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Within the Witcher World, various changes are taking place.

After 100,000 years, the wizards rescued by Adier have now recovered their existence.

Of course, it is one thing to restore one’s own existence, but it is another thing to restore the previous Strength.

In today’s entire Wizard World, although the ancient wizards who have been rescued have returned to their own existence, they are still some distance away from their full recovery.

Of course, even if it has not been fully recovered, it is almost the same.

At that moment, the sacred batches rescued by Adier had basically returned to the 7th grade level. Although they were a little worse than their Peak level, they were not far behind.

The return of an ancient wizard also caused the strength of the Wizard World to swell. At this moment, although it has not resumed its heyday, it is not far from the flourishing period of the year.

In Jadeite World, in the central area of ​​the World, a change is happening.

Time passed slowly.

In the Central Region of the World, a huge ancient emerald tree stands quietly, exuding an inexplicably crisp atmosphere.

The ancient jade tree in front of me looks extremely magnificent. The whole body is as huge as the entire world. Every inch of its texture and every branch are very unique. I feel out of the ordinary.

Under this ancient jade tree, there was a person sitting alone.

It was a teenager wearing a black robe, with a handsome appearance and long hair falling down, although the breath on his body was calm, but with a kind of sacred and noble, sitting there at this moment, without making a slight sound.

He sat there quietly, and all around him, an inexplicable breath slowly diffused, slowly resonating with the ancient jade tree in front of him, and there was an inexplicable connection.

Unconsciously, Adier has been sitting under the ancient jade tree for 100,000 years.

Since these 100,000 years, he has been sitting under the ancient tree in front of him, without leaving a step, so he is infected with his own breath, and it makes a noise with the ancient jade tree in front of him, and makes a sound together.

And after a long time, among the ancient jade trees in front of me, the life that was originally gestated finally finally took shape.

At some point, sitting in front of the ancient jade tree, Adier slowly opened his eyes, looking at his eyes.

In front of me, the huge ancient jade tree was slowly whispering, and an invisible change was taking place.

On the huge branch, a huge fruit slowly came out, hung on the branch, and quickly grew to the size of an adult.

This fruit looks very beautiful, with 7 colorful lines on it, which intersect in it, forming a unique mark.

On it, there is also a faint radiance of jadeite blooming, and it is extremely unique to bloom that suffocating beauty as much as possible.

Then, under Adier’s eyes, the fruit slowly fell and fell on the ground like this.


A faint light sound sounded, and the entire world roared, slowly oscillating at the moment.

This is a pulsation that can only be felt by the divine existence, and it is rising from the entire Jadeite World at the moment.

World’s consciousness is cheering, and at this moment there are bursts of sound, it seems to be celebrating the return of the former master, and it seems to be celebrating a sacred world.

The law turned into light rain manifestation, turning this place into a sea of ​​light. The strength of the element was surging and falling straight, almost submerging this place.

The endless light of life is blooming. It is a breath of the 8th-order existence that has emerged from the world. It is the first essence. If mortals can get a little bit of it, they can immediately complete a sublimation and change their life. Level.

Standing in place, Adier stood tall, his face calm, and he silently looked at the changes in front of him.

In front of me, the change continues.

Along with the shock of the entire Jadeite World, the wisps of Sacred Qi kept falling, lingering and invisible, and faintly discernible, faintly discernible, could be seen faintly discernible among them. Beautiful and touching.

Her skin is fair, her skin is delicate, and it is the most touching color. Her long hair is scattered, like a black waterfall falling, a beautiful appearance, a suffocating beauty, and her body is full of a deadly beauty.

The sun fell quietly on the horizon, while illuminating the earth in front of me, it also illuminated the beautiful woman in front of me.

In front of Adier, she is as beautiful as the world’s most beautiful artwork, with an indescribable beauty.

Stepping out of the infinite light of life, the woman didn’t have an inch of the body, so she stepped out, and then slowly eyes opened, and a pair of beautiful eyes opened, looking at the teenager in front.

In front of him, feeling the woman’s gaze, Adier’s face was calm and gently laughed.

“Mother of Emerald, it’s been a long time since we last met… ..”

He laughed and looked at the woman in front of him with some memories in his eyes.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time since we last met.”

The mother of emeralds was laughed as well.

