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The huge giant beast is rampant in God World.

The volume of the giant beast is extremely huge. It can be said that just stretching its body is equivalent to the collection of many Worlds, which is extremely terrifying and huge.

And on his body, an inexplicable atmosphere is emerging, rippling towards all directions, at a glance, the past is extremely terrifying, and there is a terrifying deterrent.

In God World, this giant beast wantonly slaughter, every time he opens a huge mouth, will swallow extremely large creatures directly into his own belly.

The entire physical world is oscillating.

At this moment, the strength of the entire God World has been transferred to the frontline battlefield, where he participates in the strategy and fight against Scourge World.

God World ’s strength is indeed strong and strong, but under such action, the emptiness will eventually inevitably go down, and there is not much strength in the entire world.

In God World at the moment, the sacred number in it does not exceed five in total, and each of them has some problems, not just returned from the fall, but also in a long period of weakness , Was once hit hard on the battlefield, and is still being cultivated at the moment.

If not, they are also impossible to retreat on the front line and return to God World.

At this moment, under the intrusion of that huge giant beast, they are not opponents at all.

Standing in place, looking at the image displayed in the hands of God of Death, the gods present clearly understood.

The volume of the giant beast is extremely huge, and every scale and every inch of flesh in it is like a Small World.

With such a huge volume, even if it is not the rest, its Strength is extremely terrifying and will never be inferior to any sacred 7th grade.

Even if it is a sacred standing of 7th grade Peak standing in front of this giant beast, he will feel the heavy pressure, and he has no way to start.

After the strength reaches the sacred level, the pure body size really loses its meaning, but this is only under normal circumstances.

When the volume of a lifeform is really large to a certain extent, even if it has not cultivated any strength system, its strength will inevitably expand.

Because to some extent, the body shape itself represents Strength.

The larger the body size, to a certain extent, the greater the strength required to maintain the body shape, the parts of the body will also become stronger, otherwise it is impossible to support it. Body.

The huge volume like the giant beast in front of you, if you do n’t have the power to control the law, have the ability to draw strength from emptiness, and even self-circulate.

If you do n’t awaken the essence of the divine existence, with its huge size, I am afraid that just the daily strength consumption is enough to drag it into the abyss.

So the gods present did not question the strength of this giant beast at all.

In a flash, they understood the situation in front of them, and their faces showed a little dignity.

“You must send someone back to rescue!”

Standing in place, God of Death’s face dignified and he said slowly.

At all around, listening to God of Death, everyone around slowly nodded and agreed with this statement.

The gods present will not have any doubts about whether to rescue this matter.

Even if you are in the battlefield of Scourge World at the moment, God World is their home base, and this will not change in any way.

If God World was destroyed by people, what if they could occupy Scourge World?

According to the situation in front of them, if they do n’t go back to support, just relying on the giant beast in front of them will be able to stir Heaven and Earth turning upside down the entire God World.

Even though it is impossible to destroy the entire God World, there is no problem in destroying most of the material World.

And even at this moment, the loss of the material World is already quite small.

Standing in place, through the authority revealed by God of Death, they can clearly see the scene emerged within the realm of the material world.

In it, bursts of wailing sounds kept coming, and the kind of miserable howling sounded as though it was ringing in my ears, extremely clear.

Standing in place, God of Death can clearly see the changes in the gods in front of him.

As their followers died one by one, they were originally wrapped around their bodies, and the golden line of faith connected to them also began to be broken.

After that, the backlash of faith came, and the emergence of little by little slowly blessed them on their bodies.

A little bit of black gas appeared in front of my eyes, and it just appeared on the bodies of the gods, covering them with a layer of haze over the glory on their surface.

This is the backlash of the faith contract.

The connection between the deity and the believer is essentially a contract.

The believers provide beliefs for the deities, and turn them into divine forces for the deities to promote, while the deities provide shelter, provide believers with a place to rest, and even other kinds.

In this kind of contract, the two parties are generally mutually beneficial, and each other ’s status may be superior, but there is no doubt that both have responsibilities and obligations.

At this moment, with each and everyone believers being swallowed by the giant beast, the line of faith was broken, and the contract of faith was violated, so they began to backlash the gods.

With the strength of the gods, there will be no problems with this kind of backlash in a short time, but once a certain amount is accumulated, even the gods who are aloof and remote will have many problems, There is even a risk of falling.

In God World ’s past history, there have been deities who fell because of faith in backlash.

Even the gods who fell because of breaching the faith contract have appeared a lot in the history of God World.

With these lessons in mind, the gods present at the moment are alert in their natural hearts.

“I heard the wailing of the believer …”

In situ, the gods present on the scene looked dignified, and at this moment could not help opening: “My believer is calling me …” /p>

“The believers like me are being devoured, and even the soul after the fall cannot rest, swallowed by the giant beast.”

Standing in place, the gods present looked ugly.

In God World, after the believers who believe in the gods die, their souls could have been pulled by the Styx to continue to survive in the underworld.

