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The outermost periphery of Scourge World.

Looking at the Disaster Lords standing in front of him, the black robe of the earth demon swayed in the wind. At this moment, with a faint smile on his face, he slowly extended his hand.

A kind of dim Strength began to emerge from his body, swaying out in an instant.

At this moment, the majestic origin Strength swept forward, rushed out in an instant, turned into one after another iron chain in the outside world, and rushed towards a Disaster Lord.

The terrifying Strength is roaring, venting and erupting at this moment.

boom! !

The space was scratched in an instant and became different.

In situ, the consciousness of Scourge World groaned, seeming to feel threatened, and now began to roar.

In front of him, the opponent chosen by the Lord of Earth Demon was none other than the Disaster Lord who appeared in the first place before.

Among all the Disaster Lords in front of him, this Disaster Lord and the decayed master who arrived later have the strongest strength, and both reached close to 7th grade Peak level.

So in theory, these two existences pose the greatest threat to the gods incarnation.

At this moment, the Lord of Earth Demons directly selected one of the two most difficult existences.

The bursts of rain spread in midair, and as soon as the Earth Demon King shot, he locked the World of the four sides, cutting the World from the outside world, forming a closed ring.

Being in it, the Disaster Lord only felt like he was abandoned by the World, with a strong sense of terror and suffocation.

Strength in all directions is rising, in this brief moment, the Disaster Lord took a deep breath, without evading, and greeted directly to the silhouette of the Earth Demon King.

At this time, the battle between the two sides is not one-sided.

The terrifying Strength exploded in nothingness, and a little ripple oscillated in nothingness before spreading.

In it, the silhouette of the Earth Demon King and the Disaster Lord’s silhouette flickered, intertwined among them.

Standing on the sky, looking at the scene of the battle between the two sides, several Disaster Lords were slightly surprised.

In their sight, along with the strength of the Earth Demon King’s strength overflowing, vaguely, Law Aura of the four sides was shocked by it, and forcibly formed a prototype of the World, roaring at the moment, with the Earth Demon King The Strength pressed forward, pressing down the Disaster Lord.

This scene is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, and the World is depicted in nothingness. This scene looks extremely shocking, and in fact it is the same.

In this rudimentary prototype World, the Disaster Lord kept shooting in it. Although the Strength horror on his body was close to the Peak level of the 7th grade, he was still unable to suppress the Earth Demon King.

The two sides are fighting in nothingness, evenly matched with each other, constantly consuming in that place.

Looking at this scene, several Disaster Lord’s faces were dignified.

“Not only an 8th-order sacred, but also a World Lord?”

Looking at the performance of the Earth Demon King, he felt the kind of authority breath from his body, and several Disaster Lords had solemn faces, and the thought flashed in their hearts.

Then, they turned around silently, slowly staring at the natural disaster incarnation aside.

In front of the place, at this moment, in addition to the previous Disaster Lord, the most powerful house among them is this newly emerged Lord of Destruction.

So at this moment, their eyes subconsciously looked at it.

And under their eyes, the natural disaster incarnation stood still, and their faces were covered by the bronze-mask for a while. They could not see the specific expressions in them, and they could only see some fighting intent through his eyes.

He stood still in nothingness, just standing silently, and then looked down, gradually gathered on the god of destruction.

“I feel your authority in the body is similar to me …”

A faint, hoarse voice resounded in place.

In the nothingness, the eyes of the natural disaster incarnation gradually lightened up, and at this moment, they looked at the god of destruction below, and what was in the eyes was a thick fighting intent.


Feeling the sight of the natural disaster incarnation, the God of Destruction was surprised, but there was still a smile on his face: “Just right.”

“Since that battle, I haven’t been active in a long time …”

He looked at the natural disaster incarnation in the distance and spoke so softly.

At the next moment, his body disappeared from its place and came into nothingness, facing the natural disaster incarnation.

The terrifying Strength roar, under the sacred sight of both sides, the two strands are very different in nature, but the essence is extremely similar. The destruction of Source Aura is flashing, and now appears on each of the two silhouettes.

The source of destruction is rising, grandiose, rushing forward, the terrible prestige is horrifying.

“Another 8th-order sacred incarnation ……”

Looking at the God of Destruction in front, feeling the breath from the God of Destruction at the moment, the few Disaster Lords sucked in a cold breath on the scene, at this time no longer knew what to say.

Among the dozens of trifling sacred, there are actually 3 8th-level sacred.

