Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 260 A conjecture and the real variable (Subscribe

After putting away his thoughts, Chen Mu began to sense whether his body had any changes.

Just now, he just didn't feel any changes in his body, but Chen Mu didn't know whether his body had changed because of this.

After all, at this time, he was not like a human being who could sense the changes in his body all the time.

After reincarnating into this world as a demon, Chen Mu wanted to confirm whether his body had changed, so he had to sense his own body in person.

It sounds troublesome, but it's not.

Just like the different ways of thinking between humans and demons, there are also many differences in the way humans and demons perceive themselves.

Although Chen Mu has been reincarnated in this world for tens of thousands of years, because of the influence of the memory of his previous life, Chen Mu still retains many habits of his previous human body.

These habits will not disappear completely because of the passage of time.

Unless this time is infinitely extended.

But for Chen Mu, even if this time is infinitely extended, he will still have the habits he should have.

After all, the passage of time has little effect on Chen Mu in the abyss world.

Of course, this habit is not a bad thing.

After all, all Chen Mu has to do is to pay more attention, which is not a very troublesome thing for him.

So Chen Mu doesn't care about these things.

After Chen Mu clearly sensed his demon body, he was sure that his body had not changed at all.

Not a single change.

This was not Chen Mu's instinctive feeling before, but the conclusion he came to after truly sensing his own body.

"There is not a single change. It seems that the simulator has helped me perfectly block all influences."

At this moment, Chen Mu said to himself.

His mood at this time can't be said to be good or bad.

After all, the emergence of this situation was something he had never expected before.

In other words, this was beyond his expectations.

Since the simulator appeared, it means that his consciousness was forcibly pulled by the outside world, which is definitely a very bad thing for him.

After all, the simulator cannot appear for no reason.

Chen Mu is too clear about this.

If it weren't for the fact that he himself would be greatly affected, the simulator would never appear in his reincarnation simulation to interfere with his reincarnation simulation.

These are all things that Chen Mu has verified through countless reincarnation simulations, and Chen Mu has never doubted them.

After all, from the time he had the simulator until now, the simulator has never hurt him.

From the beginning to the end, the simulator has brought him great help.

The simulator is more like a set program, and the owner of this program is naturally Chen Mu himself.

Of course, Chen Mu is thinking about more than just this at this time.

Although his way of thinking at this time is single-threaded, he is thinking about more than just one thing.

Everything has two sides.

It can't be said that anything, it can only be said that most things have two sides, at least Chen Mu understands it this way.

The consciousness is forcibly pulled, and the simulator forcibly intervenes.

It is definitely a good thing for him, Chen Mu.

After all, Chen Mu refers to himself, not just the demon body Chen Mu in this crimson world.

But what if the way of thinking is changed?

It's a good thing for him, but will it not be a good thing for the demon?

After all, if you really want to say that after Chen Mu reincarnates into a new world, what is the difference between him and the existence born in the original world.

Then the only difference may be the memory that Chen Mu has.

And these memories he has cannot be affected by anything.

Because once his memory is affected, the simulator will appear and prevent his memory from being affected.

This is like a pre-set program, and it can also be regarded as a hidden function of the simulator.

If what Chen Mu just experienced is an event that all demons born in the Demon Mother River must experience, then it is a bit bad.

Because Chen Mu with the simulator cannot experience this event.

As long as his consciousness is forcibly pulled, the simulator will inevitably appear and interfere with everything.

This is like a bug.

If the only way for the demon to improve is what just happened, that is, the consciousness can only continue to improve after being pulled.

Then Chen Mu will undoubtedly lose the only way to improve the demon.

After all, Chen Mu at this time cannot affect the hidden function of the simulator.

This is exactly what Chen Mu is worried about at this time.

After all, if the facts are really as he guessed, then there will be no new progress in this reincarnation simulation.

Of course, this is just a guess in Chen Mu's mind after experiencing everything just now.

Chen Mu didn't know whether it was true or not.

But he knew that his conjecture was definitely possible.

The reason was very simple.

That was, it had been such a long time since Chen Mu reincarnated into this world, and this was the only time something different happened to him.

This was not something Chen Mu sensed, but something that actually happened to his demonic body.

If it weren't for the simulator, his consciousness would have been forcibly pulled away.

As for where it would be pulled to, Chen Mu didn't know.

Of course, Chen Mu was not 100% sure of the guess that emerged in his mind.

Not even 50% sure.

The reason for this is actually because of the world where Chen Mu reincarnated last time.

If he had not reincarnated into Canglan Realm last time and had not become the Lord of the Realm in Canglan Realm, then he would have a great chance of thinking that his guess was very likely.

But it's different now.

After Chen Mu reincarnated into Canglan Realm last time and communicated with Lord Zero, Chen Mu knew some very important things.

One of them is naturally about the Abyss Realm.

The existence in the Abyss Realm will indeed be forcibly pulled into the world in the World Sea.

As long as the person who takes action is very strong, this possibility exists.

Isn't Mansur the best example?

But there is a very key point that Chen Mu remembers very clearly.

That is, this situation is a minority of cases. After all, in all the worlds in the entire World Sea, there are not many people who have that kind of means.

After all, in the World Sea, visitors from outside the domain are extremely rare.

If every demon really has to experience traction, then the world in the World Sea will be crowded with visitors from outside the domain.

Chen Mu thinks this possibility is very low.

