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A horrible sense of danger came to mind.

The next moment, the endless master was stunned.

A silver long sword was cut, and at the same time, it fell from all directions at the same time, and cut towards the body of the endless master.

The terrifying Strength roar, and the vast Death Power swept across the four sides, directly slashing the protection of the surface of the endless master’s body, allowing him to directly spit blood on the spot, and the body of the law was broken.

Every bit of golden blood was dripping, and in front of him, let a divine stunned scene show.

God of Death is a black robe, with a light breath, and a sword slams down, directly knocking the endless master back and back.

2 strengths of the law of completely different strength are rippling at this moment.

With the continuous shot of God of Death, the Infinite Master is directly suppressed, and it seems out of touch for a while.


A little bit of golden blood of the Scourge continued to fall, looking at the God of Death in front of him, and the endless master’s face was dignified. At this moment, I finally realized what: “Aren’t you incarnation?”

At this time, he finally realized.

I do n’t know when the God of Death in front of me is already a real body. The strength of the 8-level hierarchy is real, and it directly suppresses it.

If it is just a doppelganger, almost impossible do this step.

Only the real body of God of Death can match the endless ruler in front of him, and even suppress it even if it is out of reach.

Feeling this situation, the endless master could not help frowning.

“When is it?”

He looked at God of Death in front of him, his face full of doubts.

However, God of Death did not mean to respond positively.

Standing in the same place, his face was calm, and the breath of his body was silent. Standing there was like a huge Death World, giving a terrifying suffocation.

Just on his body, the kind of terrifying aura that belongs to the 8th class at this moment has been undoubtedly unfolded.

An inexplicable atmosphere began to appear all around, with a strong pollution, people just just contaminated, they will be assimilated by it, feeling a twist.

This is the strength of the abyss, and it is also the power of the abyss alone.

Not far away, the Lord of Crimson raised his head and saw that in the distance, an inch of light was dim. The law of the abyss World was violently strong, and instantly formed a huge abyss World.

Surrounded by it, the King of Earth Demon has a faint smile on his face. At this moment, the breath of the whole body is surging, like the same Demon God who can to support both heaven and earth. Show, people feel very palpitations.

He leaned forward, with a faint smile on his face, and waved his hand so casually, then the breath of the abyss master broke out, and instantly suppressed that Disaster Lord in front of him, there was no way to reveal a little breath.

Obviously, at the same time that God of Death restores Strength, the body of the Earth Demon King has also entered this World, and at this moment all his own true Strength has been restored.

The abyss that belongs to the Abyss World is surging in the Scourge World, colliding with the forces of the Scourge within the realm everywhere, and constantly extinguishing in the void, causing a unique response.

The fireworks of one after another emerged on the sky, with an extremely loud sound, glancing at the past as one after another thunderbolt flickering, like an ancient thunder god in roar towards the sky, extremely loud.

Looking at the King of Earth Demons standing in the distance, the Lord of Crimson frowned and was about to say something, but was interrupted again.

Not far away, the breath of the Law of Destruction began to emerge, gradually revealing in nothingness, gradually covering the four sides.

She looked up and saw that in the distance, there were murmurs from the soul.

“Incompetent ruler, endless destruction of incarnation, please recover here …”

Pious prayers sounded in nothingness, murmured inexplicably, as if the entire world were issuing orders to bless the distant being.

And in this endless brilliance, endless sacredness, a silhouette slowly stood out, and the pure destruction aura slowly showed up all over the body, revealing to the eyes of all the divine beings present.

God of destruction!

In the void, under the gaze of all the gods, the breath of the God of Destruction began to surge, and a black robe danced with the wind. At the moment, it was pressed down with one hand, directly suppressing the Lord of Destruction in front of him The destruction of aura disappeared invisible and could not explode completely.


Looking at this scene, the crimson lord’s face was solemn, and at this moment a bad hunch rose in his heart.

The most undesirable scene happened.

After procrastinating for such a long time, the bodies of the gods finally began to intermittently, and at this moment they really came into the realm of the Scourge.

The presence of these three 3th ranks has already come, and the strong strength has been restored at this moment.

The strength of 3 ranks is of course terrifying. Of course, in terms of quantity, it is still above the rank of 8 ranks of Scourge World at the moment.

Of course, with the suppression of Scourge World, the three 3th-order sacred in front of us may not be able to defeat the joint of the Red Lord and the Endless Lord.

