Jiang Yansheng did not expect that this man has been following her to the top floor, it seems that he also came to the meeting together.

But I haven't seen this person before.

When she and Wang Yiran pushed the door in, there were several old stubborn relatives sitting there.

When they saw Wang Yiran, they were so excited that they even held out their hands.

"Director Wang is here, too."

"Busy man, I didn't expect to ask you to come up." Around the old stubborn happy touch under the short hard beard.

When they saw Jiang Yansheng who followed him in, they didn't have a good face, they just snorted coldly.

Director Wang seems to be very gentle. He said with a smile: "this time it's about the product endorsement made by our department. I'm sure I'll come up and have a look. I was really busy before. Sometimes I have to hold a meeting temporarily. I'm not in the company. What a slight. "

With a mild smile on her face, Jiang Yansheng found a seat and sat down by herself. Looking at the director Wang, she seemed to be quite likable. Just a few words were added to the man's floor. She had almost guessed the man's identity.

Director of Technology Department.

She has heard that when the young turtle came back, she had already made some achievements in other companies. She even had a few steps to get to the position of vice president. She did not know why she suddenly changed her job. Jiang was willing to start from a small technical employee.

However, this has not been a few years, has been promoted all the way to the position of director.

It's not a talent.

This is a positive example of being down-to-earth and willing to do something. She is a negative example of the unknown background of airborne landing.

Jiang Yansheng, with his legs up, waits for Jiang Chu to come to see Wang Yiran talking and laughing in front of everyone. She didn't know that there was such a fierce technology flow in the company before. She thought that it was all lazy board of directors and only a rice bug with a mouth.

The Department is separated by several floors, just like a mountain.

Especially for people like her who don't like eating the company canteen very much, she usually likes to order takeout. People on her own floor don't fully understand it, let alone her neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

"Is everyone here?" With a calm face, Jiang Chu pushed the door in.

When he looks at Jiang Yansheng, he is in a good mood and smiles.

Jiang Chu's brow slowly wrinkled. His meeting was really interesting.

Jiang Chu's face was slightly stiff, and his voice raised a little, "does it take so long to go through the process? It's been pressed for three days in your hands. How do you go about it? "

Jiang Yansheng said slowly, "the process really needs to go, but it can't be decided from the beginning, and the green light will be smooth all the way. In the middle of the process, if any of us have any objection, can we make some minor adjustments in the process?"

She laughed. "Otherwise, what is the use of this share in our hands? A pile of rotten grass? It's better to throw it away. "

Jiang Chu sneered, "some minor adjustments? Don't you want to tell me that you want to change the spokesperson directly? "

The faces of several boards of directors around him changed slightly. All of them knew the identity of Jiang Yansheng and that the final candidate for the endorsement was Jiang Yaru, another daughter of Jiang Chu.

They all thought that this might be just Jiang Yansheng's making a fuss about his family. They started to plan this plan a month ago. It was Jiang Yaru who made the decision at the beginning. Now it's not good to change people temporarily

"Yes, the scheme has reached the final stage. Even some news media have begun to report who our spokesperson is this time. It's bad for the reputation of both sides to change people now. "

Jiang Yansheng cleared his throat and said, "I'm just putting forward my little opinion. First of all, our product is related to music. You should at least find a singer to speak for it. It's not so good to find an actor to come here, isn't it

"Secondly, the first online endorsement is also synchronized on several well-known live broadcasting platforms. Jiang Yaru is indeed an actor, but she has survived the second line. When the time comes, who knows her on the platform? Will the audience pay? "

She had a little talk with Amy in the garden restaurant last time. Although Amy refused her kindness for the first time, she also introduced her situation tactfully.

Amy's in Muse's band. It seems that there are accounts on many online platforms to send live video. Otherwise, a bar as big as Muse would not give the golden time to an unknown band in vain.

If you really talk about the flow, the second and third tier stars can't compare with the small net red.

She had never thought that Amy would surprise her so much.

She gently knocked down the table. "I don't know whether the audience knows about Jiang Yaru's film remuneration. Your endorsement fee may not be half of what you have paid. I can invite people with the same effect to speak for me with less money. This business is clearly not losing money and making several times more stable. Why don't you agree?"

