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The majestic strength of Faith is emerging.

On the periphery of Scourge World, with the incarnation one after another of the gods coming, Gods Vestige is shown in this World, and a wave of faith carnival is also going on.

A World that has never had extraordinary power manifested in the past. Once Gods Vestige appears, the impact is extremely dramatic.

At this level, many ordinary people in the past have directly become devoted devotees of the deities, contributing many strengths of Faith to the gods.

In this case, the gods also began to give feedback to these lines of faith. One after another divine force returned through the lines of faith and poured into the bodies of those believers.

In this way, a good situation has already been formed.

“This World is really fanatical about faith …”

Standing on the sky, feeling the growing faith in the entire world at this moment, Goddess Mart could not help but shook the head, not knowing what to say.

“There is no extraordinary world, it is quite normal for the gods to show this look …”

Beside Goddess of fate, the god of foresight said softly: “But this is just the outer perimeter of Scourge World. If you then go into Scourge World within the realm and go to other levels, I am afraid it will not be so easy.”

The existence of extraordinary strength in a world is very important to faith.

If there is an extraordinary strength, then in the eyes of some people, the gods are just the more powerful Transcender that’s all, which is very different from the so-called Legendary field not at all, but nothing more than the strength of that’s all.

Therefore, in an extraordinary world, the gods must rely on the contract formed by the line of faith to obtain more believers.

The believer provides faith to the deity and provides strength, and the gods in turn feedback the divine force, so that the strength of the believer can grow, and even to a certain extent, guarantee his life after death.

But in the world without extraordinary, the situation is very different.

Even if there is no contract of faith, I am afraid you can easily obtain a large number of believers.

Not to mention, there is also the strength feedback from the belief line.

Strength is true and true, as long as you believe in a true deity, it is possible to obtain it.

This is the true and true interest.

It is for these reasons that the development of the gods at this level will be so smooth.

“The situation in front of me is pretty good, but I don’t know how long it will last.”

Beside the God of Death, Mar continued to open the mouth and said.

“I can stick to it for a while.”

God of Death’s face was calm, and at the same time he spoke softly: “I joined forces with the abyss master to draw God World’s will together with the authority we control, enough to cover us in a short time, not to make us Was discovered by the sacredness of this World. “

“As long as we have harvested enough World Strength within this time, it is enough to build the World Gate in this World and send my real body from here.”

“And before that, we still need to do our best to lurk.”

“So, the next thing is to get rid of the two lords.”

He looked towards the God of Foresight and 2 Mars in front of him, so he said: “With the authority of you 2 people, you can accurately predict what will happen within a certain period of time in this level, so that it may lead to The factors we exposed are excluded. “

“I hope that during this time, you can join forces to perform a deduction in this World, as far as possible to push back the time we exposed.”


Fate Goddess glanced at the god of foresight, and then nodded in agreement: “We understand.”

They were nodded, then each stepped aside and started their own work.

Not only they, but the rest of the gods have also been tasked by God of Death to deal with the backlash of this World as much as possible, and build the World Gate as soon as possible.

The gods in God World finally entered Scourge World. When the perimeter of Scourge World continued to wreak havoc, at the core of Scourge World, an existence could not help raising its head, and if it felt, it looked in the outer direction.

“Finally … Are you still here?”

Looking at the outer direction of Scourge World, through the connection of abilities, Scourge incarnation face is covered with a mask, but his heart is muttering to himself.

“Sir, what’s wrong?” A sweet female voice came slowly.

Not far away, a beautiful-looking elf, wearing a silver robe, stood there, looking at the natural disaster incarnation with some doubt at the moment.

“It’s nothing……”

Looking at Lucy, not far away, natural disaster incarnation shook the head, gently opened the mouth and said: “Just a little sigh …”

“The day of the Scourge World will eventually change …”

He spoke so softly, and the words fell, but the Lucis in front of him felt a doubt.

In today’s time, since the natural disaster incarnation entered the natural disaster world within the realm, it has already passed the tens of thousands of years.

In the time of tens of thousands of years, the natural disaster incarnation has restored the strength that was once the natural disaster leader, and with Lucius and other followers, successfully entered the core area of ​​the natural disaster world.

