
"With or without sugar?"

"Just like theirs."


The waiter left. Wu Shaochen continued to sit opposite Gu Yaner and looked up at her. He picked up the cup of coffee she had just drunk and sent it to his lips.

"Don't drink." Gu Yaner drank low. She didn't like Wu Shaochen touching the coffee cup she had just used, as if he had drunk her saliva.

But it was too late. Wu Shaochen had drunk and smacked his lips. It was bitter, but he said, "it's so sweet, Gu Yaner. Is he your husband?"

This sentence confused Ke Hexi. However, when he swept Gu Yaner in time, he was smart and silent, because he couldn't feel the situation now, but he knew that something must have happened between Gu Yaner and Wu Shaochen, otherwise Wu Shaochen couldn't appear in front of them for no reason.

Gu Yaner's mind roared. Last night, when she described Ke Hexi as her husband, she never thought that Wu Shaochen would come to the airport to confirm in person. Now, Wu Shaochen asked her in front of Ke Hexi. She can only say yes, otherwise, she would be difficult to ride a tiger.

The red lips opened, and she whispered, "yes, this is my husband."

Wu Shaochen's slapping voice immediately sounded in the cafe at the airport, "ha ha, yes, it's a good match. But I think you're a little strange together and don't feel happy. You see, you two don't even have a ring on your ring finger. Gu Yaner, do you love him?"

Wu Shaochen is worthy of being Wu Shaochen. He grabbed the opportunity to refute Gu Yaner at the first time. He also talked about the point. Ke Hexi still didn't know what to do. However, he was secretly pleased that Gu Yaner said he was her husband. Gu Yaner was not in a hurry, but reached out and grabbed her cup that Wu Shaochen had just drunk, Gently put it on the table and slowly let herself stabilize her mind. She can't be impatient or angry. "Wu Shaochen, who says I don't wear a ring, I have."

"Where is it?"

"Wu Shaochen, do you know why wedding rings are usually worn on the ring finger of your left hand?"

"Because it's the closest."

"Wu Shao is smart and knows a lot. Yes, but wearing a ring can also make the ring centrifugal closer in another way, that is, hanging on her neck and directly hanging at the mouth of the moon and Hungary." but when she pulled her hand, a ring was pulled out of her neck by Gu Yaner with a thin rope chain, "Look, this is the wedding ring between He Xi and me. As for him, he lost it a few days ago and said he would buy another one. No, he's going to come to Paris and we'll pick it together." she said lightly that she finally passed another barrier. Wu Shaochen, she can use it, but she absolutely forbids him to make his own ideas.

Playing with Wu Shaochen may be the heartbeat. If it is weak, it will only be defeated by him, but she doesn't want to. He has his ability, and she has her own change.

When Wu saw her as like as two peas, he could not help but speak. "When he reached out, he could pull him out of the chair beside him." Hexi, otherwise, make a copy of it.

Ke Hexi understood that she wanted to show Wu Shaochen on purpose. At that moment, he held her hand in his heart. Since he wanted to play, he helped Gu Yaner play the play more realistically, "OK, you also know my size. Just make one."

"Boo..." Wu Shaochen couldn't sit still any longer. Looking at the love between Gu Yaner and Ke Hexi, I was uncomfortable. "Gu Yaner, I won't let you go. Don't let me find out that you have nothing to do with this Ke surname, otherwise, I won't let the Ke family go." cold voice said, Wu Shaochen couldn't sit still and left again.

In the second round, although Wu Shaochen's temporary intention suddenly appeared, Gu Yaner won again.

Seeing Wu Shaochen gone, Ke Hexi couldn't help asking, "Yan'er, do you know who he is?"

"Who?" faintly heard Ke Hexi's solemn meaning, which made her just want to know the answer.

"He is Wu Shaochen, the only son of Wu Hongda, the leader of the Green Gang."

"Green Gang? Is what you said true?" sure enough, everything has something to do with the Green Gang, and only the Green Gang can extend its tentacles to the corners of the world.

Gu Yan mieer's mind has recalled everything about the Green Gang in her memory. That time, the Green Gang came forward when Qingya threatened her.

If Wu Yanran is Wu Hongda's adopted daughter, it proves that everything she does has something to do with the Green Gang.

God, was the incident planned by the Green Gang?

But what about the purpose?

Is it just to drive Ke Hezhe out of Ke Shi? But Ke Hezhe left Ke Shi and achieved his real estate career. The Green Gang must have unexpected variables.