Seriously speaking of which, they actually met very early.

As early as when Adier tried to transform himself into Moon Elf Bloodline and became a pure blood Moon Elf, the mother of Emerald had seen Adier.

Since then, when they were in Jadeite World, they had seen them.

But in those previous times, they all met incarnation, or in other ways.

As for the real body meeting in a strict sense, this is the first time.

“After a long time, didn’t expect, I still have a day to return to my hometown …”

Standing on this earth, the emerald lifts the head, looking at the familiar earth in front of him, and the more powerful ancient jade tree at that moment, the mother of emerald looked a little dazed.

In front of him, the ancient jade tree gently swayed the branches, and a quiet breath fell between them silently, slowly falling on the mother of the emerald, seeming to show closeness.

“Its Strength has been restored, and it is even further.”

Feeling the pulsation of the ancient jade tree in front of me, the mother of the emerald laughed and looked to the Adier on the side: “It seems that after you inherit this World, you are doing very well.”

“Just did something that’s all that should be done.”

Adier spoke softly, looking at the mother of Emerald: “I have something to ask you.”

He spoke gently, and behind him, an ancient tree illusory shadow slowly formed.

It was a tree with an extremely great shore. The illusory shadow of the entire ancient tree was completely condensed by the law, which was full of Law Aura, with a heart-wrenching Power of Origin, as if this is the origin of all World. , The master of the multiverse, that kind of breath is terrifying and cannot be looked directly at.

Looking at the ancient tree illusory shadow, the mother of Emerald couldn’t help but stunned at this moment.

Then behind her, a huge ancient tree illusory shadow also appeared, emerging at this moment.

However, behind her, the huge ancient tree illusory shadow at that moment is different from that behind Adier. Despite the same sacred shore, the strength of that kind of strength is completely different. There is no terrifying aura like the origin of the World.

“You have a Strength that you can’t see clearly …”

Feeling the strength of Adier, the mother of jadeite is puzzled: “Unlike me, the strength in your body is not entirely derived from the ancient jade tree, but it seems to be from something higher.”

“What is it?”

Adier frowned and asked.

“Initially World Tree, the ancient god Ades …”

The mother of jade also frowned, and then said: “Legend, in ancient places, originally not at all the World where we are, some are just a piece of chaos.”

“It wasn’t until later that an eternal tree came from another piece of World and fell in this piece of chaos. The atmosphere and origin of its body manifested the original World.”

“The name of this tree of Eternal World, also known as Attis, is the name of the first god in ancient times.”

“Tree of Eternal World …”

Adier was thinking of the name, and at this time a doubt came to his mind: “What is the relationship between the Emerald Tree and that World Tree?”

“Mother and child.”

The mother of jadeite said: “At this level of waiting for me, even a drop of blood, a piece of flesh and blood spilled out, are enough to cause terrifying effects, not to mention terrifying existence.

“At the beginning of the distance, the first World Tree fell, and its origins were scattered everywhere, gradually gestating the first batch of the first World, and making it grow again.”

“Jadeite World is the origin of the World Tree that fell behind. The emerald tree was born of the origin of Jadeite World.”

Adier roughly understood.

Jadeite World is part of the original World Tree, and the Jadeite Tree is the source of Jadeite World.

The mother of jade in front of her is bred by the origin of the ancient jade tree.

Therefore, from a certain perspective, the mother of jade is said to be a descendant of the original World Tree that year, and it seems not an exaggeration.

“My strength is derived from the ancient jade tree. Although it inherited a bit of strength from the original World Tree, it has degenerated.”

Standing in front of Adier, observing the changes in Adier’s body, the mother of Emerald said softly: “And you seem to have inherited not only the origin of the ancient jade tree, but also the strength of the original World Tree, but even its own existence. The essence of is related to the original ancient tree. “

“Because of this, such changes will occur after inheriting the strength of the Emerald Tree.”

Does its own nature have anything to do with the original ancient tree?

Standing in place, Adier frowned, and then suddenly thought of his own within the body’s crossing ability.

Until now, he’s within the body’s traversal ability, and he doesn’t know where it came from.

The mechanism of being able to freely travel through any World and shuttle freely between different Worlds has not yet been understood by Adier.

Until now, listening to the mother of Emerald, Adier moved and began to connect the information.

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