If you don't say it, it doesn't mean you don't know.

Don't say, don't mean don't love.

What is love? Love is exciting. Love is desperate to fly moths to the fire for him.

"Meng Xuan, I really love you."

No matter whether he is ah zhe or Meng Xuan, she fell in love with him, and Yi didn't care about it.

This is God's will.

His fingers gently brushed her hair. When it was long, thin and smooth in his hands, he was gently sighing. Many words wanted to say, but he couldn't say them. He opened his lips, "Yan'er, I..."

"Shh, close your eyes and let me give you everything." in fact, he, not she, needs to be comforted most.

Her soft voice made him close his eyes as expected. Although the black pupils were full of dark colors, her small hands led his skin to write trembling millet in the night.

Beautiful trembling millet.

The most beautiful thing she can think of is that two people are happy with each other, that is, the love given to each other when the body and heart are completely integrated.

She kissed his forehead, his long eyebrows, the corners of his eyes, his face, and then to his chin. It was so soft.

As long as such a kiss, then, even if it is the end of the world, she will not regret, because if she has really paid, she will not regret.

From his chin to his lips.

His thin lips soft write the taste that belongs to a man alone. She greedily sniffs the taste. It's really him. The unique and almost imperceptible taste tells her that he is ah Zhe.

For a moment, her heart was ecstatic. He didn't die. It was more than anything. It made her very happy. She was really, really happy.

Learning from his previous actions, she pried open his lip flap with cloves and lips and teeth in a trance and sucked it gently. He was ah Zhe. When she closed her eyes, what flashed in front of her was every time two people were together.

Everything is so beautiful. It is also those that make her support herself in her memory to today.

Today, everything is ecstatic.

She finally understood how painful she had been and how happy she was now.

"Meng Xuan, I love you." I love ah Zhe.

Everyone is irreplaceable, so when you close your eyes, ah Zhe and Meng Xuan become one, and the two faces overlap.

Kissing his body, every inch, in his heart, there was unspeakable satisfaction. Her ah zhe finally came back.

A sound, is Meng Xuan, is also a Zhe, the two names, already have no distinction between each other.

That night, she completely bloomed herself in his arms and under him. She just wanted to release all her heartache and let time quietly explain all this. She was so satisfied, so happy and so happy.

"Yan'er, give it to me." when he begged in her ear, she responded without hesitation, responding to his kisses and demands.

Panting, filled with the night, guarding her only, there is happiness, the happiness of knowing each other.

That night, she bloomed herself several times. That night, he wanted her countless times, as if he wanted to print each other in each other's hearts forever.

When I woke up, the breath of Huan ~ love remained in the air. He smiled in front of her. He patted her face, "get up and let's go to work together."

So she sat up with a giggle, still happy for everything she knew last night.

Having breakfast and going to work together, even the children were not surprised that he appeared in their small home again in the morning. All this became a matter of course.

Because he is their Godfather.

Gu Yaner was still happy when she opened the door of the office.

"Gu Yaner, did you win the special prize in the sports lottery?" looking at her smiling all morning, when she was about to leave the noon shift, Xiao Wang finally couldn't help asking.

"Ha ha, happier than that." when she smiled, her eyebrows were curved. She was happy in her heart. Her ah zhe came back.

Now, just wait for him to take care of everything and tell her he's back.

"Gu Yan said, where do you eat at noon?"

"Go to the canteen." Gu Yaner answered Xiao Wang without thinking, because she could see Meng Xuan there.

Just want to see him from time to time, that is the feeling of happiness, the taste of happiness.

"Come on, let's go together and let me have your good luck." Xiao Wang smiled and took her hand and prepared to go to lunch together.

But behind him, suddenly came Ke Hexi's voice, "Gu Yaner, come in."

When Gu Yaner spits out her tongue, she only has to say, "Xiao Wang, apologize. Go yourself first. I'll see the president and find a place to solve food and clothing." because when she comes out of Ke Hexi's office, there must be nothing in the canteen.

Push open the door of Ke Hexi's office. In the door, Ke Hexi is rubbing his forehead and leaning against the swivel chair. Gu Yaner silently walked across from him. When her shadow was betting on his desk, Ke Hexi raised his head. His face was full of fatigue. Looking at her for a long time, he said, "Yan'er, something happened to the company."

