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The brilliance of the law is flashing, accompanied by the crimson lord’s shot.

The huge Strength surges and rolls forward, and this moment diffuses within the realm of the world around all around.

Between the silence, the huge crimson field enveloped all four sides, and almost all of the World was included.

Standing in the air, the eyes of the Crimson Lord are filled with crimson fire, every inch of skin all over the body, and every texture seems to have an endless mysterious strength spreading, and mortals can understand this by taking advantage Step into the extraordinary, incarnation extraordinary life.

Below, feeling the strength in front of him, God of Death looked calm and slowly raised his head.

The strength of the Crimson Lord is terrifying.

As the one of the kings born in the Scourge World since ancient times, the strength of the Lord of Crimson is extremely powerful even though it is definitely not weak in the Lord of the King.

And as he was in the realm with the realm, after the blessing of the natural disaster world, that kind of strength has been continuously amplified, and the strength at the moment is even more terrifying.

In contrast, God of Death is the opposite.

As an incarnation, his strength was originally less than the scarlet lord in front of him, not to mention the factor of World consciousness at the moment.

All kinds of factors are superimposed, at least at this moment, he is definitely not the main opponent of Crimson in front of him.

But God of Death never thought of fighting alone.

Standing in the same place, he looked at the Crimson Lord in front, turned silently, and looked at the side destiny Goddess Mar.

Behind him, Marr was wearing a purple robe, a hazy breath, shrouded in a mist, and felt the sight of God of Death’s gaze at this moment, could not help being gently nodded.

Without any hesitation, behind the God of Death, feeling the strength on the Red Lord at the moment, the dozen of gods incarnation standing under the shot all shot together.

On the land of the Scourge World, they all shot together, and the whole divine force was oscillating. At this moment, they quietly blessed the God of Death on the body, so that the breath of his body began to rise slowly, and became more invisible. terror.

Strength, which belongs to death, is blooming, and a silver long sword suddenly comes out.

As the offensive of the Crimson Lord approached, God of Death looked calm, and the silver long sword in his hand fell instantly.

One after another sharp sword light flashes in the void, raging in between Heaven and Earth, bringing up ripples. For a while, it seems that the entire Heaven and Earth will be cut into countless pieces and become fragmented.

The death-strength strength is blooming, and the pure death Law Aura is surging and rushing forward together.

Silver Flower, Sword of Absolute Killing!

The lethal killing intent bursts, although it seems very plain, but once the strength contained therein explodes, it is enough to instantly hit a 7th grade sacred into a serious injury, causing it to almost fall from the sacred position.

With the release of God of Death, behind God of Death, the strength of God World ’s strength is also surging, and an invisible World Strength roars, blessing it instantly, making its strength even more terrifying. .

Hong long!

The realm of 2 laws is intertwined instantly.

The realm of death and crimson condensed into one at this moment, condensed in midair, and gradually fell into a stalemate.

The strengths of the 2 people roared together and slowly spilled out to the outside world, affecting the operation of the entire Scourge World at this moment.

At this moment, in every corner of the natural disaster world, bursts of natural phenomena are emerging.

Pieces of cemetery were affected by the strength of Death Domain. The dead undead recovered again, screaming at the sky, and the rich death Aura spread, shaking the entire world of Heaven and Earth.

“Does it belong to the authority of death?”

Crimson Lord’s face was cold and grim, feeling this change, a cold smile appeared on his face: “It’s just right.”

She waved her hand, and on her body, a unique aura spread.

The breath that belongs to life is coming, silently and breathlessly falling in this world.

Indistinctly, it seems to be able to see the illusory shadow of an ancient tree emerging, swaying the branches at this moment, the pure vitality in it spreads and oscillates to the four directions, combining with the surrounding Death Aura, starting to cancel each other.

This is the pure strength of life authority, which represents the other side of death. As soon as it appears at this moment, it immediately starts to spontaneously conflict and cancel with the authority of death.

“this is……”

Looking at the strength used by the Crimson Lord in the distance, and feeling the faintly appearing ancient tree illusory shadow, the gods incarnation from God World could not help frowning.

“It’s like the breath of the emerald master of Wizard World …”

Feeling the breath of the Scarlet Lord, standing behind the God of Death, the destiny Goddess Mar could not help frowning, feeling a little puzzled: “Is n’t the Scourge World and the Wizard World a deadly enemy? Why is that the strength of the Emerald Lord, in this scarlet Reappeared in the Lord? “

The gods present were puzzled.

God of Death knew what was going on.

