"Chen Shao, I haven't seen you for a long time." a man saw him and greeted him. While greeting, he looked at Gu Yaner, "this lady is..."

"My horse." Wu Shaochen said without thinking.

However, Gu Yaner didn't give him any face, "Sir, he joked. I'm just his sister. I have a husband. My surname is Ke."

Look at Wu Shaochen's arrogant appearance. He has probably stayed in Paris for a long time. Maybe he doesn't know about those things in s city. Then he won't doubt that he says he is Ke Hexi's wife. He wants to investigate some things with him, but she doesn't want to be bullied by him. Her bottom line is that he can pull her hand. Others, Absolutely not.

The hand holding her waist couldn't help but tighten and wanted to cut her off. Wu Shaochen's face was gloomy for a moment, but he couldn't bear it. He dragged her into the hot pot shop soon. The waiter followed Wu Shaochen respectfully behind him and said, "Wu Shao, old position, please."

It was a luxury box with the best location in the hot pot store. The whole wall was glass wall, so that Gu Yaner sitting in front of the table could clearly appreciate the snowflakes floating outside. Even if she had just come out of such a world, she still felt the pure beauty when it snowed.

Wu Shaochen was not polite, so he sat opposite her and held his hands together. He was pressing his knuckles, section by section, clicking.

The waiter was beside him, "Wu Shao, please order some ingredients."

Wu Shaochen smiled at Gu Yan'er opposite, "Gu Yan'er, come here."

"Ah..." Gu Yan'er was looking at the snowflakes outside the window. She was startled by his name.

"Order something. Don't expect me to serve you."

Gu Yaner woke up and glanced at the waiter with the small book in his hand. She looked at Wu Shaochen lazily. When she leaned forward slowly and enlarged herself in front of Wu Shaochen, she whispered, "Wu Shaochen, you are very rich, aren't you?"

"It's OK. It's just ordinary. It's just that you can eat and drink enough."

It's very modest, but Gu Yaner doesn't want to save him money at all, but she turns to the waiter with a smile and says calmly, "first ask for a spicy pot bottom, and then bring up all the ingredients in the store. By the way, hurry up. Wu Shao is hungry, and I'm hungry."

The waiter stared at her and unconsciously wanted to make sure he didn't hear wrong, "all the existing ones?"

"Yes, first pick up the expensive ones." isn't he rich? She will spend the money for him once.

"Ha ha..." Wu Shaochen had loosened his knuckles, which had been pressed all over for a long time. His fingers pointed to the polished desktop, as if playing the piano with elegance, "it's a little interesting."

With his smile, the waiter naturally knew that he had no objection, so he turned and arranged.

But the waiter only took two steps, and Wu Shaochen stopped him, "let someone send up a piece of paper and two pens first. Be quick."


"Wu Shaochen, what do you want? I'm not in the mood to write any words now."

Wu Shaochen showed his charming smile, "what are you nervous about? I'm just curious. I want to try if I can write different words with both hands at the same time."

"You can't." she said firmly, not that she despised him, but that it was really difficult to write different words with both hands at the same time.

Because the most difficult realm for everyone is silence.

Let the heart be quiet as the eye water.

When you save your thoughts, you have only one idea in your mind. When you are writing at that time, you can.

But it's easy to say, but it's extremely difficult to really do it.

That meal was more about Wu Shaochen practicing calligraphy than eating hot pot. I don't know how many times he threw his paper and pen to the ground, but none of them was successful.

He wrote that she slowly ate the hot pot and left the pepper aside. The bottom of the pot tasted fragrant, not very spicy, very suitable for her appetite. She appreciated the angry look of the man opposite. She didn't advise him, so she let him write.

Finally, Wu Shaochen leaned against the back of the chair, and then looked up at Gu Yaner, who was eating well. "If you write once, I don't believe you can write with a pen."

Gu Yaner was not polite either. She took the paper and pen handed over by the waiter. As soon as she dropped her hands, she immediately wrote five words as before: ah Zhe, I miss you.

Wu Shaochen grabbed it and tore it to pieces in front of her face. At that moment, he didn't care about face. He was angry. He zipped his clothes, got up and left. While walking, he said to the waiter, "count me. When the young lady finishes eating, send a car to send her back."

