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“Take the consciousness of the gods and devour this World!”

A slight noise came from before my eyes.

Standing outside the Scourge World, God of Death looked calm and looked at the vast World in front of him, opening his mouth so gently.

Behind him, with his voice falling, a wave of ripples rose from the gate of World, and it seemed that there was a kind of Supreme’s will that was fluctuating, responding to the words of God of Death.

Hong long!

In the void, a burst of thunderbolt was born and exploded here.

Standing behind the God of Death, in this brief moment, the gods couldn’t help but nodded, and they all started to act in unison.

“In the name of the gods …”

They looked towards the front, the strength on their bodies began to rumble, and the power of the authority all over them gradually condensed into a little, and at this moment it turned into an infinite strength, and began to rush forward.

At the moment before him, the strength of the gods erupted all at once, and the movements caused were terrifying.

Every sacred being will be blessed by its own world when it is promoted, and thus have some strength of its own world strength.

In God World, there is no doubt that each of the gods present occupies part of God World’s authority, the difference is only how much that’s all.

The powerful deities have more power, and the weaker deities have less power.

But this does not change their essence, they are all controllers of World authority.

At this moment, when the gods join forces to reach a consensus here, and they are surging together in one direction, it almost means that most of God World’s authority is used in one place, being gathered together and condensed in one point.

Silently, God World’s consciousness began to come and gradually erupted at this moment.

The vast Strength directly hit the sky, and at this moment the sky changed color, assimilated by a brand new World Strength.

When the gods agree to pull the strength of God World together, God World’s consciousness will also move.

Strength belonging to God World began to be continuously drawn, and at this moment directly poured into the realm.

With this process, God World’s Strength began to brand in this world, and gradually transformed this world.

Standing on the spot, observing the process of erosion, God of Death’s face was calm. He could be heard faintly at this moment. In all directions, a faint sound of mourning kept coming.

The consciousness that belongs to Scourge World is mourning, and there are some reactions in the process of being eroded by God World.

World consciousness is the consciousness gathered from the strength of the entire world. The World itself is equivalent to its body.

At this moment, part of the World is eroded and contaminated by the foreign World, and it is equivalent to being cut to blood.

World consciousness has instincts, and naturally feels instinctive sorrow for this.

In the void, waves of ripples skipped, and the world’s own resistance and resistance could be seen faintly, wanting to stop this process of erosion and maintain an independent self.

It’s just a pity that at least outside the Scourge World, when the Disaster Lord evacuated, there was no Strength to block the gods present.

World no matter how to resist, facing the gods who glare like a tiger watching his prey, after all, it is helpless.

Soon, as the gods continued to shoot, Scourge World’s resistance was quickly suppressed.

In the realm of the world, a silent change began to take place. At the micro level that ordinary people could not see, the basic rules were being changed. Under the influence of the will of the gods, the rules of God World slowly changed.

With this process happening, throughout the Scourge World, the wail of World consciousness began to slowly weaken, and gradually became slight, until there was no more voice left in the end.

Subsequently, a joyful emotion spread from God World’s consciousness, and gradually spread to all the gods, and were noticed by them.

A kind of strength began to return from God World, blessed on the bodies of the gods, so that the atmosphere of their bodies changed slightly.

Feeling this change, the gods couldn’t help but move their hearts and smiled on their faces.

After being busy for so long, I finally saw the reward.

The gods attacked Scourge World, of course, for their own progress, but in this process, there is no doubt that God World will also benefit greatly.

At least in front of me, after swallowing parts of Scourge World, the benefits that God World can get are real.

World consciously sensed that all this happened, naturally instinctive feedback back to Strength, and feedback to the gods in front of them, so that their Strength can grow.

Devouring World, the strength rewarded by this kind of behavior is the most massive and generous.

In front of me, even for the gods, the strength returned by God World can be said to be extremely huge, and it is definitely a great achievement.

After all, they have reached the point where they are now. Every step forward, the effort they need to put into them is enormous. Sometimes countless years have passed, and their own Strength still cannot be improved.

