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The battle ahead is still going on.

Following the battle between God World and Scourge World, Wizard World has also joined the ranks of this battle, and officially launched in this time.

The Wizard World’s strength is extremely amazing as soon as it is shot.

Four octaves of four ranks appeared together on the battlefield, led by Adier, the emerald, and attacked the gods together.

At a high level, the gods suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

Including Adier, there are four eighth sacred in the Wizard World at the moment.

The sacred strengths of the four eighth ranks are very strong. They are either Old Antiques from the ancient times or Adier ’s unique existence. None of them are weak.

The four octants of the eighth order, plus the three octants of the eighth order in Scourge World, are seven.

And among the gods, including the Goddess of the Earth and the original devil Hera Udi, the eighth-order sacred number is only five that ’s all.

Suddenly, on the eighth-order sacred battlefield, the gods fell into the disadvantage.

hong long!

The vast rain of light is permeating and oscillating in the void.

Under the light of the magnificent law, the silhouette of God of Death quickly regressed, and it was directly suppressed at the moment.

This is a very unusual thing.

As God World ’s Underworld God, mastering the power of Underworld, his strength is one of the very best even among the eight classes, which is definitely Peak.

In the usual times, even if he is also facing an eighth order existence, he will not have the slightest fear, enough to suppress the opponent positively, or even defeat.

However, this time, the situation is very different.

In the frontal confrontation, God of Death was tightly suppressed, and there was no breathing opportunity at all.

The reason for this is entirely because the eighth order existence that appeared in front of him is not one but two.

In front of him, the Endless Master and the Red Lord joined forces to fight God of Death together at the moment. The two cooperated very well. Two different power strengths were superimposed, for a while. Suppressing God of Death directly has no room for escape.

At the same time, facing two eighth-order sacred, even as strong as God of Death, can not help being suppressed at this moment, a densely packed wound appeared on the body, golden divine blood is flowing, constantly toward the nothing Go in.

Of course, in the field, he is not only one so miserable.

Aside, the Earth Demon King also enjoys such treatment.

World Guardian Mackay teamed up with another eighth-order wizard to face the Demon King. The strength between the two continued to oscillate, colliding with the authority of the Devil King. Suddenly repulsed them all at once, and vomited several blood in a row.

It looks very miserable at a glance.

Of course, there is no way to do this.

Which of God World ’s eighth ranks is the most striking of God of Death and the King of Earth Demons?

The two of them are the king of the gods, the master of the underworld, and the master of the abyss.

If you do n’t target them, who should you target?

As for the rest, excluding these two over-spec battlefields, the rest of the battlefields seem quite normal.

The Mother of Emerald plays against the Goddess of the earth, Adier confronts the original devil Hera Udi, and the natural disaster incarnation confronts the god of destruction as always.

Overall, each has its own opponent.

As far as these three battlefields are concerned, the situation has its own wins and losses.

In addition to Adier ’s place that easily suppressed the original demon Heraudi, the other two battlefields performed differently.

Among them, the mother of the Emerald and the Goddess of the earth are fighting. Both Goddess have a part of the authority of life, giving each other tit for tat, and the situation seems to be very balanced.

Looking like this, I am afraid that even if you hit until the end of time, you may not be able to get a win or lose.

As for the natural disaster incarnation, it was suppressed by the god of destruction throughout the journey, which is the opposite of Adier ’s situation.

No way.

After all, the God of Destruction is a fierce person who once fought against the king of the sun. Without the release of water, with the strength of the natural disaster incarnation at this moment, it is not his opponent.

But even so, with the blessing of the Scourge World consciousness, coupled with the existence of the same eighth order, the God of Destruction wants to easily take the Scourge incarnation, which is also an impossible thing.

The battlefield of the eighth order is so stalemate. In a short time, although the gods fall on the downside, they have two extraordinary rules of God of Death and the King of Earth Demon. The existence of can barely be maintained.

In the battlefield below, the gods still have the upper hand.

The quantity gap is not so simple to make up for.

Even with the addition of Wizard World, the sacred number of God World is still nearly twice that of the natural disaster side.

The confrontation between the two is basically a two-on-one situation, which is too unfriendly to the sacredness of the Scourge and Wizard World.

However, despite this, the situation is now deadlocked.

Although the sacred number of the wizard and the natural disaster side is small, it is generally stronger than the gods in strength, and with the blessing existence with World consciousness, it can be regarded as occupying a certain advantage.

Even if the gods are stronger, they ca n’t break through for a while and a half, and can only stand still here.

This situation is very different from the past.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with the participation of the Wizard World, it is impossible for the gods to think about the Scourge World as before.

At least at this moment.

The situation on the spot was deadlocked until 5,000 years later, and a result was slowly divided.

The warring three parties finally stopped, each entering their own world to truce, temporarily ending the battle of this time.

The result of this time’s engagement has also greatly inspired the Scourge World side.

At least in terms of the current situation, although they have no way to recapture the lost level, the gods also have no ability to go further and capture other levels of Scourge World.

The Scourge World is finally saved.

With the passage of time, until the distant future, there will be no change, so that they can see the opportunity.

That’s it, time slowly passed.

Unconsciously, 100,000 years passed quickly.

For 100,000 years, under the leadership of God of Death, God World ’s side made several shots and once again launched an offensive into the depths of Scourge World, but only under the cooperation of the wizard and Disaster Lord All failed.

The three parties engaged in a scuffle in the Scourge World. Unconsciously, the war lasted a long time.

If there is no accident, this situation will continue for a long time.

In the dark corner, during the three-party World War, a pair of eyes opened slowly.

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