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“The so-called supreme powerhouse is so easy to appear.”

Listening to the word of Destruction, the King of Earth Demon could not help butshook the head, opened the mouth and said: “Once in the material world, the king of the sun ruled the entire material world for countless years and was the well-deserved king among the gods.”

“But with its Strength, it has the authority to gain the material World. It has stood for countless years at that level, and there is still a long distance from the true supreme powerhouse.”

“Visible at this level of difficulty.”

“The sacred quantity of Scourge World is not as good as that of God World, and it is unlikely that that terrible supreme powerhouse will appear.”

Standing in situ, the King of Earth Demon looks at the head, so opened the mouth and said.

Aside, the Destruction God’s face was calm, and he did not speak, but was silently nodded.

In the spacious and magnificent castle, two people face each other, just looking at the outside scenery without speaking.

“Actually, in the history of God World, there has been a supreme powerhouse.”

Standing on the spot, the God of Destruction hesitated, and finally said so.


The King of Earth Demons froze for a moment, looking at the God of Destruction.

“I and the King of the Sun are gods who have existed for a long time, so they know a lot.”

Feeling the sight of the Earth Demon King, the God of Destruction gently spoke: “The legend tells the difference between not at all the abyss and the material world at the beginning of the entire God World.”

“God World at that time, like other worlds, had only one complete World, not as scattered as it is today.”

“And at that time, the authority of the entire God World was also monopolized by one person.”

“This is Supreme God.”

“Supreme God …”

The Demon King frowned.

He inherited the entire abyss and obtained records of the past from the abyss, thus knowing many things and secrets.

But about the legend of this Supreme God, he has never heard of it.

This time the God of Destruction spoke, it was the first time he heard about this character.

“You don’t need to doubt the truth.”

Looking at the King of Earth Demon in front of him, he seemed to understand the idea in his heart, and the God of Destruction explained: “The Abyss World and the Material World were born after that Supreme God left. There is naturally no record of the past era. . “

“In fact, for this Supreme God, only three gods in the entire God World know.”

“Who is the other is the King of the Sun and you?”

The Demon King turned around, curiously asked.

“Goddess was the fate of the past.”

The god of destruction spoke softly: “Like me and the king of the sun, Goddess, the former fate, is also one of the oldest gods, a Supreme God.”

“It was only later that Destiny Goddess, in pursuit of something, and in the footsteps of the Supreme King, finally left God World and left his own destiny Divine Spark and authority, which became what he is now.”


The earth demon king is nodded and feels a little novel.

Having been with the God of Destruction for many years, this is the first time he has heard these things from the God of Destruction.

“How much do you know about the legendary Supreme God?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know much.”

The god of destruction shook the head, opened the mouth and said: “The only thing I know is that in the opening of God World at that time, Supreme God alone took control of the entire God World, and its strength reached a top, which is the real supreme powerhouse. “

“It was only later, perhaps to explore the eternal path, or perhaps to do an experiment, the Supreme God Royal General divided the entire God World, dividing the original complete World into different looks.”

“Material World and Abyss World were also born at that time.”

“Then Supreme God left this World again.”

“So that’s how it is… ..” Listening to these legends, the Lord of Earth Demon is nodded, looking excited.

“The Sun King and I know the legend of Supreme God.”

Looking at the King of Earth Demon, the God of Destruction then spoke: “In order to emulate the Supreme God of the past and truly reach the supreme powerhouse level, I competed with the Sun King in ancient times to fight for the authority of the material World.”

“In the end, we all failed.”

“How to say?”

For the failure of the god of destruction and the king of the sun, the king of earth demons is very interested.

“After being divided by Supreme God that year, God World’s authority has long been incomplete.”

The God of Destruction explained: “Of course, the King of the Sun defeated me and obtained part of the authority of the material world, but it is not the creature of the abyss world. There is no way to seize that part of the abyss world. Take control. “

“What’s more, in addition to the authority of Abyss World, he can’t even grasp the part of authority that he owns.”

“Unlike the situation when the entire world was only one God at the beginning of World Development, there is too much sacredness in God World today.”

