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A brand-new world began to take shape.

Under the combined effect of God of Death and the Strength of the Earth Demon King, a huge World is constructed in an instant, and it is now displayed in the sight of the gods.

This World is built on the framework of God of Death’s Death Law. The strength of the rule is biased towards death. It is not suitable for any living creatures to enter, but it is more suitable for death-oriented creatures.

Some are similar to the death city of the once wizard World.

In fact, this World is exactly what God of Death built after referring to the strength and rules of Chimudan, referring to the structure of the city of death.

This belongs to the world of death, in which the strength of death is flooding, and most of its scope is flooded in it.

And in it, a mighty black river surged in it, and under the joint control of God of Death and the Earth Demon King, it began to take root in this World.

The strength that belongs to death is blooming, and in the black river, countless souls are floating in it. At this moment, under the shine of the death strength, it begins to be gradually transformed out.

The initial undead life began to be born in this World.

Of course, compared with the ordinary undead life, after the hand of God of Death, these transformed lives are somewhat different.

They maintained the appearance they had during their lifetime, and what they transformed was the appearance of Spirit Physique. Each and everyone looked almost the same as before.

Compared with normal undead life, there is also a big difference.

“It went very smoothly …”

Beside the God of Death, the silhouette of the Earth Demon King slowly appeared. At this moment, he looked at the slowly forming World, and the large undead transformed from the large film, and his face could not help smiling.

Beside the Earth Demon King, God of Death glanced at the Earth Demon King, his face looking cold.

“It’s not over yet.”

He spoke softly, and then continued to move.

Under the strength of God of Death, the world in front of him began to change, and slowly began to move.

Eventually, under the eyes of the gods, the world in front of him began to move toward the center of God World.

“God of Death, what do you want to do?”

Sensing God’s movements, the gods watched in secret, and at this moment could not help but wonder.

And at this moment, the change of World is also completed.

A brand new change began to take place.

After moving to the center of the World, Death World in front of him no longer moves, and is fixed here.

But within the World, under the control of God of Death and the Strength of the Earth Demon King, the black river started to change.

The deep abyssal sea began to spread outwards, spreading out from the center of God World, and finally slowly connecting with the entire God World.

Under the gaze of the gods, whether it is the Material World or the Abyss World, they are now being contacted and connected by the abyssal sea.

Subsequently, a change began to take place.

As the sea of ​​the abyss spreads outwards and connects with the material world, in the sea of ​​the abyss, countless souls begin to appear and flow in it.

“That is…..”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the gods couldn’t help but stunned.

Those souls that appeared in the sea of ​​abyss are nothing but the souls after the death of the creatures of the material world. At this moment, under the traction of the sea of ​​abyss, they all entered the Death World and poured into that sea of ​​abyss.

Each and everyone’s dead souls began to rise and fall in the sea of ​​abyss, washed away by the black river in it, and his face gradually showed a daze.

Under the eyes of the gods, it can be easily observed that some impurities contained in these Spirit Physiques are being washed away.

It was all kinds of emotional impurities contained in his lifetime. At the moment, he was gradually washed by the abyss of the sea and gradually separated, making the whole Spirit Physique pure.

Of course, in this process, the memories of these souls have also been washed away, and have since become blank.

After this process is completed, the brand-new Spirit Physique enters the Death World in front of it, and begins to change again in this World, and re-form into its previous appearance.

Looking at the scene before him, the gods present were clear comprehension and understood the purpose of God of Death.

The souls of those who died.

The souls in God World, their souls after the death will naturally dissipate.

Except for a few powerhouses, most souls will slowly dissipate after their deaths, and they will just disappear.

To some extent, this is undoubtedly a huge waste.

For World, the soul itself is a resource.

It is obviously a huge waste of resources to let the souls die in nature and let their souls disappear.

At this moment, with the opening of the Death World in front of us, those souls that naturally dissipated in the past have a place of belonging, and will enter this World after their death and be used by this World.

The negative emotions and Spirit impurities contained in Spirit Physique will be washed away by the sea of ​​the abyss, leaving only the pure Spirit Physique, and enter the Death World in front of you to start a new life.