"Ah..." she was stunned and immediately screamed. Ke Hexi wanted to tell her personally, which proved that it had something to do with her, which suddenly reminded her of Meng Xuan.

"Don't be afraid. You just lost some information."

"Does it have anything to do with him?" she asked, which was what she cared about most.

Ke Hexi nodded heavily, "Yan'er, I've been thinking about something all night. Now, I decided to tell you my doubts, but I don't know whether it's good news or bad news for you."

"He Xi, you said, I need to know whether it's good news or bad news. What I want is truth." in my heart, I have guessed that nine times out of ten, Ke He Xi wants to tell her that it must be related to Meng Xuan. Thinking of the information on Ke he Xi's desk, Ke He Xi may have been doubting Meng Xuan for a long time.

After a pause, Ke Hexi pointed to the chair opposite her and said, "Yan'er, sit down."

"OK." she sat down with expectation in her eyes. "Come on, I'm all ears."

"Yan'er, he Zhe is not dead. He is still alive."

She heard this. She was 99% sure last night. Unexpectedly, Ke Hexi also felt it.

"Where is he? He Xi, tell me where he Zhe is now?" if Meng Xuan can't reveal her identity, she will protect him. She will pretend to protect Meng Xuan without knowing anything.

"Yan'er, can I have a cigarette?"

She nodded. "He Xi, tell me where he is? I want to see him."

He lit the cigarette and took a deep breath. Ke Hexi said, "he is in the company now. We found his fingerprints in the company, but we are not sure which talent is him."

Gu Yaner breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she just found the fingerprint. It turned out that Ke Hexi didn't know that Meng Xuan was Ke Hezhe.

Then, she can't say anything for the safety of Meng Xuan before everything comes out.

"He Xi, go and find out who he is and which department he works in. I want to see him, He Xi. I want to see him now."

"Yan'er, the reason why I called you in is that I think it seems strange. You'd better not go out these two days. Don't even come to the company. Just stay at home. It's safe, okay?"

Gu Yaner saw Ke Hexi's caution. He seemed to want to say something, but she moved her lips, but she didn't say anything again.

Gently nodded, "OK, I'll go home now. I'm not going anywhere."

"Yan'er, believe me, as long as there is news from he Zhe, I will inform you at the first time." God knows how much courage he needs to tell her this news. Ke Hezhe comes back, then it will open the distance between him and Gu Yan'er again, and the hope between him and her will become more and more slim.

But a man should have the courage to face cruelty, which is worthy of being a man.

"Thank you." although she already knew that Meng Xuan was Ke Hezhe, she still thanked Ke Hezhi for telling her. She turned around and went home. She didn't want Ke Hezhi to worry about her.

"Don't go yet. I'll take you home myself." when Gu Yaner turned to leave, Ke Hexi suddenly stopped her.

"He Xi, no, you're so busy. I'll just call a taxi."

"No, I'll take you back myself." Ke Hexi was not at ease. She didn't trust at all and let her go home by herself.

Seeing Ke Hexi's insistence, Gu Yaner couldn't refuse again.

With some nervousness, Gu Yaner left Ke's building with Ke Hexi. She stood in the elevator and walked in the hall. Everything was the same as usual, but Gu Yaner felt the tension all over Ke Hexi. It seemed that something was really going to happen.

From walking out of the sight of the security guard and from her getting into the car, Ke Hexi was absorbed in paying attention to the cars and people around him, just like facing a great enemy.

She wanted to ask him if something was going to happen to her, but looking at Ke Hexi's expression, if he wanted to say, he would have said it long ago.

Gu Yaner didn't see Meng Xuan at the gate. Maybe he was transferred to another position to perform security tasks. She was calm when she thought of Meng Xuan. Maybe nothing would happen.

Volvo started.

She leaned against the back and gently closed her eyes, but the mobile phone rang at this time. Gu Yaner thought it was Meng Xuan's, so she took out her mobile phone. Aside, Ke Hexi suddenly said, "Yan'er, don't answer."

"Why?" she was confused and didn't understand why Ke Hexi's reaction was so great.

"Don't answer, give it to me." Ke Hexi grabbed her cell phone and removed the battery. "From now on, don't answer anyone's phone."

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