“These are sacred, each of them has a part of God World’s authority, sharing the authority of the Sun King Strength.”

“As long as these divine beings exist, the Sun King cannot really take ownership.”

The divine existence itself is an extremely important resource for World.

Therefore, every sacred existence will be blessed by World consciousness when it is promoted, and as long as the promotion is successful, it will naturally grasp part of the authority of World.

During the reign of the Sun King, it happened to be a flourishing period of God World.

The birth of a deity, while strengthening God World Strength, also shared part of God World’s authority, making it impossible to unify authority.

Because of this, the Sun King cannot control the power of the Abyss World, even the power of the material World.

“The following things, you must be understood.”

The God of Destruction glanced at the King of Earth Demon, and then laughed: “In order to increase the power in his own hands as much as possible, the King of the Sun began to shoot continuously to strike the surrounding gods.”

“The king of the sun was also at that time. The original king of the gods became the enemy of the gods, and its existence made the Deity men self-defeating.”

“Originally, with his means and strength, if everything goes step by step, it may not be possible to clean up the other gods one after another and truly gather the authority of the material World.”

“If he can do this, although he can reach the level of supreme powerhouse, he can also get close indefinitely. After that, he can find a way to control the power of the Abyss World and he can accomplish the set goal.

“However, at this time, an accident happened again.”

Speaking of which, the God of Destruction is unable to bear laughed. It seems that he is very happy with the experience of the Sun King: “The gods were attacked by one after another under the means of the Sun King, and everyone became in danger.”

“But at this time, Goddess of the earth has risen and become the new Supreme God.”

“At this point in the material world there is enough to contend with the Sun King. Those gods who were originally attacked by the Sun King have also gathered under the Goddess of the earth to fight the Sun King for a long time.

“The subsequent results, you must be understood.”

“It’s really miserable.”

Listening to the story of the God of Destruction, the King of Earth Demons was also unable to bear laughed, and it was not easy for the King of the Sun.

To be honest, in order to achieve his goal, the Sun King has actually done a very good job, but he was not very lucky.

In the ancient times, he fought against the God of Destruction, and finally the God of Destruction was beaten down, thinking that he could move forward smoothly, but a new Goddess appeared.

In this era, the king of the sun is the first to reach the god position, which has a great advantage, but at this time a God of Death appears.

Waiting for its silent accumulation of Strength, ready to explode again, Adier and Wizard World’s people also came.

A big miserable character.

Thinking of this, the King of Earth Demon is unable to bear laughed, and there is a silence for the King of the Sun.

But no matter what, the Sun King has now fallen, and if nothing unexpected, most of them have since returned impossible.

He was not a normal fall, but a fall in weakness again, and it would take a long time to return.

But, now, the controller of God World is the king of God of Death and Earth Demon.

Is this still going to end?

In these more than 10000 years, the traces that belonged to the King of the Sun have been suppressed. At this moment, the recovery time has not been shortened, but it has been increasing every moment.

Even if it hadn’t been the controller of the material world, the king of the gods left a deep mark in the material world, and its existence should have long since disappeared.

However, although the traces of its existence have not disappeared at this moment, it is only a matter of time before the traces of him disappear completely according to this trend.

Another big tragic character.

To be honest, for the king of the sun, the king of earth demons is not at all too disgusting, and even appreciates its means.

Comparing the heart to the heart, if the king of the earth demon is placed in the position of the king of the sun, he will probably make the same choice as the king of the sun.

To some extent, Adier and the Sun King are actually similar.

It’s just that the more this is, the more we can’t let go of such opponents.

So in God World, the ending of the Sun King is doomed now.

“All right……”

Standing in place, thinking about everything that happened in the past, the Lord of Earth Demon laughed, and then turned around: “There are 300 years to start.”

“Take advantage of this time, let’s prepare for it.”

“Otherwise, it’s just not that good.”

He said so, then turned around silently and walked to the side.

Aside, standing there, looking at the movement of the earth demon king, the god of destruction looks calm, indifferent expression.

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