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The deep darkness began to fall, one after another a huge black hole descended and enveloped all the silhouettes present.

In midair, the endless ruler’s face was indifferent, and after being shot down, it was forcibly wanting to use one person’s power to overwhelm all the gods present.

Feeling this, the Divine Hearts on the scene sneered, and the strength all over his body excited and began to surge forward.

As far as Strength is concerned, including God of Death and the Lord of Earth Demon, I am afraid that it will not be the endless dominating opponent in front of it.

After all, they are the arrival of incarnation at this moment, and their strength is weaker than that of the endless master who is coming.

But if the endless ruler in front of him can overcome all the divine beings present with one person’s strength, that is also an impossible thing.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes. A single deity incarnation is of course nothing, but at the moment there are more than 60 deity incarnations, and the strength that has erupted will be extremely terrifying, even if it is a Supreme God, it can never face it.

The endless ruler in front of me dared to do so, in the eyes of many deities, it was just overreaches oneself that’s all.

At the next moment, 2 shares of Strength begin to collide head-on.

The rule of one after another continues to move forward, offsetting the strength that was shot down, and disappearing into the invisible.

It was just the next moment, but the gods were stunned.

The nihilistic strength began to shroud, and gradually enveloped them, wrapped around them. Although they didn’t have the strong strength, they seemed to have a unique Law fluctuation.

“this is……”

Feeling the strength around the body, several gods incarnation froze, and then the complexion greatly changed.

In the next moment, their bodies disappeared directly, and the strange law of Strength lay beneath the whole body. They were directly disappeared, and no trace could be found.

“this is……”

Looking at this scene, God of Death’s expression was solemn, and he already understood the changes: “Teleport?”

“You sent them away?”

He instantly understood.

What the endless ruler has in front of him is the authority in the direction of space.

At Fang Cai, he diffused his own strength, not to really fight against the gods, but to use space authority as the basis, and then link the strength of the natural disaster world, and directly send the gods present.

The gods that have been transported away will not be troubled and will not disappear, but they will be lost in the turbulent flow of space.

After a while, most of the time there is no way to return to this place.

The same is true of the endless domination.

In the distance, the endless ruler stands in the void, and now there is a scepter in the unconsciously hand, standing there quietly, with eternal terrifying aura all over him.

Beside him, several people looked at each other and then rushed forward in unison.

The emptiness began to riot, the world consciousness of Scourge began to surge, and the continuation of World Strength continued to bless.

The strength of the law is turbulent, condensed here, and pressed towards the incarnation of the gods, suppressing their strength.

The situation in this place became chaotic for a moment, and the strength of the law kept colliding, knocking this place into nothingness.

As large as the entire Heaven and Earth, as small as a particle on the microscopic level, at this moment, it stopped beating, at this moment it was directly at rest, and was imprisoned.

The gods and Disaster Lord from God World are fighting, the divine force and the power of the natural disaster are rippling and changing here and there.

The situation was deadlocked for a while.

At this moment, after the initial time, the Disaster Lords of the Scourge World have gathered here, and the number is no less than a dozen.

A dozen Disaster Lords, although still far inferior in number to the gods of God World, they also have advantages.

Here is the Scourge World. In the Scourge World within the realm, the strength of Disaster Lord will continue to climb up and become more powerful, but the gods will instead be suppressed by it.

With this trade-off, the gap is widened.

In addition, the Disaster Lords are basically ontologies at this point. They are located in the Scourge World and can play their own strong Strength, while the gods are only avatars. Strength is far less than the Disaster Lord in front of him.

Therefore, despite occupying the greatest advantage in quantity, the performance in front of it is very stable in specific situations.

The gods of God World and the Disaster Lord of Scourge World had a tie.

The two sides stalemate in nothingness and are stuck in a stalemate here.

This situation is obviously extremely beneficial to the gods.

With the passage of time, the World Gate is slowly recovering, and their ontology will also be transferred to this World.

At that time, the bodies of the gods will all come, and the strength of the Disaster Lord and the gods will be reversed and become another look.

Therefore, time stands on the side of the gods.

The Endless Master obviously knows this truth.

So, in the void, he slowly raised the authority in his hand and began to shoot.

The wave of nothingness begins to distort.

With the endless master’s shot, the space was rippling, the black hole of each and everyone began to form, shrouded in the body of each and everyone gods incarnation, and directly sent it away.

In just a short time, under his shot, the number of the gods was less than one and a half, and they fell directly into the nihilistic chaos and struggled among them.

In the midst of meditation, the consciousness of Scourge World is also exerting influence, confusing the gods, so that they cannot easily return again.

Soon, the situation in front of him reversed.

The Disaster Lords occupied the upper part, and they were about to suppress the gods.

“Your plan is about to fail.”

Standing in the void, the Infinite Master holds power in his hand, turns to look at the God of Death in the distance, and gently speaks to him: “Aren’t you still shooting?”

He not at all shot God of Death and sent it away.

Because it was sent.

Unlike those gods whose level is far below him, God of Death is also 8th level, its noble origin and strength are strong, even if it is only an incarnation at this moment, it is impossible to let him dominate.

It is too difficult to send it away.

Therefore, at the time of the genius, the endless master not at all shot God of Death, only focused on the abuse of vegetables, and sent away the incarnation of each and everyone, thereby reducing the pressure of the Disaster Lords.

What surprised him was that God of Death just stood beside him when he shot, and he never shot, like an outsider.

This attitude made him surprised, and at this moment he couldn’t help turning to look at him.

“It’s not necessary anymore.”

Standing in the same place, God of Death is a black robe, his face is calm, and under the gaze of the endless master, it slowly soaks the head.


The Endless Master froze for a moment, and was about to say something, but his body suddenly froze.

The next moment, a horrible sense of danger emerged in his mind.

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