This ratio is really too scary.

Looking at densely packed below, standing a bunch of gods incarnation, the remaining Disaster Lords suddenly felt a little flustered, a little doubt if their people came less.

In normal circumstances, more than a dozen sacred incarnations are indeed powerful, but they are not as good as the Disaster Lord who is in the Peak.

They are already enough to deal with them.

Not to mention, there are also factors that suppress Scourge World.

With the exposure of God World’s breath, the World Consciousness of Scourge World is recovering, and it is here now.

Under the influence of Scourge World’s consciousness, the strength of those sacred incarnations originating from foreign countries will be suppressed by Scourge World, while Disaster Lord will be blessed and blessed by World.

One after another, there was another gap.

However, let them didn’t expect that among the dozen or so gods incarnation, there are 3 incarnations with 8 ranks.

The existence of the 8th order is enough to break the balance, far beyond the sacred, even if it is incarnation.

Even with the suppression of Scourge World, their chances of winning are not too big, and they are a little uneasy at the moment.

Fortunately, outside changes are still in progress.

It seems to feel the pressure of several Disaster Lords, the consciousness of Scourge World roared, and began to summon the distance.

Along with the waves of natural disasters, under the call of natural disaster awareness, several new silhouettes began to appear, appearing in mid-air here.

In the midair, the silhouette of the digital Disaster Lord slowly appeared.

The faint majesty spilled out, and an unusual terrifying aura was oscillating, gradually spreading outward.

God of Death frowned.

He looked up towards the distance, and looked towards a silhouette standing in the center.

It was a silhouette that didn’t look very tall. It seemed to be only ordinary adults, standing side by side with the rest of the Scourge Lords, like a small doll.

But the breath on his body was not like this. The terrifying terror, as soon as it appeared, immediately suppressed the breath of the rest of the Disaster Lords, riding a dust.

There is a unique 8-level hierarchy, and a vast and terrifying atmosphere slowly spreads from above this silhouette, and it begins to stir at this moment.

And in the distance, in a deep mist, the silhouette whose existence reveals itself is a very beautiful and alluring woman.

She was wearing a crimson dress, tall and tall, shrouded in a mist, standing at the moment in nothingness, silently looking in the direction of God of Death.

A pair of crimson eyes twinkling, like two red gems, looks extremely beautiful.

At all around, seeing the woman’s arrival, the rest of the Disaster Lord complexion changed and could not help but step forward slowly.

“The Great Crimson Lord.”

A burst of sound resounded in place.

All around, several Disaster Lords looked respectfully and spoke seriously to the woman in front of them.

“Crimson Lord …”

Standing in place, looking at the woman in the distance, God of Death muttered to himself.

As an adversary of Scourge World, Wizard World naturally has a very clear and thorough understanding of Scourge World’s intelligence.

As one of Adier’s identities, God of Death naturally shares this information, which is very clear about the strength of the Natural Disaster World.

The 8th sacred world within the realm of Scourge also has 3 people.

In addition to one known as the endless ruler, and a mysterious 8th-order existence, the other is the crimson lord in front of him.

The Crimson Lord was one of the enemies of the Wizard World in ancient times, and it was also a direct factor that caused the mother of the Emerald to fall.

In the battle in ancient times, it was the Crimson Lord who shot down the mother of the Emerald, who had been seriously injured, in the realm, and suffered from the World Day after Day.

At the same time, it is also one of the two 2th-order existences that are still active within the realm.

In the distance, the Crimson Lord had just appeared, and a pair of Crimson Eyes looked towards, staring at God of Death.

“Unknown Level 8 Existence …”

Looking at God of Death, she spoke softly, a face full of indifference: “Come to our World, do you want to do something?”

“What do you think?”

God of Death’s face was calm, his body was upright, and he stood there, looking exceptionally out of the ordinary: “It’s just like you’ve done to other world that’s all.”

“Your World is hailed as a natural disaster, presumably for no reason.”


Crimson Lord laughed, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face: “weak are prey to the strong, this is the truth recognized by countless World.”

“We can, so can you.”

“However, you seem to underestimate our Strength.”

She looked down at the head of God of Death, where a dozen gods standing incarnation stood so coldly opened the mouth and said at the moment.

“Is it underestimated, you can try it yourself.”

God of Death laughed, his expression looked very calm, without the slightest ups and downs.

“it is good.”

Crimson Lord’s face was cold, and finally he shot.

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