Therefore, for the gods, God World ’s feedback is extremely rich.

After swallowing this level of Scourge World, the strength of the gods has generally risen a lot.

And their gains are far more than that.

In front of the eyes, standing behind God of Death, the gods present began to look all around and looked at the World in front of them.

The World in front of you is extremely huge.

In the Scourge World, the level occupied by the gods, although only the outermost layer, is calculated carefully, and the scope and spirits are extremely wide.

Its area may not be as good as the two cores of Material World and Abyss World, but compared with any other World in God World, it is definitely far beyond.

Even the underworld developed by God of Death is not as large as this level at the moment.

And with such a wide area, the number of living creatures on it is naturally extremely impressive.

The large number of creatures means to the gods that the number of creatures available to believers has increased.

For the gods present, these gains are more important than God World’s feedback.

After all, God World ’s feedback is momentary, and it ’s gone after this time.

The believer’s strength of Faith and feedback are continuous. As long as the faith is not lost, it can continue forever.

So from a long-term perspective, for the gods, the belief of this World is more important than the feedback of God World.

the thoughts got to this point, looking at the vast Heaven and Earth in front of me, the gods present couldn’t help but smile, and their hearts couldn’t help being happy.

Overall, the achievements of this time God World’s overseas development are undoubtedly fruitful.

Not only did they successfully bring the gods to this World, but also took advantage of the lack of precautions of the Disaster Lords, and directly captured a part of this World, successfully occupying a site in this World.

For the gods, this result undoubtedly gave them a mindful pill.

Standing in the same place, unlike the joy of the gods around him, God of Death slowly raised his head and looked slowly into the distance at this moment.

Under his gaze, it can be seen that in this level of nothingness, each and everyone’s huge and infinite silhouette is surging in the nothingness, constantly moving there.

The Strength of the Scourge World is surging, covering up that place, making the scene of that place appear fuzzy.

But God of Death can naturally guess what they are doing.

It is nothing more than arranging various means to try to keep the gods out that’s all.

“Do you want to stop it?”

Behind God of Death, Goddess, the destiny, also realized this, and could not help looking at God of Death in front of him.

In situ, listening to Goddess’ destiny, the gods present could not help turning around, looking at God of Death with both eyes.

“Your Excellency, at this moment, it is better to attack directly and destroy the Scourge World in one fell swoop!”

“Otherwise, if they are ready, it may be difficult to deal with later.”

A god dressed in armor and bathed in blood and glory walked out, looking at God of Death, and said with a look of be eager to have a try.

“Not bad.”

The other deity also agreed, a face full of fighting intent: “I would like to shoot for Your Majesty, the first charge, to crush those strange gods!”

each and everyone the gods spoke here, one after another opened the mouth and said.

Some deities remained silent, gazing at God of Death in the front, without speaking, just stood there silently waiting for his decision.

Offense and observation, in the present, no matter what the choice is, it makes sense.

Choosing an offensive can disturb the pace of Disaster Lord on the one hand, and can also chase after victory on the other hand, disintegrating the layout of Disaster Lord.

After all, don’t look at their previous offensive so smooth, but the strength of Scourge World is actually not weak.

Three Supreme God forces plus a Disaster Lord close to 3 or at least a moderate divine force, these strengths can no doubt be said to be weak.

Compared with the gods, even if there are some shortcomings, but they are not completely without blocking power.

It was only at the previous time, because the strength of the gods was underestimated, the strength not at all of the entire Scourge World was completely mobilized, and the gods were given the opportunity to enter the Scourge World directly, and there was no response in the Scourge World When he came, he took the periphery of World.

But this is not the natural strength of Scourge World, but only that it’s not responding to that’s all.

After the battle of this time, the Disaster Lords of Scourge World will surely react.

If you do not take advantage of the offensive now, and then want to attack later, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase a lot.

This is also the reason why many deities request to attack now.

But choosing to observe makes the same sense.

At this moment, although the periphery of Scourge World has been captured, it is not stable.

Although the breath of God World has penetrated this world, it will take a long time to completely regain control of this world from Scourge World.

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