And during this tens of thousands of years, the reputation of the natural disaster incarnation also spread outwards. It is one of the few natural disaster lords still active in the disaster world today, even among the natural disaster lords. Great reputation.

What kind of major event would make such a powerful and powerful person sigh?

Lucy’s thought flashed through her heart, and she couldn’t help being nervous.

On the side, it seemed to perceive the emotion in her heart, natural disaster incarnation shook the head, opened the mouth and said: “Relax.”

“No matter what, with me, you won’t be in trouble.”

The faint voice fell, and fell on the ears of Lucy’s people, calming them down.

On the side of the natural disaster incarnation, Lucy gently raised her head and looked at the natural disaster incarnation before her, with a strong trust in her eyes.

Time is slowly passing.

For the coming of the gods, the natural disaster incarnation not at all did not respond specially, neither sent people to cooperate nor did anything else.

There is no need for that.

The strength of God World is far above Scourge World, and it does not require anything from Scourge incarnation to enter the Scourge with the realm easily, without additional help.

If the natural disaster incarnation is really shot, it may expose its relationship with God of Death and cause the natural disaster world to be vigilant.

If this is the case, it is not appropriate.

Therefore, for the arrival of the gods, the natural disaster incarnation did nothing, and behaved like an outsider who did not know any inside information. There was nothing unusual.

And the final result is as expected by the natural disaster incarnation.

For the arrival of the gods, many of the Scourge Lords of the Scourge World simply did not react, so that the gods had calmly completed the initial transition.

A few decades have passed.

With the consumption of World Strength, a golden door of World slowly opened, and the atmosphere belonging to God World slowly overflowed and slowly appeared in the realm.

boom! !

The silent rhythm began.

When the door of Golden’s World opened, and the breath belonging to God World flowed to Scourge World, the consciousness of Scourge World finally reflected.

Strength belonging to God World is still shrouded, but at this moment, it is no longer possible to disguise the existence of the gods, so that their breath began to slowly diffuse out and was noticed by the entire Scourge World.

Suddenly in an instant, in the depths of the Scourge World, a pair of eyes opened sharply, and this moment lit up in unison.

The originally sleeping Scourge Lord began to recover slowly. At this moment, he looked out inconsistently and felt an unusual breath emerging in Scourge World.

“Unfamiliar World breath, with the kind of pulse that belongs to the original World …”

“Is it the Wizard World?”

“No, from the breath, it doesn’t seem like …”

“So, is this a new origin World?”

The sound of each and everyone began to sound at the core of Scourge World.

In an instant, the natural disaster lords, who had been confined to sleep, were awakened by the unknown breath of the World and began to recover at this moment.

The breath of terror pervades the Scourge World, and the majesty of the divine existence is flowing, rolling towards the entire world.

boom! !

The entire world is trembling. In the Scourge World at this moment, I do n’t know how many levels are unmovable. At this moment, I am shocked by the unknown breath.

At this moment, in the entire Scourge World, I don’t know how many of them have turned around. I looked at the depths of the World in horror, and I didn’t understand what happened.

“what happened?”

Their faces were horrified, and at this moment they felt a horror, and the whole soul was trembling.

“The great World Lords are recovering. Will a new round of World Wars begin?”

They were horrified. They didn’t know what happened at this moment.

And in the outermost periphery of Scourge World, at the moment when the door of World officially opened, the incarnation of the gods had already begun to gather.

Although the door of the world has been opened, it is still a period of time for their real body to enter this world because of their sacred existence.

So during this time, they also need to be supported by the Disaster Lord’s offensive to guard the World Gate.

Of course, in the eyes of the gods, this problem is not too difficult.

The gods present are not two, but more than 2.

The gods of the entire God World have come together, even if only the incarnation comes, it is also a huge strength.

In this state, if you want to face the Scourge World head-on, it may be difficult to fight at this moment.

But if it is just to guard the gate of the world and guard it for a while at the gate of the world, then there is no problem.

In this regard, the gods present were very confident.


Outside the gate of the world, the outer sky began to change color.

The gods lifts the head, watching the outside world change color, this moment cannot help flashing this thought.

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