Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 259 Consciousness is forcibly pulled and the simulator appears

Chapter 259 ‘Consciousness is forcibly pulled’ and ‘The emergence of the simulator’ (please subscribe)

The abyss does not count time, but Chen Mu can still vaguely sense that time is constantly passing.

Since the last time Chen Mu sensed that energy flow in the Demon Mother River.

Until now, Chen Mu has never sensed a situation similar to that time.

It seems that everything he sensed at the time was just an illusion.

But Chen Mu knew very well that it was not an illusion. After all, he really sensed that the energy flow was finally integrated into his demon body.

"The perception at the time seemed to be just a coincidence."

In the Demon Mother River, Chen Mu said to himself.

Time will verify everything, Chen Mu still understands this very well.

But after so long, Chen Mu has not slackened his perception of the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, he has never sensed the energy flow he sensed at the time again.

Now Chen Mu can basically confirm that the situation he sensed at the time was a situation with a very small probability.

It can't even be called a variable.

After all, even if Chen Mu absorbed that weak energy flow last time, his demon body hardly changed at all.

Even if there was a change, it was only a momentary change at that time.

Now Chen Mu can no longer feel any changes in his body.

"After so long, is there really no new inherited memory?"

Thoughts emerged in Chen Mu's mind.

Although Chen Mu didn't know how much time had passed since he reincarnated into this world.

But Chen Mu could still sense the approximate passage of time.

After all, not counting time in the abyss is just a concept, and this concept represents that the passage of time is difficult to sense.

It doesn't mean that the world in the abyss is really stagnant and will not pass.

In Chen Mu's perception, from the time he reincarnated into this deep red world to the present, about ten thousand years have passed.

Of course, this is just an approximate that Chen Mu can sense.

The specific time must be longer than ten thousand years.

In these ten thousand years, Chen Mu has been wandering in the Demon Mother River since his birth.

Even after tens of thousands of years, Chen Mu's understanding of the Crimson World still remains at the level of his inherited memory when he just reincarnated into this world.

Chen Mu also wants to know more about this world and the realm of the Abyss.

But unfortunately, the conditions do not allow him to leave the Demon Mother River at all.

Even until now, Chen Mu does not know if he has been spinning in circles.

The reason why he cannot escape from the Demon Mother River is not that Chen Mu does not want to escape from the Demon Mother River, but that he has no way to escape from the Demon Mother River at all.

The only thing Chen Mu can do at this time is to keep wandering in the Demon Mother River to find that little variable.

He does not know what other demons do after they are born, but this is the only thing he can do at this time.

And compared with other newly born demons, Chen Mu still has the advantage of memories of his previous life.

This is why Chen Mu is still not worried after reincarnating into this world for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, the only thing that makes Chen Mu a little worried now is the problem of improving his strength.

At this time, although he has been wandering in the Demon Mother River for tens of thousands of years, his demon body is still very fragile.

After all, even after tens of thousands of years, Chen Mu's own strength has not changed at all.

He has not become stronger because of the passage of time, and of course he has not become weaker because of the passage of time.

At this time, except for his memory, he is no different from when he was just born.

This is actually the only thing Chen Mu is worried about.

Sometimes, the fragility of an individual will make people feel a little insecure.

Chen Mu has a little of this feeling at this time.

After all, although he has not encountered any dangerous things yet, everything is uncertain.

There is no way that there is no danger in the abyss.

If that is the case, with the size of the abyss, what will the demon race expand into.

Now Chen Mu has not encountered danger, perhaps just because he has not encountered it yet.

There will always be a time to encounter it, and when that time comes, it may be too late for Chen Mu to think about these things.

Chen Mu does not want to improve the strength of his demon body.

But at this time, he had no way to improve his strength.

Just like the wizards in the wizard world, if you want to become a wizard, you must first have the meditation method.

Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you can't become a wizard.

Although Chen Mu is not clear about his qualifications at this time, he is now like a person who wants to be a wizard but does not have the meditation method.

There is no way to improve his strength.

Moreover, after he reincarnated into this world, he was born in the Demon Mother River, and now he can't leave the Demon Mother River.

Of course, if Chen Mu wants to forcibly end this reincarnation simulation, he can also end this reincarnation simulation directly.

