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“And now, the time is almost ripe.”

A faint voice fell in nothingness.

Standing quietly in the golden great hall, God of Death turned to look at the gods in front of him, and said softly.

Is the time ripe?

In the beginning, listening to God of Death, the Divine Heart could not help but be awe-inspiring.

As gods of transcendent nature, they naturally understand the meaning of God of Death.

At the time of the past, the time before us was just beginning, and the strength of the gods had not yet restored Peak, and there was still a lot of room for growth.

But now, with the continuous advent and recovery of the gods, the strength of the entire God World has reached a Peak, reaching a point where it is about to explode.

The strength of the gods reached Peak, which means that the resources of the entire God World have been divided up, and it is time to start killing each other.

If there is no new goal in front of us, with the capacity of the entire God World, it is very difficult to accommodate these 60 sacred people today.

If the gods want to go further, I am afraid that they can only kill each other and fight for believers.

But in that case, the entire God World is back to its old path.

So at this time, it is indeed the best choice to take out the World Gate and World coordinates previously obtained from the group of exotic holy hands.

“Build the gate of the world and attack the natural disaster world.”

In the Central Region of great hall, above the high throne, the voice of God of Death slowly fell.

He looked calm, looked at the gods below, and said softly.

at last……

See God of Death finally said this proposal, all of the Divine Hearts on the scene could not help moving.

The scourge of the Scourge World is something that was proposed over 10,000 years ago.

It was just that the timing was not yet mature. The strength of the entire God World has not grown to Peak, and there is still much room for development.

Therefore, the proposal of some gods at that time was suppressed by God of Death.

And now, over 10,000 years have passed, this proposal has finally come out from the mouth of God of Death.

In this brief moment, looking at the God of Death ahead, the gods present did not hesitate at all.

If, at the time when the coordinates of the Scourge World were just obtained, God World is still in dispute as to whether to conquer the Scourge World, then this controversy no longer exists.

On the one hand, it is God World’s strength growth, which brings strong self-confidence to the gods.

On the other hand, it is also time to have to do something.

Being in God World, all the gods present can see it.

At this moment, the contradictions in God World have accumulated to a whole new level.

More than 60 sacred people gathered together in a World, which sounds very good, but in fact brings fierce competition for resources and squeezes each other.

Nowadays, the resources in the entire God World are basically occupied, and if it continues this way, the gods will inevitably fight each other, and will wage a long and cruel war.

Rather than consuming his own strength in vain in this way, it is better to open up and attack vigorously.

Moreover, their odds are really great.

In these years, the gods did n’t do anything about the Scourge World.

At least for nearly 10000 years, the basic situation of some natural disasters World has now been investigated.

That World is indeed powerful, the entire world is huge and prosperous, there is a terrible weather.

If you give it enough time to develop, sooner or later, you can get to the point where God World is today.

But today, the strength of Scourge World is far inferior to that of God World, and the sacredness of them is quite different from that of God World.

The sacredness in God World is more than twice that in Scourge World.

Such a huge gap in strength, if there is no accident, the levy of this time is stable.

Even considering the possible shots of the subsequent Wizard World, the gods have a great chance of winning.

No matter how bad, impossible will lose.

the thoughts got to this point, the gods present did not hesitate at all.

“I agree…..”

The thoughts of each and everyone are constantly flashing.

In front of the eyes, many deities present expressed their opinions.

Not surprisingly, most of the deities have agreed with the condemnation of World Scourge, even if there are a few opponents, it is not the conquest World itself, but the timing.

“The Witcher World and Scourge World are dead enemies, and sooner or later there will be a war between the two Worlds.”

A deity spoke his own opinion: “Since that is the case, after the two worlds fight, we will go to clean up the mess and solve the two worlds together, isn’t it better?”

This argument really makes sense.

The Wizard World and the Scourge World are absolute enemies, and sooner or later there will be a battle.

Would n’t it be easier for the gods to shoot again when the two sides fought first and Heaven and Earth turning upside down?

Doing so will also ensure the final odds.

Suddenly, all the gods present began to think.


The god of foresight pondered for a while, and then took the head: “Although the idea is good, I am afraid it will not work at all.”

