Jiang Yansheng is not in a hurry to enter the ward. She reexamines Fu Mingming.

Before the impression is preconceived, Fu is a bad boy to the letter, but he seems to be sincere to Yu Zhouzhou.

Fu Guangming is really good-looking. His broken hair seems to have not been repaired for a long time, and he is drooping in front of his eyes. That pair of eyes is like the calm lake water, only when looking at Yu Zhouzhou, it seems that there is a breeze and waves.

When Yu Zhouzhou pushed the door out, he was shocked to see Jiang Yansheng standing quietly at the door.

She patted her heart, "Yansheng, I'm going to go downstairs to pick you up. How can you stand at the door and not go in?"

Jiang Yansheng said with a smile, "it's OK. I just came here. It's a coincidence. "

"I guess you didn't eat it. I bought you something you like, while it's hot." "I'm going home a little bit," she said. It's time to go when you get it. "

Yu Zhouzhou raised eyebrows and said, "what's the matter with your single dog's apartment?"

Jiang Yansheng stretched out a finger against his lip, "Shh, secret."

"Did your ex husband come to you?"

Jiang Yansheng was stunned. Before he had time to say a word, Yu Zhouzhou said with concern: "I didn't say that. When I saw him come with you in the middle of the night, I felt that you two had something fishy. It's still hiding from me?"

Jiang Yansheng stares at the ground. "Didn't you say it happened?"

What she thought she could hide was a good thing, but she had no idea that it would become known to everyone.

Yu Zhouzhou sighed.

"It's not me. Last night I saw Gu ran himself for the first time. Although he didn't speak to me. But I always feel that this person is not easy to be provoked. "

"Like a wolf."

Jiang Yansheng chuckles and doesn't pay attention to it. He just takes care of his gentle appearance. Can he be like a wolf?

I'm a little wolf dog.

It's the kind that you don't even dare to bite off with your hands in your mouth.

She soothed Yu Zhouzhou's mood, repeatedly said that she knew, and then pointed to the half opened ward door and asked softly.

"Is the man awake?"

Yu Zhouzhou was in a good mood. She had a slight pouch under her eyes. She didn't sleep well last night, but grinned. "Yes, the doctor would have to wake up for four or five days. This morning, he suddenly called my name and yelled for water. It should be that he fought hard."

After a few steps on the river, Yu's face was confused.


"Listen to me. Don't go to the secluded park alone in the evening. If you have something to pay for, you can call me if you can't get through." Jiang Sheng Sheng's voice is quite serious. "I think you can't beat a woman in this little body, but put another wolf spray in your bag."

Yu Zhouzhou's tears were about to come out. "Don't, elder sister, this is really an accident. You have to believe me, it will never happen again next time. I'm sorry to show it to others. I don't know. I think we're dreaming about what others are going to do

Jiang Yan Sheng is poker faced. She takes out the spray from her bag and takes advantage of Yu's Zhou's hands to hold the things that she can't refuse to directly cut into her arms. "You don't buy it, do you?" This is mine. I'll see you off. "

"Don't say thank you. We have a relationship. Who is with whom?"

"I don't really need it." Yu Zhouzhou couldn't laugh or cry.

"Take it first, just in case, and then, in case you are not good to you again, you will spray him with this one."


Jiang Yansheng went out of the time card is wrong, just before the hospital off work, the last wave of patients swarmed in and evening peak golden time.

The front and back are full of people. She can't tell the southeast and northwest clearly for a while. Passing the corridor of gynaecology, the seats in front of her are filled with anxious waiting girls, elderly aunts and office workers who are all working and making voice.

She looked at the sign on the top of the door to find the exit. Her eyes were cold. She saw a tall figure not far away from the door of gynecology.

Ice blue dyed hair, high horse tail in the back of the head, the whole person is clear and refreshing. When walking, the steps seem to be all over the youth.

See the little girl passing her. Jiang Yansheng took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag and put it on. When she passed by, she found that she and the girl were almost the same height.

Jiang Yansheng took the sunglasses down.

Tut tut exclaimed two words, this hairstyle, posture and walking momentum, even made her instantly think of herself when she was a freshman. At that time, she was also so eccentric and unconventional, and a little tired of the world.

Do not know to look young, how can you come to see a doctor in gynaecology?

The next patient has just reported the number and has not come in yet. Jiang Yansheng walks forward a few steps and sticks to the door to listen to the doctor inside.

"It's clear that she's not pregnant or she has to check it out every month. Is this girl crazy about trying to get pregnant? Why are you in such a hurry to have a baby"I think she was just like that, and she was right to ask how we can get pregnant? Even if you really have a baby, you can't be a good mother. Look at this age, how old is it

"I think I just graduated from college. I don't think I'll find a good job. Why do you think about it every day? "


Jiang Yansheng went back to his apartment and saw that the light at the door was dim and no one was waiting.

