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Senran’s big mouth opened sharply.

A terrifying atmosphere enveloped this place.

With the shock of nothingness, the mighty divine force came from a distance, and the incarnation of several Gods disappeared instantly, and was swallowed directly by that grim big mouth.

In the distance, at the moment when God World changed dramatically, and within the realm, God ’s face changed suddenly.

“My incarnation …”

Their face changed in an instant, and they already felt something.

And in front of him, God of Death’s face was calm, and the scene emerging in his hand was crashing and shattered, disappearing directly.

The dim Strength has influenced the Quartet, and at this moment it has affected his Strength, making the scene in God World dim and unable to be seen anymore.

Feeling this, the complexion ashen of the gods present.

“Supreme God has infiltrated God World, wreaking havoc in it …”

“The abyss dominating your incarnation is in danger …”

Sounds of sound kept ringing.

Standing in place, God of Death looked calm and looked aside.


He looked at Mar on the side and Goddess, and spoke softly.

“I am in front of a hazy, only see a hazy World, can not see the true origin of this group of people ……”

Standing in front of God of Death, Marr slightly bowed, and his face was a little ugly at this time.

“The only thing that is certain is that these people are not wizards or Disaster Lord …”

She spoke so, with some shame on her face.

As Goddess of Destiny, she barely played a role in this battle, from beginning to end.

Precise predictions in the past have failed, and a dim Strength struck ahead so that she could not see anything at all.

Of course, to a certain extent, this does not blame her.

The authority of Destiny Goddess is, of course, extremely powerful. The authority that belongs to the field of Destiny, even though it is the only one in many of the origins within the realm, has never seen a second person.

But even if the strength of authority is strong enough, it depends on who the role is.

If it is foreseen that there is a single existence, even if it is also sacred, Marr has enough to see part of the other party ’s future, see through its future trajectories, and even exert influence to a certain extent.

But at this moment, the situation is different again.

At this moment, along with several origin Worlds fighting together, the Strength among them has also surged unprecedentedly.

Know that the battle of this time involves several origins of World, where the sacred existence exceeds one hundred and Supreme God has more than one force.

As far as so many powerful existences are concerned, the trajectory of fate has been completely disrupted.

It’s not polite to say that in the face of so many powerful existences, even if the fate of Goddess came here, I am afraid I can’t see the trajectory of fate at all, nor can I do anything.

The fate of Goddess is still the same, not to mention Mar at the moment.

With his strength, under the circumstances in front of him, it is already good to be able to see something.

It is hard for her to want her to see through the truth thoroughly and see the future trajectory changes from nothingness.

The gods present naturally know this.

So at this moment, listening to Marr ’s words, they were not surprised, just nodded, and then looked at God of Death inconsistently.

God of Death looks to the King of Demon.


He spoke softly and made a question.

“Very strong.”

The King of Earth Demons sighed softly and said, “At least one Supreme God force, a digitally high divine force …”

This is an eighth order, with a 7th grade Peak.

This level of battle strength, even for the side of the gods, is extremely huge. If it is said, it will shock a person.

In place, the gods on the scene could not help frowning, at this time there was a bad hunch in my heart.

“Let me go by myself.”

God of Death ’s face was calm, and he opened his mouth gently: “I return with Goddess of the earth to see the situation.”

“During my absence, Commander is dominated by the abyss.”


The gods present were respectful, meaningless to God of Death.

At the same time in the heart, they are relaxed.

“If the Lord God is himself, there should be no problem.”

The gods looked respectfully and spoke softly.

In today ’s God World, despite many changes and many silhouettes in it, God of Death is the most powerful regardless of strength or status.

On status, he is the king of the gods and enjoys the most powerful authority among the gods.

In terms of strength, he is the master of the underworld, blessed by the underworld, and sincereds of thousands has been powerful to a horror level for years.

In this respect, even the King of the Earth Demon, who is dominated by the abyss, is not as good, and he will never be a rival of God of Death in real strength.

God of Death shot at this time, combined with the God God power of Goddess, should be enough to suppress everything.

After all, if you are in God World, the power of God of Death and Goddess of the earth is enough to draw God World ’s will to suppress it.

Under the cooperation of the two, as long as not more than four Supreme God forces strike at the same time, they will all remain impossible.