The strength of life in the Crimson Lord in front of him is not derived from Adier, the current jadeite master, but from the previous generation of jadeite master.

In the ancient war between Wizard World and Scourge World, the mother of Emerald was trapped in the Lord of Scourge World and suppressed by the crimson Lord in front of him.

Part of the origin of the jadeite on his body presumably also fell into the hands of the crimson lord in front of him at that time, so he was reproduced at this moment.

The faint emerald light began to flash.

The next moment, silver’s death sword light rises into the sky and confronts the brilliance of the Red Lord.

Two horrible strengths broke out here, almost submerging half of the natural disasters.

The majestic Strength is surging and surging at this moment.

At this moment, throughout the Scourge, within the realm, all creatures lift the head, can see the natural phenomenon on the horizon.

The glory of death and the crimson flame are constantly intertwined, vaguely, it seems to be able to see a huge Death World slowly unfolding, blooming the strength of death in it.

And in that Death World, there has been a huge fire bird roar towards the sky, sizzling.

The red power covered the entire world and enveloped the entire world.

The vast Strength spread through it, almost spanning layers of layers, and slowly spreading towards the core of Scourge World.

“this is……”

In the core area of ​​Scourge World, feeling the strength, many Disaster Lords who were sleeping in the beginning began to recover gradually. At this moment, their eyes could not help looking out, and there were some doubts in their eyes.

“Aura of the Scarlet Lord …”

“There are those strange and divine beings …”

They recovered from a long slumber, and now felt the turbulence of the outside God of Death and the crimson Lord’s strength, and their eyes could not help but wonder.

On the outermost perimeter of Scourge World, this battle is still going on.

God of Death is directly opposite to the Lord of Crimson. The strengths of the two begin to confront each other in the void, causing the natural world to scream.

In the invisible, an invisible air machine began to interweave, and it began to rumble in this place, emitting a burst of invisible texture.

The result of the battle between the two sides is also very obvious.

God of Death was suppressed by the God of Crimson, and it was directly suppressed. Although it still maintained a balance of power at the moment, it has a tendency to gradually fail.

This result is not surprising.

After all, nowadays, God of Death is just an avatar, and it is also suppressed by the Scourge World, but the Red Lord is completely the opposite, not only the arrival of the body, but also the blessing of Scourge World.

In fact, under such harsh conditions, God of Death can barely maintain this balance of power, which is already the result of the joint blessing of dozens of gods incarnation behind him.

A dozen of the strengths of the gods of incarnation blessed God of Death together, and at the moment blessed God of Death together, so they pushed the strength of God of Death forward and barely kept the balance under the offensive of the Red Lord. There is no direct collapse.

However, according to the current situation, with the passage of time, the divine force blessed by the gods gradually disappeared, and the strength of the God of Death side was completely suppressed, which is only a matter of time.

In response, God of Death’s face was calm, and he was very calm about this. He waved his long sword in this way, intersecting with the crimson lord in front of him.

“While now, we rushed in and completely destroyed the passage!”

Looking at the battlefields everywhere, the several Disaster Lords watching each other glanced at each other, and then the thought flashed in unison.

At this moment, all the places are fighting, and the three 3th-order sacred opposites have been dragged by people. It is a great opportunity for them to destroy the World Channel.

They have not forgotten that these sacred moments are just some incarnation at the moment.

If you delay for some time and wait for these sacred real bodies to be sent to the Scourge World, then things will become extremely difficult.

the thoughts got to this point, they looked at each other and then rushed forward in unison.

With the glorious flow, they rushed into that hazy space, breaking through the strength blockade of God World.

In front of me, God World’s brilliance was still circulating, flashing in that place. At this moment, it seemed to feel the arrival of several Disaster Lords. The brilliance in it was rapidly flashing, and it seemed to feel a burst of anxiety.

“Do you feel anxious?”

Feeling the reaction of God World’s consciousness, the thoughts flashed in the hearts of several Disaster Lords, and then the movements in his hands accelerated faster.

As long as the Strength blockade in front of you is broken and the passage of World is destroyed, the sacred incarnation in front of you will be trapped in the Lord of Scourge World and can only become a turtle in the urn and cannot escape.

At that time, facing the Suppression of the Scourge World and the offensive of many Disaster Lords, one can imagine the end.

Thinking of this, several Disaster Lords couldn’t help smiling, and rushed straight in.

They rushed straight out and just plunged in.

Then in the next moment, a terrifying change began to take place.

“More than a dozen!”

A burst of sound came from the mist, with a kind of horror in the sound, and there was also incredible.

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