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Under the ancient jade tree, listening to what the mother of jade said, Adier couldn’t help moving, and began to channel information together.

According to the mother of jadeite in front of you, all the boundary seas were originally transformed by the ancient trees.

If this is the case, then Adier’s traversing ability can be shuttled in the infinite world from an early age, which makes sense.

If Adier’s traversal ability really originated from the original World Tree, then it is free to travel in the boundary sea, which is actually quite normal.

After all, to a certain extent, all the boundary seas are actually one, derived from the original existence.

And if the nature of Adier’s crossing ability is the same, then it is normal to be able to travel freely in the boundary sea.

Thinking of this, a clear comprehension emerged in Adier’s heart, and I figured it out.

But what still puzzled him was where did the traversal power come from?

Before coming to this world, Adier was completely an ordinary person, not at all anything special.

He was just a mortal man in his first life. He had neither extraordinary powers nor abilities.

Traversing ability is only awakened after his death.

the thoughts got to this point, Adier frowned, feeling a doubt.

However, despite doubts, one thing is very clear in front of me.

With the improvement of his strength, all doubts at this moment will be solved one day.

When one day, Adier becomes the supreme, even when he comes to master all levels, all doubts will naturally be solved.

In this regard, Adier believes that this day will not be too far.

The thoughts got to this point, standing in place, Adier slowly turned around and looked away.

Jadeite World is still the same as before, calm and peaceful, which is full of rich emerald strength, gradually diffused at this moment.

As Adier turned around, at this moment in Jadeite World, an inexplicable change began to take place.

Wisps of jadeite power continued to fall, coming down and blessing the mother of the jadeite in front of her eyes.

The original strength belonging to Jadeite World is continually falling. At this moment, under the will of Adier, all of it flows into the mother of jadeite in front of her, so that the strength in her body becomes strong.

Under the nourishment of this strong source, the breath of the mother of jade began to slowly change, and quickly began to climb upward from the original 7th grade level.

The Strength of the Mother of Emerald was originally 8th rank, and even among the 8th rank, they belong to the extremely weak kind.

But now, with her fall, the former Strength cannot be recovered so quickly.

Therefore, after being reborn from the ancient jade tree and re-born, the strength of the mother of jade at this moment is only 7th grade level, which is far from the Peak level.

But at this moment, with the influx of Jadeite World’s Power of Origin, in front of him, the strength of the mother of jadeite is growing rapidly.

The majestic Strength began to grow rapidly, and a faint light of emerald flashed at the moment.

In front of Adier, the mother of Emerald shrouded in a huge breath. At this moment, there was a breath emerging from all over him, which was revealed at this moment.

The vast Strength is emerging, and the entire Jadeite World is trembling slightly.

Since hundreds of thousands of years, the Power of Origin accumulated in the entire Jadeite World has emerged together. The strength of the original Strength is terrifying. If it is put into the realm, it will be seen by Gafina and the others. Shocked, stunned, I felt a burst of envy and jealousy.

And in fact it is the same.

Such a huge Power of Origin, if used in other places, can definitely restore the sacred day of the digital fall, and even restore Peak.

It can be said that just the Power of Origin in front of us, placed on other sacred bodies, is already an unimaginable number.

At this moment, such a horrible Power of Origin flooded together, blessing on the mother of emerald, and suddenly let the atmosphere of the mother of emerald begin to change slowly.

A change occurs slowly and quietly.

The light of the jadeite is showing, and it is rippling at this moment.

In front of him, the Strength of the Emerald Mother was agitated, and the breath became deeper and deeper. The kind of temperament belonging to Jadeite World was clearly visible.

On his body, a jadeite mark slowly unfolded, resonating with an existence in front of him.

The emerald imprint on Adier’s body also appeared, now manifesting before his forehead.

If you look closely, you can find that the emerald mark is very unique in front of Adier’s forehead, and its appearance is almost the same as the mark on the mother of jade.

“this is……”

Looking at the mark that appeared on Adier’s forehead, the mother of Emerald froze for a moment, and then she couldn’t help but smile: “I still gave you the mark that I gave you back then?”

In the past when Adier was still weak, in order to suppress the Scourge curse within his body, the mother of Jade shared her Power of Origin and sent it to Adier, turning it into a jade mark.

It’s only now that the moments of hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the original mark should have disappeared at this moment.

But didn’t expect, still exists.

This is because Adier is growing too fast.

The mother of the Emerald gave the Emerald Mark in order to allow Adier to temporarily suppress the Mark of the Scourge to protect him for a period of time from the forces of the Scourge.

But later, Adier’s growth rate was too fast. In the end, he didn’t wait for the strength contained in the Emerald Mark to be exhausted, and he resolved the curse of the natural disaster within the body.

This jadeite stamp naturally stayed, and has never been passively used.

“Your mark and strength, I will give you back.”

Looking at the mother of Emerald, Adier looked calm and waved gently.

Above his body, a thin Power of Origin came out, pouring out directly from his body towards the mother of Emerald.

The light of the jadeite flashed faintly, and as the mark on Adier returned, the breath of the mother of the jadeite began to change.

The entire Jadeite World has begun to undergo some changes. At this moment, it is slowly oscillating and slowly blessing on the body of the mother of Emerald.

Between silence and silence, the authority of Jadeite World began to shift, and a considerable part of it began to move towards the mother of jadeite.

“Why bother?”

Feeling this, the mother of Emerald sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

Adier just shook his head.

“I’m not used to owing people something.”

Standing in the same place, looking at the mother of Emerald, he said softly: “From now on, what I owe you has already been paid back.”

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