I don't know how long she and Ke Hexi can hide, but Gu Yaner knows that it's only a few days at most. With Wu Shaochen's ability, if he really wants to check, it's too late for her and Ke Hexi to work together to commit fraud now.

"He Xi, I'm sorry." she didn't mean to take advantage of him. Ke He Xi was like a life-saving water plant that suddenly appeared in front of her when she was thrown into the water by Wu Shaochen. In order to revenge and find out everything, she decided to take advantage of Wu Shaochen's shortcut. Maybe, with Wu Shaochen, everything would come out in a short time.

Ke Hexi smiled miserably, hoping that she really wanted to marry him, but he knew better that her heart had already been filled by Ke Hezhe, and there had been no place for him for a long time, "Yan'er, as long as you are happy."

He is willing to do anything as long as she is happy.

If he Zhe is really dead, he believes he will keep the clouds open and see the sunrise one day.

His words made Gu Yaner more ashamed and hung her head. She only looked at the coffee in the cup. The ripples in the slightly shaking liquid seemed to be her heart. It was always difficult to calm, "He Xi, you should have your own happiness." she didn't dare to look up, so she quietly lowered her head and said, I just hope he is happy and he is happy.

But how many hopes in this world can come true.

No response, Ke Hexi also silently sipped the coffee in his hand, but only he knew that the bitterness in his heart was stronger and heavier than the taste of the coffee

The snow was pleasant. I thought he would spend a beautiful Christmas with her in Paris, but I didn't want to. He deliberately came, but she told him she was going back.

Sigh, it's always the fate of two people

In the next few days, Gu Yaner was busy with the handover of work. When she decided to go back, she found that she missed her children so much.

"Yan'er, let's have dinner together." she has packed her bags. This is her last day in France. Her colleagues have long returned home for the festival. She sits alone in her apartment waiting for the time to pass the night. Then she can leave early tomorrow morning. This night, she just wanted to spend it alone, but she didn't want to. Ke Hexi still called.

"He Xi, I'm sorry, i..." she wanted to say that she was lying down to sleep, but then she stopped. She knew that her words could be heard by anyone as an excuse for rejection, or even a kind of deception. From her own point of view, maybe she deceived Ke He Xi in good faith, because she didn't want him to be sad, but from Ke He Xi's point of view, she must have been injured, so, She stopped in time and whispered, "He Xi, see you on the plane tomorrow, okay?"

"OK." the heavy word made Ke Hexi so powerless. This was the result of his flying to Paris. Gu Yaner still didn't make room for him in her heart.

On a very quiet Christmas day, I sat in front of the window and looked at the fireworks rising outside the window. It was so beautiful.

If only her ah zhe could sit beside her and whisper in her ear around her waist.

But all that has long become her extravagant hope and a beautiful fairy tale, which can no longer come true.

Wu Shaochen didn't appear. She shook her head. If the big fish didn't take the bait, she had to stop and try her best.

When we got on the plane with Ke Hezhi, all the pictures of the time when Ke Hezhe accompanied her to Paris came one after another. Recalling the scene when he was shirtless on the plane, it is estimated that only he dared to do that.

When she opened the door, it was her long lost home. Knowing that she was coming back, Wu Ma had picked up Xiaodan and Xiaoyu from Peng Qing.

How lively it is in the house.

The children are here.

One, two, three, the little painting is laughing happily and coaxing Xiaodan and Xiaoyu to play. She is really a good girl, but among all these people, he is alone, which makes her heart empty and makes her footsteps heavy into the room.

The body directly blocked the light of the children's comic book, causing Xiaoyu to mutter, "Mom Wu, will you sit down and watch it together?"

Instead of going, she bent over and surrounded the children with her arms, whether they wanted it or not.

"Mommy." she was pleasantly surprised, and all the comic books in her hand ran aground. "Mommy, are you really back?" little hand, worried about gain and loss, stroked her face, soft and warm. Now, she can finally face the children without heartache.

"It's Mommy. Mommy misses you. This time, Mommy won't go anymore."

"Mommy, did Daddy come back together?" asked, looking at Gu Yan'er's back, "eh, why didn't Daddy come back with Mommy?"

This question made Gu Yaner think of her lies, and her heart was even more sour. "Good, daddy will come back soon. Trust Mommy, okay?" lie, it can make the children happy day by day.

"As long as daddy can come back, any day will be fine. Mommy, uncle is getting engaged. Uncle says he wants me and Xiaodan to join him."

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