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The sky gradually changed color, and World began to change.

At the edge of the Scourge World, under the gaze of the gods, the distant scene began to change.

Scenes of light began to flicker, gradually illuminating above the sky.

Subsequently, each and everyone silhouette gradually appeared, just appeared at the end of the line of sight.

Silently, a silhouette covered with the power of natural disasters, huge and boundless, as if a silhouette of a world-like giant shore slowly descended, gazing at this place.

The huge idea burst out and swept outwards instantly, so that the gods in front of him suddenly became dignified.

“A sacred person approaching Supreme God …”

Feeling the presence in the distance, Goddess Mare’s face was dignified and he muttered to himself at this moment.

This is the divine presence where the first place comes.

And after this existence, more sacredness began to come.

The sky gradually changed color, one after another light continued to flash, and gradually gathered here.

The light of the law fluctuates and resonates with the consciousness of the entire Scourge World. At the moment, it oscillates and announces its advent.

Under the gaze of the gods of the doctors, several Scourge Lords came directly.

They were entangled with the faint force of natural disasters, and the strength and terror of the whole body was majestic and terrifying, covering all four sides here, covering everything.

A little bit of the power of the natural disaster fell, and it came here, directly melting the strength delivered by God World, and fell into a calm.

Silently, the origin and strength of a source World are fully displayed, and at this moment there is a burst of roar.

A pair of indifferent eyes began to stare.

After losing the cover of God World’s Strength, the situation in this place was finally exposed and fully revealed.

The existence of the gods began to be exposed.

They were exposed to the outside world and gathered together outside the gate of World at the moment, standing there together.

At this moment, the strength of God World still exists. Although it has been constantly offset by the strength of the Scourge World, it has melted a lot at this moment, but it still closely guards this area near the World Gate, and does not completely expose the World Gate.

Many incarnations are hiding in it, which is covered by the strength of God World at this moment, not at all was discovered by the Disaster Lords of Scourge World.

At the moment, only a dozen deities of incarnation that’s all appeared before them.

However, even this amount is enough to make the Disaster Lords feel a little surprised, frowning for this.

“The 7th grade incarnation does not come from the real body …”

The first Disaster Lord looked at the incarnation of God of Death and the others, and frowned at this moment: “A dozen 7th grade incarnations are a dozen 7th grade holy?”

“They don’t have the spirit of a wizard, they are not the wizards of the wizard world.”

Another Disaster Lord came and frowned at this moment: “So, is it from another origin World?”

Above the sky, they talked while looking at the incarnation of the gods standing underneath.

Even if God World’s strength is not fully demonstrated, only a dozen of the gods incarnation appear, it is also an extremely weak strength.

Not to mention the true bodies of these gods, it is only their incarnation at this moment that their Strength is extremely weak.

Each deity’s incarnation is at least close to the 6th level Peak, even if it is slightly worse, it will not be too far away.

Because as the origin and authority of a sacred existence, even if they are incarnation, the power they can exert is absolutely far beyond the ordinary 6th-level Peak, which can pose a threat to the true 7th grade.

There are more than a dozen incarnations of these gods. These strengths, even if it is a real 7th grade, come here, I am afraid to face it alone.

Therefore, the faces of these Disaster Lords are extremely solemn at the moment.

“The Strength of the World is still shrouded. Look at this way, it should be building a channel, ready to send these sacred real bodies to here.”

The Disaster Lord who appeared first looked dignified, looking at the gods standing underneath, and could not help but speak gently: “do it quickly, suppress their incarnation and get the coordinates of the World from them.”

The invasion of a new origin, World, is certainly a danger, but it is also not an opportunity.

At least for now.

So in front of them, several Disaster Lords couldn’t help but think about it, wanting to suppress the incarnation of these gods and get the coordinates of God World from them.

At this time, a wave of ripples gradually swelled, and the force of the natural disasters roared, reflecting a tall silhouette.

It was an extremely tall silhouette, covered with heavy armor, and a face covered with a bronze-mask, which was very mysterious and stern, and there was a cold breath filled the whole body, like the deep sea ice Gives a bitter ice cold.

No one else is the incarnation that Adier sent to Scourge World, Scourge incarnation.

Looking at the silhouette of the natural disaster incarnation, several Disaster Lords who had already arrived could not help being surprised.

“The Lord of Destruction, he is also here.”

“The response is quick …”

Each and everyone sounds in nothingness.

Several Disaster Lords felt a little surprised at the reaction to the natural disaster incarnation.

