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Within the material world, the majestic majesty slowly spreads, in this brief moment, it continues to agitate and spread towards the four directions.

Standing within the scope of the World, the Lord of the Earth Demon looked cold and slowly shot.

In his palm, a little ripple began to ripple, and an inexplicable strength spread out and rushed forward.

hong long!

In the material world, a series of inexplicable roars continued to sound, as if the entire world had begun to vibrate together, and at the moment a burst of wail.

The entire physical world is shaking.

The mighty Strength keeps surging from the body of the Demon King, turning into a hazy light after another, showing towards the front.

Then in an instant, everything in front of me started to change.

Strength, the master of the abyss, enveloped this land and affected this World in an instant.

In the realm, within the realm, the giant beast, which had been raging in the material world, gave a roar, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked in the direction of the earth demon king, which seemed to contain all kinds of bloodthirsty. The impulse makes people feel terrified at a glance.

The unique Strength response is stirring, this moment is spreading towards the Quartet, faintly discernible, constantly spreading.


A roar of roar came from before my eyes.

In the center of the World, at this moment, under the astonished eyes of the other deities incarnation, the breath of the giant beast began to weaken rapidly, all over the body began to bloom, and the last piece of flesh continued Torn, affected by a terrifying strength.

In a flash, he was suppressed by the strength of the Earth Demon King, and was simply unable to move.

As I see it, this battle is about to end.

“It is worthy to be the master of the abyss …”

Looking at the giant beast that was easily suppressed by the King of Earth Demon in front of him, several deities incarnation present sighed.

The giant beast in front of him is powerful, and his strength is not inferior to the 7th grade Peak.

Under normal circumstances, even if a real 7th grade Peak exists, it is directly opposite to this giant beast, and I am afraid that it will not be able to take it off for a while.

But for the King of Earth Demon in front of him, it ’s just an instant thing that ’s all.

The eighth order is the eighth order, even as an incarnation, without changing its unique essence.

It seems very easy to face any existence under the eighth order.

Standing in place, looking at the giant beast that is constantly struggling in the distance, the wound is not broken, the face of the Earth Demon King is calm, and I do n’t feel the slightest surprise to this scene in front of me.

This is the result of strength comparison.

Earth Demon King is an eighth rank, even if it is just an incarnation, its essence is above any 7th grade existence.

Innately, it occupies a certain advantage.

Not to mention, this place is still in God World, his opponent will be suppressed by God World, and the Lord of Earth Demon himself can get the blessing of Abyss World.

The gap is formed between one time and the other.

In addition, although the strength of the giant beast in front of it is powerful, it still has its own great defects.

The superposition of various factors will have this result, and it is not surprising.

In this regard, the King of Earth Demon is not surprised, but just stands silently, waving with one hand.


The majestic Strength fell from midair, and the mighty Strength attacked the sky.

In a flash, the giant beast uttered a wave of sorrow, the voice was extremely miserable and loud, and it was heard throughout the material world.

At this moment, within the scope of the entire material World, all living creatures lifts the head can be seen in the Central Region of the World, where an extremely huge giant beast stands in it, at this time covered with blood Dripping scene.

A drop of blood belonging to the divine existence spatters the Quartet, and the vitality contained in it evaporates toward all around. The terrifying life force makes people suffocate and feel thrilling.

In all around, the land of Material World begins to renew its vitality, and under the nourishment of giant beast Bloodline, it slowly nourishes the entire world.

“Let ’s finish …”

Standing in in midair, looking at this scene, the Lord of Earth Demons shook his head secretly, and then waved his hand, trying to end it all.

The mighty Strength gradually spreads and spreads outward.

At this moment, in the area in front of me, the strength of Formation is rippling and spreading away.

Look at it like this, if the blow in front of you is really hit, the giant beast in front of you may be over, don’t die also seriously injured.

“It ’s all up to this point … Are you still out yet …”

Standing in the air, silently feeling everything around, the heart of the earth demon king flashes After this thought.

In front of me, the ripples of the law are still emerging, now under the control of the Earth Demon King, he is slowly moving forward.

It ’s just the next moment, an invisible change is beginning to take place.

In in midair, the waves of nothingness continue to emerge, and in the in midair, it affects everything.

A huge black hole appeared in front of him, directly swallowing the Strength of the Earth Demon King, turning the offensive in front of him into invisible.

Looking at this scene, several godly incarnations frowned beside the standing Lord of the Earth Demon.


Standing in place, they frowned, looking at the huge black hole in front of them, and began to be alert.

In front of us, a change began to take place.

The huge black hole is spreading rapidly, engulfing all the power of the law of all around.

An inexplicable breath began to emerge.

If you look closely, you can see that the black hole in front of you is like a giant beast ’s mouth, slamming open, and you want to devour everything in front of you.

An inexplicable sense of danger emerges in the heart.

Feeling this feeling, the King of Earth Devil frowned, then turned subconsciously.

A giant claw floated in front of him, the breath of terror was shaking.

Strength, which belongs to the eighth class alone, emerged at this moment and suddenly pushed forward.

In an instant, the Strength of the Earth Demon King was directly depressed, even if he had been prepared for a long time, he fell directly into the downwind.

“Red King, this guy is too ruthless!”

Feeling the breath of assaults the senses in front of me, this thought flashed in the heart of the Earth Demon King.

After the next moment, bursts of time are shown.

In the nothingness, a huge mouth is opened, and in a flash, the silhouette of the king of earth demons is swallowed directly.


The scene in front of him is now broken, and the mighty Law Aura continues to emerge, but in this brief moment it slowly disappeared, being swallowed by the previous giant mouth, and gradually disappearing.

Within the realm in a distant world.

The incarnation of the local Demon King was devoured, and the moment the law connection was severed, the Demon King suddenly opened his eyes: “Not good!”

His complexion ashen: ” My incarnation was defeated! “

The words fell, and in front of me, a clear voice slowly came out.

In Adier ’s hands, the scene of the material world begins to change.

Several gods incarnation sent to the material world were directly swallowed by the big mouth before, and there was no room for struggle.

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