"Why?" she was confused and didn't understand why Ke Hexi's reaction was so great.

"Don't answer, give it to me." Ke Hexi grabbed her cell phone and removed the battery. "From now on, don't answer anyone's phone."

"He Xi, what happened?" Gu Yaner was more and more confused.

"Good, don't think about anything. Just rest at home for a few days." Ke Hexi forced out a smile, but the smile was so far fetched in Gu Yaner's eyes.

"He Xi, stop the car. I want you to tell me what happened now?" Ke He Xi's reaction was so strange that Gu Yaner began to doubt that the reason why he wanted to send her home should not only be related to Meng Xuan, but also other things.

The car, however, stopped by the side of the road. Next to the body is a car that continues to roar. Ke Hexi opened the window and let the gurgling wind float into the car with the smell of car exhaust. Ke Hexi said, "your photo will be released on the Internet at two o'clock in the afternoon."


She got it.

"He Xi, who informed you?" why didn't she even know.

"Sorry, I opened your email in the company."

At this moment, Gu Yaner understood everything. She pressed her finger to open the seat belt, and then quickly pushed open the door, "He Xi, I'm sorry, I won't go home." she was going to see Meng Xuan. If her photo was sent out, it showed that Meng Xuan's real identity had been leaked. Then, he must be in danger now. The people of the Green Gang are people who eat people and don't spit bones, Now she must tell Meng Xuan herself to be careful.

"Yan'er, where are you going?"

"I'll go back to the company," she shouted, running towards the same road without looking back.

"Gu Yaner, you get in the car for me. Even if you want to go back to the company, I'll send you back." Ke Hexi doesn't understand her change at this time. They have already come out, but why does she want to go back?

The email not only told her to publish her photos in the afternoon, but also told her that there was only one fate for her in the future, that is, she was sold to distant Africa and would never come back.

Ke Hexi believed that if the man had the courage to say it, he had the courage to do it.

Therefore, he was very worried about Gu Yaner, but he didn't think that she had the courage to jump out of the car and put herself in the public view.

Everyone around this moment may be the one who wants to take her away.

The heartbeat is so fast.

Something's going to happen.

He knows.

Gu Yaner didn't seem to hear it. Now she just wanted to tell Meng Xuan that he was dangerous. Maybe Wu Yanran had told Wu Hongda about his protection of her. Therefore, Wu Hongda began to do it angrily.

God, it's all He Xi's fault. It's hard for her to even call Meng Xuan now.

After the telephone booth, she wanted to call Meng Xuan with the public phone, but in a hurry, she couldn't think of the complete telephone number of Meng Xuan.

That was not his previous phone number, so she couldn't remember it in her hurry, so now she had to go back to the company and see him talking first.

Ke Hexi was in a hurry. He wanted to reverse or turn the front of the car, but it was a miracle that he could park the car on the roadside in such a day. It was impossible to drive in the opposite direction. However, there was a green guardrail in the middle of the road, which made him want to pass.

Gu Yaner passed the telephone booth. Now she is determined to go back to the company and tell Meng Xuan that he is not safe at all.

But she only took a few steps. In front of her, several men appeared and stopped her.

Gu Yaner suddenly reacted wrong. She hated to see that kind of little gangster like man chewing gum, but there were a few in front of her.

Everyone was chewing gum. It smelled so bad that she just wanted to escape.

"Yan'er..." Ke Hexi in the car also found something wrong. He rushed out of the car, but it was already late.

When Gu Yaner turned to escape, her arm was carried by one of the men, and then she ignored her scream for help. Everything happened in an instant.

Gu Yaner was immediately thrown into a car on one side. Then, several men rushed up. The petite she was squeezed in the middle of the car, and the car immediately drove away.

Everything, from her meeting these men to being carried on the bus, from beginning to end, took less than a minute.

Quickly, even before the people around him knew what had happened, Gu Yaner had disappeared.

The car sped away.

"Gu Yan'er..." Ke Hexi chased the car, but his legs couldn't match the car, but he was left far away in a moment.

Ke Hexi ran back to the car with a low curse. He had written down the license plate number of the car and the direction of the car. He called the police while chasing out quickly.

At this time, there can be no hesitation.

He must call the police.