Jiang Chu's face was more heavy. Today, he came to set up a teacher to make a crime. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yansheng made a score, which made him feel very depressed.Jiang Yansheng's mobile phone suddenly shakes. She looks down and finds that an Di has sent a message.

All the plans have been changed! Do you know how offensive this is! I sent out the only three boxes of chocolate I had brought back from Milan at my desk!!

The exclamation mark on the screen made Jiang Yansheng deeply aware of the situation of Andi. She coughed twice and pretended to see nothing.

Wang Yiran, who had never said a word, suddenly asked, "since director Jiang has just said that we have spent half of the remuneration that Jiang Yaru should have received to represent us, the company is not unable to afford this money. Now that the plan has been formulated, it means that everything is within the budget. Why should we choose the lower level people instead of the second? "

"What's more, it has been agreed in advance..."

Jiang Yansheng opened his mouth and interrupted him, "no one and who are agreed in advance. Even if it is another company, signed a contract, the contract in the logistics did not go to the hands of both sides, there is the possibility of rapid change. "

"There are many people who block contracts and cooperate with other better companies."

"And. I don't mean to take the second place. I have already said that the premise is under the same or even more flow conditions. "

"If I haven't met this new spokesperson before, I think I'll pass the proposal directly. Unfortunately, there is a better one. We can only choose among them. "

You can't say anything to her before she comes home

Jiang Yansheng's eyes were slightly cold. She gently knocked down the table, as if in a whisper with Jiang Chu, "Dad, the one in my family doesn't have any shares in the company. Jiang Yaru has only shot a play this year, or is she a No. 2 girl. How can she have the money to buy another villa in Jiangcheng's villa area? It's not your money, is it

Jiang Chu was very angry. He was stunned at this.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Yansheng said with a smile, "it's not interesting. I've never seen Jiang Yaru do it before, although I don't know how she operates it. But she can't eat this dumb loss for nothing. She always has other ways to make money. And I don't really want her to be exposed to the new technology that our company has developed. "

Jiang Chu's face seems to have a little fluctuation, he moved his mouth, did not open a retort.

The board of directors was still clamoring, but those who didn't speak to Jiang in the end didn't talk to each other.

Jiang Yansheng went downstairs in a good mood, even if the spokesman didn't change into the one she was looking for. It is also very good to add a seed that is not light or heavy in Jiang Chu's small suspicious heart.

As soon as she got out of the elevator door, she was met by andI's knife like eyes.

Holding Chengquan in his hand, he coughed gently on his lips. Jiang Yansheng encouraged him to pat an Di's back and said in a low voice, "please go to muse for a drink at the weekend."

After listening to this sentence, andI's frown widened in an instant, and his attitude was soft and soft to the naked eye. He said in a tender tone: "Jiang, I have friends coming next week. Can I pack some good wine and take it back?"

Jiang Yansheng got goose bumps all over his body by his voice, "at most three bottles. If you pack Muse down and take it away, I can't afford the money."

Andi's sweet smile, "Jiang you are so generous."

After Jiang Yansheng left, his colleagues who were as quiet as quail gathered around an Di and denounced from left to right.

"AndI, you have changed. You still share the same hatred with us before. How can you rebel so easily now?"

"You have become Jiang's running dog!"

An Di Tian big grievance, "what dog is a running dog, praise me lovely?"


After work, Jiang Yansheng specially drove to Yu Zhouzhou's favorite restaurant and packed hot food for her.

She was standing at the door of the ward. The door was not closed. When the wind blew, it opened softly.

The cold wind came in from the hallways and the half open windows of the ward.

On his side, Jiang Yansheng sees Fu Qingming, who doesn't know when he's awake, is sitting on the bed with Yu Zhouzhou cutting apples for him.

Fu is pale, but his eyes are bright when he looks at Yu Zhouzhou.

Jiang Yansheng stood for a while with his vegetables, but he didn't go in.

The mobile phone in her pocket shook and she took it out to see.

Gu ran: I have a rose left. When will you come back for it?

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