“Although the initiative to fight in front of us is here, but for them, our goal is too great.”

“The coordinates of the Scourge World are the ones the Wizard World has left for us, in order to let us take the initiative to attack the Scourge and reduce the pressure on their World.”

“And what if they choose to observe in secret?”

Speaking of which, she was paused, and then looked to the King of Demon: “Dear Abyss, Lord, do you have any questions for us?”

“It doesn’t need to be guessed.”

Looking at the God of Prophecy, the King of Earth Demon laughed: “With my understanding of the group of guys, after they understand our intentions, I am afraid they will not fight against the Scourge World as we think, but will Expose us actively. “

“As long as our existence is exposed, as long as the sacred world of Scourge World is not a fool, it will not go to war with the Wizard World. Instead, it will immediately make preparations and change the coordinates of its own World, so that we will lose the opportunity to capture.

The sacred silent presence in the heart deduced a bit, nodded the same thing about the Lord of the Earth Demon.

This is a very clear truth.

If neither Wizard World nor Scourge World know about the existence of God World, then lurking in secret and waiting for the profit of the fisherman is a good choice.

But since the other party knows that God World exists, it would be naive to think about it again.

Maybe waiting to wait, but gave 2 World more time to recover Strength.

Rather than this, it’s better to dignified from the very beginning and move forward, crushing all the way.

In the All Gods Palace, the gods negotiated for a long time, and finally reached a consensus, looking towards God of Death standing in front.

In the front, feeling the sight of the gods, God of Death is also gently nodded, and there is some fluctuation on a cold and icy face.

He got up from the spot, silently pulled out the silver long sword in his hand, and stroked gently in the void.


Along with the bursts of light sounds that shattered in space, the World in front of them shattered, and a huge black hole appeared, connecting to the other end.

At the other end, a World full of Death Aura appears, nothing else, it is the residence of God of Death, the underworld.

“The Gate of World has been built and I was placed in the realm within the realm.”

Standing on the top, looking at the gods below, God of Death spoke quietly, and his face looked calm: “After 300 years, they all dispatched to attack the World Scourge.”

The faint words fell and fell in the ears of the gods below, causing different reactions.

Some people looked dull, some were calm, and some were full of excitement, and they looked forward to it.

Regardless of their mood at the moment, in the All Gods Palace in front of them, this matter has been determined.

After the meeting of the gods, the ideas of the gods left, and went to their own residences.

Then, in the following time, the people of God World found that the atmosphere of the surrounding World seemed to have changed.

With the time being determined, during this time, in order to cope with the upcoming expedition, each and everyone gods began to prepare for this.

Therefore, during this time, the actions of the gods were continuously within the entire God World.

each and everyone The church of the gods began to order the congregation of priests and warriors to go to the Divine Kingdom of the gods to go through various trials.

On the earth, some faintly discernable news is also spreading, which makes the powerhouse above each and everyone Legendary can’t help but feel a little moved.

With the exception of a few people, most deities began to move.

“It’s really lively.”

Within the Abyss World, feeling the movements of the gods, the Lord of Earth Demon stood in front of his castle, looking at the distant scenery, could not help but laughed gently.

“Is this time’s offense also one of your plans.”

Behind the Earth Demon King, the silhouette of the God of Destruction appeared, silently walking behind the Earth Demon King, looking at him and asking.

“Yes and how, not yes and how?”

The Lord of Earth Demons laughed, opened the mouth and said: “Since this time the plan has been set, it doesn’t make much sense to talk about other things.”

“The most important thing now is the attack that is about to start.”

“I’m not worried about this.”

The god of destruction shook the head and said, “The gap in strength is there. I can’t think of any chance for Scourge World to stop us.”

“Unless, they are a person in the World’s real supreme powerhouse, so that is possible.”

He said lightly.

The so-called supreme powerhouse is a name for a person who has reached the limit at the 8th level and stands at the 8th level Peak.

This kind of existence has already reached the extreme of the boundary sea, and its own existence is comparable to a boundary sea, and it is the supreme powerhouse under the origin.

It is only one step away from the real immortality in the legend.

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