Of course, this new life is limited.

Under the sight of the gods, they could easily see that as time passed, those Spirit Physiques were slowly dissipating.

This dissipation belongs to the spontaneous collapse of Spirit Physique, which is inevitable, even in this Death World.

It’s just that the speed of Spirit Physique’s collapse will be much slower than that of being in this Death World when within the realm.

And the strength that these Spirit Physique overflows after the collapse will also be absorbed by the surrounding world under the special rules, and become the further strength of the world.

One after another, these Spirit Physique strengths were used to make the Death World in front of them constantly stronger.

So long ago, with this Death World becoming more powerful, as its controller, God of Death will gradually become more powerful under the feedback of World Strength, and eventually reach a terrifying point.

the thoughts got to this point, the vision of the gods could not help becoming a little complicated.

This matter in front of me can only be done by the Lord of Earth Demons and God of Death.

Without the support of Death Law and the origin of Supreme God ’s power level, the Death World in front of it cannot be established at all. Even if it is established, it can easily achieve this effect.

The sea of ​​the abyss without the Lord of Earth Demon can only rely on God of Death itself, and there is no way to draw the soul of God World and gather it in its Death World.

In any case, after this Death World is created, the status of God of Death and the Lord of Earth Demon will become more stable. It can be said that no matter how the environment is turbulent thereafter, as long as the Death World in front of you still exists, God of Death and The status of the Earth Demon King will not be shaken.

In the nothingness, God World’s will slowly whispered, seeming to be delighted by the movement of God of Death.

A kind of World Strength began to feedback slowly, and then fed back to God of Death, making his breath stronger and more stable.

Invisible, Strength, the power of God of Death, seems to have increased somewhat.

Establishing Death World to accommodate the undead of the entire God World is a matter of increasing the utilization rate of resources, which is of great benefit to God World in the long run.

God World’s will will feel all this, naturally will feel the bursts of joy instinctively, at this moment began to boil spontaneously.

A little bit of World Strength slowly fell, falling on the bodies of God of Death and the Lord of the Earth Demon, making their breath more deep.

“Although it is still a bit crude, the rough outline has been completed.”

Feeling the surge of the will of God World, standing in the void, God of Death nodded, said so.

“not bad.”

The Earth Demon King smiled on his face and looked at God of Death in front of him: “Don’t forget your previous promise.”

“do not worry.”

God of Death glanced at the King of Earth Demon: “Since then, all Spirit Physique in Death World that can be transformed into a new type of demon will be converted into a new type of demon and enter the abyssal world within the realm.”

“That’s good.”

The Lord of the Earth Demon laughed, which was quite satisfactory.

The population of Abyss World has always been a problem that plagues the Earth Demon King.

To be honest, relative to the potential and strength of the new type of demon, the speed of reproduction of the new type of demon is actually not slow.

But relative to the vastness of the abyss, the speed of the propagation of the new demons is still too slow. At this speed, if you want to occupy the entire abyss, you do n’t know when to wait.

But with the transformation of Death World, the speed will undoubtedly be much faster.

The new demon has a new source, and its reproduction speed will be much faster, not as slow as before.

“After this World takes shape, it is destined to grow into the third world of God World in the future.”

Looking at the eyes that have taken shape, Death World now looks a bit rough. The King of Earth Demons spoke softly and said, “Give him a name.”

God of Death pondered for a moment, then raised his head: “Call it the Underworld.”

In the memory of Adier I, the underworld is the home of the dead, and the God of Death.

In this case, God of Death takes this name at the moment, which is a matter of course.


The Lord of the Earth Demon is nodded and cannot help but laughed: “How about I rename the sea of ​​abyss to Stygian?”


God of Death’s expression was calm, so softly speaking, he didn’t care about this question.

But in the nihility, as they spoke gently, the nihility began to tremble.

God World’s big will began to respond and agreed with their claims.

At this point, Death World now has its own somewhere, called the Underworld.

The sea of ​​abyss has now become Styx.

After building most of the outlines of the underworld, God of Death and the King of Earth Demons began to perfect the details of the underworld.

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