But there is no doubt that even with this, the advent of God World is irreversible.

The God of Death 3 cannot defeat the joint of the Crimson Lord and the Endless Lord, but in the same way, the Crimson Lord cannot destroy the World Gate under the guard of the God of Death 3 persons.

The best time is now over.

A bad hunch arose in the heart of the Crimson Lord.

Sure enough, next moment, the golden world gate in front of him began to ripple.

The shimmer of one after another begins to flicker, and among them, one after another illusory shadow gradually emerges, coming out of the door of the world, and really entering the Heaven and Earth of the natural disaster world.

The beginning of Scourge World gradually oscillated.

The consciousness of the entire Heaven and Earth is screaming, and a continuum of World Strength is constantly overflowing, turning into a huge chain, wrapped around each and everyone silhouette, trying to bind them and not let them really enter this World.

However, with a crisp sound, the chains transformed by one after another World Strength and the law continued to disintegrate and were broken by the strength of the gods.

Under the eyes of the Crimson Lord and the others, the gods began to descend and entered into the realm.


The sounds of light sounds kept ringing.

The entire Scourge World started shaking.

At this moment, within the entire Scourge World, at level 4 and above, the initial awareness of the existence of Powerhouse in the World consciousness could not help but sideways, slowly shifting his eyes, looking towards the outer periphery of Scourge World.

Under their gaze, at the moment outside the Scourge World, one after another golden star began to rise and slowly hung above the sky.

Hong long!

The entire world is trembling slightly.

It did n’t take long for the gods of the Crimson Lord and the others to watch with horror, and the body of a deity began to descend, gradually descending on the land.

In the nothingness, the incarnation of the gods of each and everyone began to disintegrate on their own, and the divine force among them began to feed back onto the body on their own, allowing the body’s breath to grow.

“It’s too late …”

Looking at the scene in front of me, the Disaster Lord complexion ashen, who was present, flashed this idea in his heart at this moment.

There is no doubt that at the moment, they are already powerless.

When the gods just came, it was their only chance.

At that time, if they were able to act decisively, all the Disaster Lords worked together, and perhaps they could also defeat the incarnation of the gods in a timely manner, and dismantle the gate of the world, making the gods ’bodies unable to enter.

It is a pity that, like most World, the mobilization ability of Scourge World is not too strong.

Because of the long-term aggression of other worlds, the Disaster Lord of Scourge World may still be united, but in terms of mobilization ability, it cannot be compared with God World, which has a common leader.

Therefore, at the beginning, they not at all used all the strength, only a few Disaster Lords came.

After that, they lost all opportunities.

At this moment, God of Death stands in nothingness.

Behind him, the true bodies of the gods are still coming.

Every once in a while, the surrounding Heaven and Earth have to shake, and there is a person new deity enters.

Looking at this scene, the Disaster Lords could only retreat despite the unwillingness.

They ca n’t destroy the World Gate under the joint force of God of Death 3, they can only take advantage of the moment when the strength comparison is not too disparate to avoid confronting the gods.

Otherwise, if all the gods come together, I am afraid that even if they want to go, there is no way to go.

“Use World authority to split the periphery!”

Leaving from the periphery, the Lord of Crimson and the Endless Master glanced at each other and made this decision.

Facing God World’s so terrifying Strength, they simply can’t confront it head-on, and they can only use the local advantages of Scourge World to block them as much as possible.

Soon, the Crimson Lord and the Endless Master began to shoot.

With their own strength, Strength, they directly cut the outer perimeter of Scourge World, and placed various means in the void between the outermost perimeter and the inner layer, destroying the forward passage, trying to prevent the gods from entering.

As the source World, the structure of Scourge World is very special, not as ordinary World, but composed of layers of layers.

Even though the gods occupy the outermost periphery of the Scourge World, as long as they do not break through the core in one day, they cannot really occupy the entire Scourge World.

In this regard, God of Death does not mean to stop, just standing silently in front of the Golden World Gate and guarding the World Gate.

After a while, accompanied by one after another shimmering light, the gods began to appear and manifest in the Scourge World.

The vast Strength is fluctuating, affecting the entire Scourge World, and some of the basic rules at this level have been permanently changed.

“Take the consciousness of the gods and devour this World!”

Looking at the empty world in front of him, God of Death began to move.

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