At least based on his current understanding of everything, he thinks this possibility is very low.

Of course, it is also possible that the existence in other realms is pulling the existence in the Abyss Realm, and this possibility is not impossible.

After all, the universe is too big, and the three realms are just the realms that Chen Mu knows about at present.

Chen Mu has not forgotten the worlds he randomly reincarnated a long time ago, but none of the worlds belong to the worlds in these three realms.

This is why Chen Mu did not directly deny the conjecture in his heart.

After all, with his current knowledge, he can actually directly deny the conjecture in his heart.

But Chen Mu is very clear that his own knowledge may not be complete.

It's like he is reincarnating into a new world at this time, and the perspective of looking at the world is completely different from the first time he used reincarnation simulation to reincarnate into a world.

This is the importance of vision.

Chen Mu understood that although his vision was far ahead, he was still far behind those real big guys.

The gap between them could not be eliminated by a few simulations.

"If the facts are really as I guessed at this time, it would be a bit bad."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Because if this is really the case, it is not just about his reincarnation simulation this time.

This may mean that all his reincarnation simulations in the world of the reincarnation abyss realm will not have much gain in the end.

Sometimes, if you peek into a point, you can actually peek into the whole picture.

Chen Mu had such a feeling at this time.

If it is really as he guessed, then not only his reincarnation simulation this time will be meaningless.

Even all his simulations in the reincarnation abyss realm world will not have much meaning.

If this is really the case, Chen Mu will not choose to reincarnate in the world of the reincarnation abyss realm in the future.

Although for Chen Mu, this impact is not particularly large.

After all, in addition to the world in the Abyss Realm, Chen Mu has many other choices in the reincarnation space.

Not reincarnating in the world of the Abyss Realm only makes Chen Mu lose a channel for reincarnation.

There are countless remaining channels. Even if Chen Mu spends thousands of years to accumulate simulation times, he can't reincarnate once in the world in the world sea.

That's the fact.

But even if it is the case, Chen Mu still has some reluctance in his heart.

Of course, these reluctances are few, only a little.

It is difficult for Chen Mu to have other emotions in his heart now. At this time, he has long been out of that passionate period.

At this time, Chen Mu actually values ​​more interests.

This interest represents his own interests, and also represents his outlook on future interests.

This is actually the most normal situation.

Just like those great wizards in the wizard world who have survived for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, the only thing that can make them emotional is probably the interests that are closely related to them.

Chen Mu is like this at this time.

If reincarnating into the world in the Abyss Realm really didn't help him at all, then Chen Mu would not have chosen to reincarnate into this Crimson World in the first place.

Since he chose to reincarnate into this world, it means that this world and Chen Mu have a conflict of interest.

This conflict of interest may be unilateral on Chen Mu's side, after all, Chen Mu can't bring any changes to this world.

But unilateral interests are still interests.

Let's just talk about the demon level.

If Chen Mu can become a high-level demon in this world, Chen Mu also wants to see how his demon level in this world will be retained in reality after his simulation ends.

After all, this is the first time that Chen Mu has chosen to reincarnate into the world in the Abyss Realm.

If there is really no curiosity in this regard, it is unlikely.

"Still unable to verify it myself, it seems all I can do is continue to wait."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Waiting passively for a long time is actually not Chen Mu's style.

But there is no other way. After all, besides forcibly ending this reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu has nothing else to do.

But Chen Mu couldn't forcefully end this reincarnation simulation.

He would not have chosen this way before.

Now that he had experienced his consciousness being forcibly pulled away, he would no longer make such a choice.

After all whether this was something every demon had to go through or if it just happened to him.

Chen Mudu wanted to know what the final answer was.

Even at this time, he had no way to find out the answer.

But just because he can't do it now doesn't mean that he won't have a way to know in the future.

If it was really a coincidence, then Chen Mu could be sure that there was something different about his demonic body.

Otherwise, why don't other demons encounter this kind of coincidence.

This is not the first time Chen Mu has experienced reincarnation simulation.

In every previous reincarnation simulation, it seemed that his reincarnated body had something special.

These special features may be reflected in the talent of cultivation, or they may be reflected in other places.

Chen Mu was not anxious at all before, but now that he has experienced his consciousness being forcibly pulled away, Chen Mu is even less anxious.

This time, it's a change.

Since there are variables, it means they are not static.

Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, Chen Mu will regard him as a good thing.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu stopped thinking about it.

The next moment, Chen Mu completely let go of his thoughts.

The thoughts in my mind no longer continue to surface.

Including the conjectures that Chen Mu had thought of before, he no longer thought about them at this time.

Now that you have experienced it and thought about it, continuing to think about it will not change anything that has happened.

After clearing his mind, Chen Mu did not stop sensing the surrounding environment.

Wandering in the devil's mother river, Chen Mu is still aware of the surrounding environment all the time.

Chen Mu naturally knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to sense anything, but sometimes doing something was better than doing nothing.

In the crimson world, Chen Mu's body wandered silently.

Suddenly, his demonic body shook.

At the same time, something seemed to be emerging in his consciousness.

At this time, Chen Mu couldn't care less about how much time had passed.

What he feels now is completely different from what he felt before when his consciousness was pulled by the strong heart.

And there was no simulator beep in his mind.

Chen Mu knew very well that the real change he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

Because this feeling is not unfamiliar to him at all. This is exactly what he feels when the inherited memory is about to appear.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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