In this World of tens of thousands of years, through the continuous activity in the Scourge World, Scourge incarnation is naturally exposed to the sight of many Disaster Lords.

At this moment in the Scourge World, he was made the master of destruction, the control and successor of the power of destruction.

Seeing the silhouette of the natural disaster incarnation, several Disaster Lords slowly turned around and continued to look in front of them.

At this moment, below, the gods also found several silhouettes of Disaster Lords.


Feeling the breath emanating from several Disaster Lords, standing next to the Earth Demon Lord, the god of destruction was lightly sighed.

He has now discovered it.

Compared with God World, whether it is Wizard World or Scourge World, although the sacred quantity in it is even rarer, it is generally superior in quality.

As a result, the wizards who appeared in God World before, and the Disaster Lords in front of them, each of which is individually taken out and put into God World is at least a medium divine force, and none of them are weak.

Among them, the two Disaster Lords that appeared first and last appeared even more terrifying, and they are close to the category of Supreme God’s power. In the future, they may have the opportunity to truly enter this level.

Especially the last Disaster Lord, who is called the Lord of Destruction.

As the destruction controller of God World, the divine ability of destruction can clearly feel the terror strength filled with the body within the other party. The kind of destruction authority is extremely scary, even if compared with him, it is not far away.

“how are you feeling?”

Looking at the Disaster Lords appearing above the sky ahead, God of Death’s face was calm and he spoke gently.

“What do you think?”

Aside, the Lord of Earth Demon laughed and then said: “One by one?”

“it is good.”

God of Death gently nodded, no comments on this.

At the next moment, a silver long sword was pulled out, and the dreaded Death Power began to roar forward.

The brilliance of silver fluttered in midair, rippling at the moment.

The terrifying Strength condenses in midair, and it seems to be a huge Death World between them, pressing forward in an instant.

Hong long!

The terrifying Strength is roaring, and the mighty Strength is rushing forward like a long dragon, causing the roar of the surrounding World.

With a single blow, it seemed to be enough to smash 9 days, causing the entire Scourge World to sink into it and feel a burst of Supreme fear.

Silver Flower, Sword of Absolute Killing!

boom! !

Silver’s Sword of Death flickered in nothingness and fell directly in an instant.

This terrifying breath spread out, and in a few moments the Disaster Lord complexion greatly changed across, and my heart could not help jumping.

“This kind of Strength !!”

Feeling the strength contained in the sword of God of Death, several Disaster Lords changed color. At this moment, a wave of palpitations in my heart could not help rising and felt a wave of terror.

In a flash, a Disaster Lord rushed forward and sent a roar in midair to meet the sword forward.

In the air, he roared there, his huge body spread out, almost endless, he could not see the limit at all, and his strength flashed and turned into a pole.

In the next moment, the two collided head-on, and a sharp sword mark appeared on the chest of the Scourge Lord, carrying a sacred Death Power on it, sweeping over his body.

Grandiose, suppress 4 parties!

boom! !

An inch of blood was broken up, and in the air, the blood of Golden was scattered, and every drop of blood was filled with horrible majesty, it was the blood of the 4th grade.

In midair, the body of the Disaster Lord was retreating, and he was wounded directly under the sword. At the moment, a face was full of horror.

“Is this the strength that incarnation can have?”

He looked at his chest and felt the death strength flashing in the sword mark on his chest. This moment was a little horrified.

In fact, not only him, but also the faces of the other Disaster Lords were extremely horrified. At this moment, they didn’t understand what happened.

In midair, the first Disaster Lord complexion greatly changed, feeling the breath emerging in midair, and suddenly reacted.

“Be careful!”

His face was tense, and a sudden reaction came at this moment: “This is not an ordinary 7th grade incarnation, but an 8th-order incarnation!”

Incarnation of order 8 exists!

The remaining Disaster Lords were stunned for a while, then the complexion greatly changed.

The strength of incarnation is usually lower than that of the main body.

So if the body is 7th grade, then the strength of incarnation will often become level 6.

But if there is such an 8th order existence, I am afraid it is just an incarnation, and its strength will not be inferior to the 7th grade sacred.

Even more terrifying.

In an instant, the faces of several Disaster Lords on the scene became more dignified. At this moment, they were staring at God of Death in front of them, not knowing what they were thinking.

And below, after God of Death, another existence also shot.

Standing in place, the King of Demon showed a faint smile on his face, and then slowly extended his hand under the gaze of many eyes.

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