Otherwise, Gu Yaner must be in danger when she falls into the hands of the Green Gang.

But when he chased out two blocks, Ke Hexi was disappointed again.

The car he had seen before had stopped by the side of the road. Even the door was wide open. The car was empty and there was no personal shadow.

Gu Yaner was taken away.

Now, there's no clue.

He heard the sound of the police car. It came so fast, but it couldn't be faster than those gangsters took people away.

Gu Yaner was kidnapped from under his eyes.

I don't know what to do.


But he couldn't find Gu Yaner at all.

Holding his head, Ke Hexi squatted helplessly on the side of the road. At that moment, he had never been hesitant and afraid.

Gu Yaner's disappearance was like the disappearance of her father in those years. It caught people off guard and made people unable to find their whereabouts.

Just as the police car arrived, a black crown prince motorcycle arrived.

Meng Xuan ran to Ke Hexi. He picked up Ke Hexi's collar. "Ke Hexi, where's Gu Yaner?"

Ke Hexi shook his head silently and shook his head again. He didn't know. If he knew, he didn't have to be upset here at the moment.

"Hit!" a heavy punch to Ke Hexi, Meng Xuan painfully turned his head, rode on the motorcycle and sped away.

On the street, the sound of the police car was so harsh, but no one knew what had just happened. Only the empty car was telling Ke Hexi that if the Green Gang wanted to do it, there was nothing they couldn't do.

Gu Yaner was taken away.

As soon as she got on the car, her mouth was sealed and her hands were tied together. The car only drove two blocks. She was hugged by those smelly men and transferred to another car.

When her foot landed on the new car, what she was thinking about was Meng Xuan. She just wanted him to be OK.

But now, she has no freedom to tell Meng Xuan.

In the car, it was half dark and half dark. It was day, but because the curtain was pulled up, she couldn't see anything.

This is a special car. There is a tight gap between the cab and the rear seat. She sits helplessly among several men. Now she is really just a person with no strength to bind chickens, but the men did not relax their vigilance at all. Everyone stared at her. The light of her eyes made her uncomfortable.

"Woo..." she sobbed, but the tape on her mouth made her unable to make a complete sound.

The car is still running. Gu Yaner doesn't know where she is going to be taken.

Suddenly, the cell phone of a man nearby rang.

"Chen Shao, we're already in the car. We're on our way to the villa." the man nodded and bowed back to each other's phone. Gu Yaner was stunned by the words. She thought it was Wu Hongda who wanted to catch her. Now it doesn't seem to be. It's Wu Shaochen.


"OK, OK, we'll be there in about two hours."


"OK, Chen Shao. Bye."

The man then hung up the phone and pressed a button in the car. When the partition between the cab and the car slowly fell, the man said to the driver in the cab, "be careful. If you meet the old man, avoid it for me. You can't let the old man take anything that Xiaoniu said, okay?", The man did not shy away from letting Gu Yaner know.

"OK." the driver dare not. These people are not afraid of death.

The car, driving at a high speed, gradually began to bump up. It seemed to be a dirt road rather than a flat cement road.

It turns out that the so-called villa is not in the city at all.

"Woo..." Gu Yan'er whispered. She wanted to break away from the rope in her hand. In fact, she wanted to escape more.

Because if this is in the mountains, if there are woods outside the car, it is more suitable for her to escape. Otherwise, on the road where she can see to the end, she will be found as soon as she escapes.

She didn't want to see Wu Shaochen. She knew what he was thinking of himself.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid he forced himself.

That's what hurts her most.

"Woo..." she kept shouting. She could make as much noise as she could.

"What are you doing?" a man was impatient and shouted at her.

"Woo..." her face turned red. She was afraid that they would ignore her and be impatient. That proved that they had heard.

"Boss, she seems uncomfortable. Do you want to take off the tape and listen to what she wants?" one of the men asked the boss sitting next to the door.

There was hope. Gu Yan'er jumped flustered. As long as the tape was removed, it would be easy for her to talk.

The man who was called the boss glanced at Gu Yan'er and said, "take it off. Don't let anything happen before people arrive. Chen Shao hasn't let go. This girl can't make any mistakes before he doesn't want her."

Gu Yaner's face turned red. It seems that chenshao people know that she is now his prey.

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