This is a kind of welfare created by God of Death for believers of all gods, and it is also one of the methods to perfect the faith contract.

But at the moment, the giant beast is too ugly.

It not only destroys the body of the believer, it does not even let go of the soul, but devours it directly without leaving any traces.

For believers, this kind of ending is much more miserable, and for the gods present, their believers are treated like this, and the faith backlash they suffer will also be much stronger.

If this continues, I ’m afraid God World ’s past history will repeat itself.

They have n’t really fought with the Scourge World yet, I am afraid they will fall a few first.

The thoughts got to this point, their complexion ashen, their gaze slowly gathered towards their eyes, and gradually focused on the God of Death in front of them.

“Lord God, order it!”

Standing on the spot, a deity looked solemnly, looking at God of Death and said: “We ca n’t abandon God World regardless, at least let us Some people returned to solve the giant beast. “

” Go back, this is for sure. “

Standing in place, God of Death frowned, then thought a little. After that, I looked at a silhouette in front of me.

“Master of the Abyss.”

His eyes shifted, and finally he focused on the Earth Demon King: “Take your incarnation a trip.”

“You lead the rest of Your Majesty’s incarnation back to the material world, go to it, and solve that giant beast.”


Look at God of Death, listening to the words of God of Death, the Lord of the Earth Demon’s face is calm, so nodded.

With this decision, the gods present could not help but secretly relax.

Although it is not going in person, if it is only incarnation, it is enough.

Although I did n’t experience the strength of the giant beast first, the divine ability on the scene was enough to judge.

Although the strength of the giant beast is strong, the strength may be comparable to the existence of a 7th grade Peak, but it is far from the level of eight levels.

Earth Demon King is an eighth-order sacred, even if his incarnation goes to it, it is enough to match any existence under the eighth-order, even if it is a 7th grade Peak, the sacred is also a battle force.

With such strength, there should be no problem in dealing with the giant beast.

Not to mention, this time is not a shot of the earth demon king, and there are several gods incarnation accompanying.

Being in the realm, within the realm, there is God God ’s blessing in the world, and such strength will lose in the face of the giant beast impossible.

Therefore, at this moment, the gods present could not help secretly relaxing.

“Mar …”

After the explanation to the King of Earth Demon, God of Death turned around and looked at Mar in front of him.

Although he has been promoted to 7th grade, incarnation Destiny Goddess, Marr ’s relationship with God of Death is still close.

So unlike other deities, God of Death never directly calls Mar ’s name, but still calls her name as in the past.

“Lord, I am here.”

With the voice of God of Death falling down, a woman dressed in black robe and covered with a layer of haze slowly walked out. , And slowly came to God of Death.

“You start a deduction with the god of foresight to deduce the origin of this giant beast.”

Standing in place, God of Death speaks gently: “This giant beast There is no breath of Wizard World and Scourge World on his body, it is unlikely to be the sacredness of the two Worlds … “

The sacred body will be contaminated with the breath of World of his own Even if there is no way to hide it, there is no way to hide it.

In front of him, there is no breath of the Wizard World and God World above the body of this giant beast. It is obviously not the sacredness of the two worlds within the realm.

In fact, they are indeed unlikely.

The reason is simple.

Because of the fierce war situation before, if there are still some means available for the Wizard and Scourge World, it should have been used before, impossible will be dragged to the present.

And sending a sacred to God World to invade, it seems not at all meaning.

Therefore, in any way, this giant beast is impossible, which is the sacredness of the wizard and the Scourge World.

Standing in place, listening to God of Death ’s words, the gods present slowly nodded, believing in God ’s saying.

On the side, Mar and the god of foresight slowly walked out and started deduction on the side, trying to find out the World where the giant beast came from as far as possible.

While discussing the matter with the gods, while discussing the change, on the other side, a change also began to take place.

“Who are you?”

In a void, a faint voice sounded.

In front of it is a great hall. In the great hall, the sacredness of the dolls stands in it, along which is included all the sacredness of the Wizard World and Scourge World.

Including Adier, the mother of emeralds, and even the crimson and endless rulers of the Scourge World, all of them are gathered here at this moment and gathered in the area in front of them.

Below the great hall, a silhouette stands quietly there, at the moment it is under the gaze of all the people present.

Under the presence of many sacred sights, the silhouettes that existed in front of me slowly emerged.

It was a very handsome young man with a handsome appearance, dressed in a white robe, with red hair drooping like this, looking very strange, with a unique charm.

On his body, the breath of life force came out of it, together with a unique Bloodline majesty, so that the Divine Hearts that could be sensed on the scene could not help but be dismayed.

“Really strong Bloodline breath …”

Sit next to Adier and feel the kind of life force that exists in front of her, and the face of the mother of Emerald is surprised .

There is no doubt that the presence of the man in front of her has broken her imagination.

The power of Bloodline, this is a very unique existence.

Strength of this kind lurks in all bodies within the body, but all creatures will have it.

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