I don't know how to relax, but there is a kind of melancholy that can't be said.

She looked at the closed opposite door, took out the key and opened her own door. As soon as the light was on, she saw a man sitting lazily on her personal sofa.

Jiang Yansheng said:

Seeing her come in, the man raised his eyes and looked at the watch on the wall, stretched his voice and asked, "what time is it, how can I come back?"

"Don't make a fuss. It was an hour late at most. I went to the hospital to see Zhouzhou. What happened yesterday, she certainly didn't have time to eat a good meal. I bought her some food. "

Gu ran stands up and opens the refrigerator with elegant posture and skillful movements, as if he has done it for more than ten times.

Jiang Yansheng inexplicably saw him so blatant.

"Where did you get the key?"

Gu ran raised his chin slightly.

"Every time you have a spare key under the blanket, I'll take it and drive it." He took out a can of drink and opened it. He also told Jiang Yansheng, "I don't think it's very safe. You'd better not put the key out next time. If someone else knows about it, your family will be empty."

"The painting here in the entrance. My favorite artist painted it. Don't move it away. "

Jiang Yansheng said:

This is her own family?

"Who else but you has no time to run to my house? There are only two of us on this floor, and Mr. Gu is the only one who can't see his head down Jiang Yansheng clenched his teeth and threw the bag in and trampled on his slippers. "As long as you don't come into my house, there should be no one else."

Gu ran does not agree, "it's wrong for you to think so. If things are put in public places, they will be stolen."

Jiang Yansheng raised his eyebrows. "Where do you say I put it? Put one in your place? "

Gu Ran is happy. "I'll be glad to ask for it."

Jiang Yansheng rolled his eyes and was willing to fart. Did he still bring some forced buying and selling?

She sat down at the table and turned on the light to find that several dishes had already been placed on the table. She didn't know if it had been prepared for a long time. So she touched the dishes and the dishes were not hot.

She didn't look up. "Did you make the food?"

Gu Ran's voice came from the kitchen. "Otherwise?"

"Order a takeaway and give you a pretentious dish?"

Jiang Yansheng hummed, "it's not impossible..."

A hand came from behind her, and with a jingle, something was put into a glass bottle.

A faint fragrance came from the tip of his nose. Jiang Yansheng looked up and saw a red rose with slightly curved branches. There were several drops of water on the petals.

"Do you like it?" The man's voice sounds a little hoarse, like the breeze in March. When he rowed past from his ear, Jiang Yansheng's heart couldn't help jumping.

Jiang Yansheng blinked his eyes, did not look back at the shadow over his body, "do not you do a dish of braised pork to like more."

She ordered the opposite seat with chopsticks, "isn't it tiring to stand?"

Gu ran laughs at her lack of amorous feelings. She swallowed the meat in her mouth and looked at Gu ran with a tilt of her head.

Even if the man is sitting also very tall and straight, gentle with a smile, but there is a subtle sense of distance.

"There's no need to spend so much time. It's better to say what you want me to do."

Gu Ran's eyebrows are dark. He seems to be confused. He says in a low voice, "is it because the means I pursue people are too formulaic that you think I want to discuss terms with you?"

Jiang Yansheng wiped his lower lip with a smile? Mr. Gu's precious sister has returned to Jiangcheng. How can she have time to pursue me? "

Gu ran seemed to smile, "you are jealous."

He used affirmative sentences instead of negative sentences.

Jiang Yansheng shook his head. "Half a month ago, we were just strangers, nominal couples. Now, after half a month, we are just strangers who are a little familiar with each other."

"Come on, is there something wrong? I'll go back to my room and Mr. Gu will go back to his home early to rest. "

Gu Ran is helpless. "Since you want to find something, there will be a reception next week. I don't have a female companion yet. I wonder if Miss Jiang would like to accompany me?"

Jiang Yansheng nodded haughtily. After eating, he ordered Gu ran to wash the dishes without any psychological burden.

More than once, she warned herself in the bottom of her heart that it was all her business with Gu ran.

She paid, Gu ran paid her back. That's it.The sound of water in the kitchen, Gu Ran's mobile phone on the table suddenly vibrated. Jiang Yansheng dropped his eyes and inadvertently looked at it. One message after another, the screen was never dark.

Gu Yiyi: brother burn, where are you? The villa is very dark at night. Are you not coming back today?

Gu Yiyi: why don't you answer my phone this afternoon? The assistant went to the airport to meet me. He was so stupid that he even took the wrong box. I wasted a long time there.

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