But Chen Mu will definitely not choose this.

If that were the case, then Chen Mu would not have chosen to reincarnate into this world in the reincarnation simulation. 、

After all, since he has reincarnated to this time, it is impossible for him to choose to end this reincarnation simulation before he reaches the limit of his lifespan.

Including Chen Mu's previous reincarnation simulation, he has never made such a choice.

"It seems that I have to continue waiting."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Since the abyss does not count time, Chen Mu can wait as long as he wants.

After all, after reincarnating to this world, Chen Mu found that the passage of time had almost no effect on him.

This effect includes both physical and psychological effects.

After all, after such a long time, Chen Mu did not feel tired at all.

He is now and he is completely different in mentality from when he just reincarnated to this world.

This is definitely a good thing, which means that Chen Mu can simulate a long period of time in this simulation, and this period of time may even exceed his previous longest reincarnation simulation.

Of course, this is only possible.

After all, Chen Mu's previous longest simulation was the time when he reincarnated in the True Spirit Realm. If all the time is added up, it may be hundreds of thousands of years.

But Chen Mu didn't know whether such a long reincarnation simulation had any meaning.

If he was still the same as now after hundreds of thousands of years, then it would be meaningless.

But if it was different, then it would definitely be meaningful.

Chen Mu didn't know what would happen in the future.

Even in reality, Chen Mu didn't dare to be 100% sure that something would happen in the future.

After all, the word "future" is too big, and the future is always changing.

Maybe a small thing caused a butterfly effect, which would change the entire future.

What's more, he was in the reincarnation simulation at this time.

Chen Mu was also reincarnated into this world for the first time, so it was naturally impossible to know what would happen in the future.

So everything had to go with the flow. Chen Mu didn't know whether the future would remain unchanged or there would be variables.

The unknown future was also the reason why Chen Mu would not take the initiative to end this reincarnation simulation.

After all, maybe if he waited a little longer, the variables would appear by themselves.

The abyss didn't count, but time was still slowly passing.

In the Demon Mother River, Chen Mu's demon body slowly wandered in the mother river.

Chen Mu would sense the environment around him from time to time, which was a habit that Chen Mu had developed.

But unfortunately, after such a long time, Chen Mu still had no gains.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's heart moved.

At this moment, even the steady Chen Mu was suddenly startled.

This was not because he sensed the changes in the surrounding environment.

But because at this moment, the familiar mechanical sound of the simulator sounded in his mind.

You know, he was in the reincarnation simulation at this time.

And the number of times the simulator's boost sound appeared in the reincarnation simulation was really few and far between.

[Perceived that the host's consciousness was being forcibly pulled. ]

[Consciousness pulling has a high probability that the memory will be affected, and it has automatically helped the host to shield the consciousness pulling. ]

These two mechanical sounds sounded in the depths of Chen Mu's consciousness.

Chen Mu could hear it clearly.

Naturally, he could not think that this was an illusion.

After all, he was really familiar with this kind of sound, and it was absolutely impossible for other beings to imitate the sound of the simulator.

"Consciousness is forcibly pulled?"

"Is this the visitor from outside the domain that the Lord of Zero Realm mentioned?"

The next moment, Chen Mu said to himself.

At this moment, if he still didn't understand what had just happened, then his previous simulations would have been in vain.

The prompt from the simulator just now most likely meant that at that moment, his consciousness was forcibly pulled by the existence of other domains.

But because of the simulator, the moment his consciousness was pulled, it was blocked by the simulator.

No, it wasn't even blocked at the moment of being pulled, because Chen Mu just heard the two mechanical voices in his mind, and didn't feel anything else.

This obviously means that the simulator had already blocked it for him before his consciousness was pulled.

As for why this pull was blocked, it was obviously to protect his memory from any impact in the future.

After all, all memories in the reincarnation simulation will be retained in reality after the simulation ends.

But the sudden appearance of the simulator's voice in his mind just now was indeed something Chen Mu didn't expect.

After all, in all the previous reincarnation simulations, this situation is also very rare.

In Chen Mu's memory, there were only two times when the simulator prompt appeared in the reincarnation simulation.

The next moment, Chen Mu put away his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

ps: Thank you for reading, love you guys~

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