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“Now that the people have come together …”

Earth standing alone, the Lord of the Earth Demon looks calm and talks lightly: “Then let ’s go …” p>

He said softly, his voice slowly falling in place, spreading to all directions.

In the front, it seems to be faintly feeling the breath of the Earth Demon King coming. At this moment in the realm, within the realm, the gigantic giant beast is raging, and this time he slowly turns around.

Its huge body began to adjust slowly, and a large part of its time was directly covered by it during the operation, and its large body directly covered most of the material World.

Not to mention the horrible strength of its own, just this volume is enough to make people feel scared.

“It ’s so big …”

Standing on the spot, looking at the giant beast that is raging in front of you, the King of Earth Demon gently speaks, Rao is already mentally prepared, this moment is still Can’t help sighing.

The bloodline of the ancestor World does have its own unique features.

At least from the point of view, once the sacredness of walking the Bloodline way is completed, its battle strength will probably reach a horror level.

It is much stronger than ordinary sacred.

The same is true of giant beast in front of me.

In God World, the King of Earth Demon can see it.

Although the strength of the giant beast in front of him is strong, the rules of authority within the body are not perfect. Although it is good to be placed in the 7th grade level, it is only good.

But its battle strength is not the case, directly reaching a level comparable to 7th grade Peak level, achieving a huge leap.

The degree of this crossing is really unimaginable and sighs.

There are only four origin worlds that Adier is currently exposed to.

Among them, the system of Wizard World is the most balanced and perfect without any weakness.

The Scourge World is strong in its erosion, and it is extremely convenient in the process of attacking other worlds. Under the sweep of the power of the Scourge, there are hardly many Boundary Energy enough to block it.

God World is more general and relaxed.

Different from other world, one step at a time, completely dependent on the sacredness of their promotion, the gods in God World are not all dependent on themselves, and there are many external forces on the road to growth.

For example, strength of Faith, for example, the inheritance of other deities, and even Divine Spark.

Something like getting Divine Spark from other sacred places to promote sacredness, basically happening in other worlds.

It is only possible in God World.

Within the realm, God World ’s sacredness, the promotion process is definitely the easiest.

Because of the ease of the process, God World ’s sacred quantity is the largest, but at the same time, its sacred quality is also the worst.

Although the deity is also sacred, standing above the 7th grade level, its strength is almost at the bottom of the 7th grade level.

Except for a few, most deities have less battle strength than wizards and Disaster Lord.

The ancestor World is more different.

This World follows the way of Bloodline, its strength depends entirely on Bloodline.

Under such circumstances, the rules of authority within the body are often not perfect, and there are many inferiorities compared to the sacredness of other worlds.

But its battle strength is just the opposite.

Because of the uniqueness of this Bloodline ’s power, purely in its own battle strength, the ancestor of the ancestor World is actually the strongest of several Worlds.

“The ancestor ’s battle strength is strong, but the Bloodline authority contained within the body is very weak and not perfect …”

“And God World ’s deity, its battle strength Although generally weak, the authority and rules of each God are undoubtedly complete … “

Standing in place, observing the traces and breath of the giant beast in the distance, the Earth Demon Wang couldn’t help moving.

The ancestors of Ancestor World and God ’s sacredness seem to complement each other to some extent.

As long as God World ’s gods are plundered, the laws of their origins are extracted from their origins, and they are refined onto their bodies. The defects of the ancestor ’s own laws are incomplete.

The two are completely complementary.

Probably because of this, the first goal of the Red King will be the first to hit God World.

Of course, this is just one of the possible reasons.

As one of Adier ’s incarnations, the King of Earth Demons knows clearly why the Red King chose to fight God World.

Because God World is too strong.

In terms of pure sacred power, God World gods are indeed weak, but this does not change from the fact that they are also sacred.

Because of the relatively easy promotion of the gods, after a long time, God World ’s sacredness has accumulated a huge strength.

The sacred quantity in it is far above other world.

In terms of strength alone, any World is taken out alone, and it will not be God World ’s opponent.

In this case, if the Red King chooses to join forces with God World, he will eventually overwhelm the wizard and Scourge World.

After the Wizard World and the Scourge World are annexed, a mere ancestor World is also simply an opponent of God World.

Because of this, the Red King has to take action. He will first destroy God World with the Wizard World and the Scourge World, and take the lead out of the game.

This is the purpose of his this time.

For this, the King of Earth Demons is very clear.

Standing in place, his face was calm, and the next moment began to shoot.

The shining radiance is shrouded in Shino at this moment.

Sometimes, it seems that in God World, a huge world is whispering.

Within God World, with the Lord of the Earth Demon’s shot, Abyss World started to send out throbs, and that unique breath began to spread outward, causing bursts of storms.

Earth Demon King is one of God World ’s eighth-order sacredness, and it is also the supreme master of Mastering the Abyss World.

At this moment, as he shoots in God World, the authority that belongs to the abyss master comes into play.

In the midst of deep abyss, World of Abyss began to turbulence, and the strength of the abyss consciousness began to boil, blessing a huge World Strength on the King of Earth Demon.

In an instant, the strength of the Earth Demon King began to grow slowly, reaching a maximum between faintly.

Although impossible has the strength of an ontology, even if it is an incarnation, under the strength support of the abyss consciousness, it is enough to fight against the existence of the eighth order.

Of course, this is durable, and as time passes, Strength will eventually be consumed.

However, if you just solve the giant beast in front of you, there is no problem.

next moment, standing in place, the King of Earth Demons started to shoot.

With his thoughts move, in the midair, an invisible ripple began to spread.

In all directions, the imprint of the one after another rule emerged spontaneously, and this moment exudes a terrifying atmosphere.

The majestic majesty spread out, and in an instant enveloped the entire material world.

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