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“It ’s really hilarious ……”

In the mighty nihility, looking at the war ahead in the sky, almost all the horror scenes shrouded, a young man standing secretly, this moment with a face on his face With a faint smile.

This is a very handsome young man with a handsome appearance, and his body is filled with a unique atmosphere, but his long hair is Crimson’s, and it looks very unique at a glance.

In his body, a sacred atmosphere unique to the eighth order slowly spread out, and this moment slowly stirred up in the outside world, causing waves from all sides.

This young man is no one else, it is the avatar that Adier sent to the ancestor World at that time, Red King.

After a few years, after the years of thousands of thousands, the strength of the Red King has reached the limit, and now he has broken the limit of the 7th grade level, and has really advanced to the eighth level, becoming the most Peak. A group of people.

At this moment, looking at the battlefield in front of him, he kept smiling on the three sides of the battle, and there was a smile on the face of the Red King. At this time, he seemed to remember something.

“It ’s really interesting …”

He opened his mouth gently, his voice appeared very unique, and so resounded in the emptiness everywhere.

“Crimson First Ancestor …”

Behind, a sound came slowly.

Behind the Red King, the silhouette of each and everyone ’s sacred existence slowly emerged and emerged at this moment.

It ’s an extremely huge silhouette of each and everyone. The size of each silhouette is extremely large, and it ’s fully expanded to be comparable to half of the original World. It stands in the void at this moment, looking at the distance, The breath all over him was agitated.

They stood behind the Red King, staring at the battlefield in the distance at this moment, with deep greed and longing in their eyes.

Being vaguely, in their hearts, a feeling of be eager to have a try is rising, making them a little overwhelmed and wanting to rush into the battlefield ahead to participate in it Fight, plunder the blood of the divine existence.

Different from other worlds.

The ancestor World ’s sacred walk on the Bloodline road has been searching for prey since it was weak, plundering the flesh and blood of others to temper their own Bloodline, so that they can grow.

Growing up from this model, but the sacredness of the first ancestor World is not a war, and almost every one is a war madman.

Of course, the reason why this is so is nature on the one hand and the need for progress on the other hand.

If you want to progress on the Bloodline road, you must obtain other existing flesh and blood, so as to temper your own Bloodline, in order to continue to infer your own Bloodline to a higher level.

After reaching this stage of the first ancestor, the sacredness of the first ancestor World wants to go further, and the origin requirements required for tempering own Bloodline are also extremely high.

The blood and origin of a sacred existence is naturally very attractive to them.

Therefore, at this moment, the hundreds of sacred sources ahead can be regarded as a feast for them, with great attraction.

If it ’s not a sacred existence, they are not stupid. They understand that their strength is not enough. Otherwise, most of them have already shot.

“It is not yet time …”

Standing in the center, the Red King’s face is calm, and at this time he gently opens his mouth: “There are too many sacred battlefields in front of us, we rushed in directly, only It was targeted by three parties at the same time. “

” If you want to really shoot, you need to make some other plans. “

He said softly, his voice was very calm, above a handsome face A little smile.

On the side, looking at the appearance of the Red King, many ancestors looked calm and did not say much.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, just a few years later, the situation in front of us changes.

“What? Our World was invaded by alien sacred?”

At the center of the battlefield, listening to this news, the fate of Goddess Mar was stunned. At this moment, there was no reaction at all. .

On the side, God of Death’s face was cold, and he didn’t say much. He waved his hand directly.

A Ray of Death cuts through the space and interweaves in an instant, a scene emerges.

Through the action of God of Death, the various divine abilities on the scene can easily see the scenes happening in God World.

The magnificent rays of light show, and pieces of corpses stand.

On the ground of the material world, a huge and endless silhouette stands in it.

It ’s a giant beast with an extremely large head. It is not as good as the whole material world, but it is far beyond some Great World.

At the moment, it is standing in the center of the material World, and its huge body covers the rays of light, so that a large area of ​​the World will fall into darkness.

Strength of the material World is stirring.

In the dim light, the sound of prayer kept coming out, and it was resounding at this moment.

A little bit of golden strength of Faith has risen continuously from the earth, that is the belief of each and everyone believers in their own gods, incomparably pious and strong. At this moment, they slowly gather so that they can gather in the air.

However, next moment, with the giant beast opening its huge mouth, all the strength is swallowed by it.

In the vast space, the strength of Element is extinct, the originally floating strength of Faith is swallowed by it, the horrible Strength continues to overflow, and finally disappears slowly from the body of this giant beast , Directly swallowed by it.

In the end, even the brilliance was distorted by it. The strength of the entire physical World suddenly weakened, and seemed to be swallowed by the giant beast in front of me.

Within the realm, a terrible change is taking place.

Large and large creatures fell one after another. At this moment, the flesh and blood of the body slowly melted, and then directly disappeared into blood light, and was swallowed by the giant beast in the center of the world.

The consciousness of the material World is mourning, and at this moment it exudes waves, seemingly calling for the return of the gods.

Looking at this scene, including God of Death, many gods complexion ashen, at this moment I do n’t know what to say.

At the beginning of the battle, the strength of the entire God World has been mobilized and came to the battlefield in front of us.

This situation also led to the unprecedented emptiness of Strength within God World, making it impossible to cope with what is happening in front of us.

Of course, despite the emptiness, this does not mean that the strength of God World is completely removed at this moment.

In fact, within God World today, there are still a few sacred remains.

These sacred are deities in cultivation, either suffered heavily in the battle, or have fallen before, and are now cultivated in God World.

Facing this sudden emergence of giant beast, they also revolted, trying to block the pace of this giant beast, but in the end they had little effect.

They can cultivate in God World, instead of going to the front line to fight, which means that they are not strong at the moment and are still in a weak period.

In the face of this sudden giant beast, they are not opponents at all.

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