He's gone.

It's inexplicable to bring her to eat hot pot. Now, it's inexplicable for him to go.

Looking at the back of Wu Shaochen leaving, Gu Yaner smiled with relief.

This night, she is the ultimate winner.

Back home, it was late at night, Judy had already gone to bed, and left a note on the table, "Gu Yaner, are you okay? Have you had an affair?"

Er, the French girl can imagine her experience as romantic. She smiled noncommittally. That night, she couldn't sleep anymore. In her mind, there was a belief that she wanted to go back and take revenge


Ke Hexi hurried out of the exit without deliberately looking for her. He found her at a glance in the chaotic crowd.



Just like her when she went abroad, she hasn't changed a bit for more than three months.

Seeing him, she didn't greet him as warmly as others, but quietly looked at his direction, with a faint and clean smile on her face.

That look, as he looked when he first met her, always brought people an unspeakable warm and sweet feeling, which made him fall in love with her.

He strode to her, "Yan'er, we've been waiting for a long time. Let's go and have a cup of coffee." he saw the snowflakes outside the window and knew how cold it was outside. He didn't like to see her pale, so he was eager to take her to have a cup of hot things to warm up.

Gu Yaner nodded and obediently followed him to the leisure place in the airport hall. They ordered a cup of hot coffee and sat down. When the waiter asked whether to add sugar, both of them said in unison: "No."

She doesn't like coffee with sugar, because it will reduce the original true taste and the mellow liquid, but she doesn't want to. I don't know when he also likes coffee without sugar. With a little embarrassed smile, Ke Hexi quickly changed the topic: "Yan'er, I want to give you something."

As he said this, he unzipped the small suitcase he was carrying with him and reached for it. A large stack of photos appeared in front of Gu Yaner. There was no need to think or guess. Gu Yaner knew who those photos were.

It's Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. The two little guys seem to grow taller and stronger again. Children, they grow fast and change their appearance after a day's absence.

After reading one by one, tears fell down.

She is selfish. She has left the children for so long, three months, a hundred days.

If you can, when you go back, she will say "sorry" to the children herself.

"Yan'er, don't cry. They are all fine. They just miss you and always quarrel with me to bring them to Paris." across the table, his hand inadvertently took her in pain. He couldn't see her cry. He was really distressed.

"He Xi, I want to go back in a few days." she finally made up her mind, because she wanted to participate in the engagement ceremony between Ke hechen and Wu Yanran. I don't know why, she just wanted to participate.

"Yan'er, I remember what you just said. If you don't go back then, I'll come to Paris and tie you back."

"Oh, no, I miss the children." she gently, but her mind inadvertently flashed the face of a man who was strange but already familiar.

Wu Shaochen, she doesn't know if she will have intersection with him. However, as long as it is possible, she will not miss the opportunities he may bring to herself.

"Yan'er, I checked for a long time. I think he Zhe's death is strange. It's definitely not a simple car accident."

Gu Yaner's heart suddenly jumped and thought about it for so long, but today, it was the first time that someone mentioned Ke Hezhe to her in Paris. Just listening to the name tightened her heart.

"He Xi, I know. It's a trap, but it's a pity that he zhe......" after a pause, Gu Yaner continued: "He Xi, do you know a man named Wu Shaochen?"

"Don't ask, whether he knows me or not, I know him. It turns out that your husband is the president of the most famous Coriolis group in s city." just when Gu Yaner mentioned Wu Shaochen's name, he magically appeared in front of them, and impolitely opened his chair and moved to Gu Yaner's side to sit down.

Ke Hexi's face changed. He didn't expect to meet someone like Wu Shaochen in a place like Paris. In a moment of reaction, he got up and pulled Gu Yaner, and then took her behind him to his position. In that way, he was clearly telling Wu Shaochen that he didn't allow Wu Shaochen to touch Gu Yaner.

"Hehe, Ke Hexi, what are you nervous about? I'm afraid I won't be able to eat her?" he came just in time. Although he only heard the last sentence Gu Yaner said, this sentence was enough to make him happy. Xiaonizi even asked Ke Hexi about him, which proved that she was more or less concerned about herself.

The waiter had come over. "Coffee, sir?"

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