal sea, a new World is formed.

Hong long! !

It seems to feel the action of God of Death, the whole God World is shaking, the big will belonging to God World is recovering, this moment can not help but put a little attention here.

Compared with the normal World, this World looks very unusual.

A little bit of Death Aura is spreading. Under the influence of God of Death, the law of this World is biased towards death, which is not suitable for any living creature to survive.

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