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The power of Bloodline, this is a very unique strength.

Strength of this kind is very common, but all living beings within the body will have it and exist on the body of all living beings.

The power of Bloodline in different creatures is also different.

Everyone is a person, the reason elf is born elf is the influence of Bloodline.

Someone is humble, weak as a ant, and strong in life, as long as one adult can automatically have a huge strength.

You have seen many of these existences.

Being able to become a sacred being, many of the sacred beings present have the power of a powerful Bloodline, and most of them were born into the powerful race of each and everyone.

Even if a few are not, after becoming a sacred existence, their own Bloodline sublimation will naturally also drive their own Bloodline descendants, making their Bloodline Strength strong, and since then super sacred.

For example, the gods of God World.

No matter what the predecessors of the gods are, what kind of power of Bloodline they possess, after they become deities, their own origin and even Bloodline will be sublimated.

The existence of its Bloodline, also known as the gods, naturally possesses a strong strength.

Therefore, for the power of the so-called Bloodline, many of the presences on the scene are not strange, even extremely familiar.

In the long life of the sacred existence, the powerful Bloodline sees them more, even if they are the races that can have the power of the sixth order in their adulthood, they do n’t think it ’s anything, absolutely this that’s all.

What ’s more, such as the Emerald Bloodline on the presence of the Mother of Emerald and Adier.

With the presence of Emerald Blood, it grows naturally when it is an adult, thus automatically comprehending and gaining some of the authority of Jadeite World Strength, so it naturally grows to the sixth level Peak level.

It is only one step away from the 7th grade sacred.

But even so, the mother of Emerald could not help but sigh when looking at the man in front of her.

Under her eyes, the man in front of him exudes a terrifying Bloodline majesty. The majestic power of Bloodline will almost swallow everything, exuding an extremely terrifying wave .

The power of that vast Bloodline is even more terrifying, reaching an unimaginable level.

7th grade? Eighth order?

The mother of the Emerald is unable to bear sighed, and this moment the unstable to bear trembles for a moment.

The power of Bloodline on the man in front of him is too horrible and has reached a level beyond imagination.

It was Bloodline that arrived at the eighth level, which the mother of emeralds had never seen before.

Arriving at eight levels of Bloodline, what does it mean?

It means that as long as the existence of this Bloodline grows to a certain stage, when the power of Bloodline is fully matured, it will naturally grow to the eighth level.

What a horrible thing is this?

Any eighth-order existence is a miracle of World, and it is not always possible to find out how much existence it is after exhausting a boundary sea.

Everywhere, an eighth order existence is an absolute Peak, an existence standing on top of Peak.

At this moment, as long as you have the Bloodline in front of you, with the automatic growth of Bloodline, can you naturally grow to eight levels?

What a horror.

As many sacred people are present, they ca n’t help but feel horrified at the thought of this possibility. At this moment, the sight of the man in front of him cannot help changing.

Of course, although this is indeed the case, it is not so easy to really want to do this.

This World is fair. The more powerful Bloodline, the harder it is to have a descendant.

The weaker the Bloodline, the easier it is to multiply. Under the huge base, many powerhouses can emerge.

Just like the emerald bloodline and elf of the mother of jade.

Emperor Mother ’s Emerald Bloodline is equally powerful. As long as Bloodline matures naturally, it can automatically grow to the sixth level Peak level.

With such a powerful Bloodline, according to common sense, it should be carried forward.

However, the facts are just the opposite.

Even on the entire history of Jadeite World, the son of the Emerald who really owns the Emerald Bloodline has not appeared much.

The entire family of emerald children not only did not carry forward because of the huge Strength, but once extinct.

It did n’t change until Adier appeared.

On the contrary, it is the weaker elf family, which has existed since ancient times, and the powerhouse within it has not been cut off.

Really talking about the quantity and quality of powerhouse above the sixth order, maybe the elf family appears more.

This is the difference.

This is the case with Bloodline, the son of Emerald of Peak Six Peak, not to mention the essence of Bloodline reaching Tier Eight.

The existence of this type of Bloodline wants to give birth to descendants, the conditions of which will inevitably be extremely harsh, and need to meet all kinds of conditions to be able to do so.

Even if the heir is really born, the conditions and time required to grow up are bound to be extremely scary. If it is normal, I am afraid that even if it appears, it will die for various reasons.

Of course, this has not changed the terror of the man in front of me.

Not to mention the terrifying horror Bloodline, just the kind of eight-level atmosphere on the other side is enough to make a lot of divine presence feel dignified.

“Unfamiliar sacred, please state your intentions …”

Sit on the head, looking at the Red King below, the Red Lord’s face is solemn, so he said.

In the face of this stranger who came suddenly, even if she did not dare to take it lightly, she should inquire carefully and not dare to relax her vigilance.

“My name is Red King, the ancestor of Red …”

Standing alone, looking at the Red Lord and the others in front of me, Red King ’s face is calm, this Laughed: “This time came, not for anything else, but to make a deal with you.”


Listening to the words of Red King People frowned: “What do you want to trade?”

Sitting next to Adier, the mother of Emerald frowned, and at this time could not help saying, “What do you want? What do we get here? “

” It ’s more a deal than a deal, it ’s a more appropriate cooperation. “

Looking at the emerald ruler, the red king gently laughed:” As for the content of the cooperation … “

” How about standing in the same camp with you and fighting against the gods together? “

He spoke softly and waved his hand while speaking .

Slight ripples appeared in front of my eyes, and all kinds of terrifying breath came from everywhere.

Later, scenes began to emerge in front of us.

Familiar breath and scenes began to show.

I saw in front of me that a illusory shadow of Pang Great World slowly appeared, and in it, a giant beast with a huge and terrifying body was wreaking havoc in it, writhing in it.

“This is …”

Looking at the scene before me, the wizards headed by Adier’s face suddenly changed.

“God World!”

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