With the thoughts move, the gods present reached a consensus instantly.

Then God of Death and Goddess of the earth set off and return to God World.

And on the other side.

At the core of Scourge World, within a great hall, a silhouette is independent, facing many sacrednesses alone.


One person was alone with the many sacred presences, and the red king ’s face was calm. At this time, a handsome and demon face changed a little: “I am sincere enough?”

In his hands, a scene of Material World emerges.

A huge mouth opened, and after devouring several God ’s incarnations, he directly shot again and headed towards the incarnation of the Earth Demon King.

After a short battle, with a burst of light sound, the incarnation of the Earth Demon King is still invincible after all, and directly collapsed under the siege of many sacred forces, and even his own origin was swallowed by the giant mouth, no Leave the slightest trace.

The whole process looks like flowing clouds and flowing water, giving a sense of fluency.

Looking at this scene, many of the sacred faces present were dignified. At this time, he did not speak, all staring closely at the red king in front.

“Really strong strength, the sacredness of this world …”

Sitting beside Adier, the mother of Emerald frowned, and this thought flashed in her heart.

After observing the previous sacred battles, she already has some speculation about the system of the ancestor World.

This World is mostly a system based on Bloodline and spread on this basis.

Because of its special system, the sacredness of this World may be extremely strong above the battle strength.

In just before, the mother of Emerald sees clearly.

Incarnation of the Earth Demon King, its battle strength is actually not weak, and the blessing in the Abyss World is enough to briefly contend with the eighth order.

If you change to another eighth order, you might eventually be able to win that incarnation, but it must also be entangled a lot.

At least the mother of Emerald confessed that if she were to be suppressed by God World, she would engage incarnation, the king of earth demons blessed by the entire world, and would never end the battle so quickly, which would take a long time. .

Before that, the unknown eighth-order sacred was very fast, but the incarnation of the earth demon king was solved only in two or two clicks.

This terrifying battle strength, terrifying performance, is really terrifying.

Even the mother of emeralds from the ancient times, the eighth-order sacred walking all the way to this day can not help frowning, let alone others.

In fact, after seeing the scene of Fang Cai, there were already a lot of people’s faces dignified in the scene, and there was a little bit of dread in the eyes of the Red King.

The place was silent for a while.

Until a moment later, there was a sound again.

“Good performance …”

Sitting on the head, the Lord of the Red King smiled a little on his face. At this time, he looked at the Red King in front, with inexplicable colors in his eyes.

“Since this is the case …”

The Red King laughed, and then continued to say: “Then our cooperation, even if it is achieved?”

Standing in place, he looked at the many sacred things in front of him and said so.

“Of course.”

The Lord of the Red King gently nodded and gave a result to this negotiation.

“So …”

The Red King raised his head and looked at the many sacred ahead: “Happy cooperation …”

The faint voice fell, and then there was a lot of sacred nodded in place.

A cooperation is reached.

Later, after just a few thousand years, the pressure of the gods on the battlefield doubled.

The ancestors of a ancestor World continually came across and eventually joined the wizard world and the natural disaster world.

Compared with God World ’s sacred number, the number of the ancestors of the ancestor World is not too much, only 20 in their early that ’s all.

But the ancestors in their early twenties, the battle strength that can burst out is extremely terrifying.

If we say that among the four known origin worlds, God World ’s sacred average battle strength is the weakest. Many deities are only able to enter the 7th grade level. a lot of.

Although there are relatively weak ones, on average, they are pretty good, generally better than God World ’s gods.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this gap will not be too obvious.

The ancestor of the ancestor World, its battle strength is extremely terrifying.

As long as is a living ancestor, even if he has just been promoted successfully, its battle strength is enough to be comparable to the seniors in the 7th grade.

The powerful ones, even if their level is insufficient, the authority and rules are incomplete, but they are still scary enough, and their battle strength is enough to compare with the sacredness of 7th grade Peak.

As for the eighth-order sacredness, it is even more so.

Under the one-to-one situation, the Supreme God in God World except God of Death and the King of Earth Demons, all the others must fall into the lower eighth ancestors of the upper ancestor World Beaten situation.

Suddenly, God World fell into a disadvantage.

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