"Drive." Zhang Zhu looked back at the villa where the alarm sounded. He whispered to the driver, and the car sped away from the villa area.

Gu Yaner now had time to take care of Ke Hezhe. At this time, she was very worried. "Zhang Zhu, how could he faint?" her fingers poked into his breath, but she didn't dare to fall down. She was afraid that once he fell down, he would lose his breath. He wouldn't be so bad. Didn't he say he had nine lives?

"I don't know." Zhang Zhu really doesn't know, "but the president will be fine."

"Why are you so determined?" Gu Yaner was full of sweat in her hands. Although Ke Hezhe's breath was warm, she couldn't let go as long as he didn't wake up for a minute. Her little hand couldn't help wiping the blood gushing from his chest, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"He said the president would be fine."

"Xi Zhengnan?" by this time, Gu Yaner had linked everything together. "How's he? Do you know?" he asked Zhang Zhu in a low voice. In front of her, all the people passing by like a lantern were the blood of Xi Zhengnan who had been shot in the head. Her heart tightened and looked up at Zhang Zhu silently. She just waited for Zhang Zhu to give her an answer, All she could ask was Zhang Zhu. It was estimated that she could call Xi Zhengnan, but she couldn't take it. The bullet hit her head, or Ke Hezhe. She had a headache when she thought about it.

"I won't leave him alone."

"You... How do you know?" countless questions swept Gu Yaner's mind. The more she didn't know, the more she wanted to know. At this time, she suddenly found that the car she was taking was familiar. No, it was very familiar. She had been taking this car since she got off the plane. It was a luxury car washing Zhengnan. "Why did she choose his car?"

"His decision, he said when he wouldn't move his car."

"You understand, what's the relationship between Xi Zhengnan and when?" Gu Yaner began to try to recall the scenes that happened that night. It was like a movie. The relationship between Xi Zhengnan and when was definitely not simple. The shot he took was not so much hit by Ke Hezhe as for when he stopped the bullet.


"What... What?" Gu Yan'er stammered. She thought for a long time. She never thought when she would be a brother with Xi Zhengnan. This... This... She thought she was hearing hallucinations. "Zhang Zhu, say it again?"

"They are brothers."

"You... When did you know?"

"Tonight, before the president leaves for his villa."

Gu Yaner recalled what xizhengnan had done before. When she took a bath with him in the hotel, he was always alone. She didn't know what he did at that time, or Ke Hezhe, whom he contacted at that time, but now both of them are unconscious, and she can't ask any questions.

When she was dining in the villa hall with Xi Zhengnan, she seemed to touch her mobile phone several times, but she only focused on scanning Ke Hezhe, who ignored her cold fan, but she didn't notice whether he took his mobile phone to play games or send text messages, but now it's too late to investigate.

Obviously, Ke Hezhe, who Zhang Zhu knows, must know. However, he knows when Xi Zhengnan is a brother and chooses to believe in Xi Zhengnan, which inevitably makes her feel strange, "why do you believe him so much?"

"He was an orphan when he was a child. Later, he was left in the orphanage and grew up to become a current drug lord. He was adopted by the launderer. Do you know who the launderer asked to adopt him?"

Gu Yaner was almost unable to think, but when she recalled the scenes that had happened since her first meeting with Xi Zhengnan, a villain suddenly popped up in her mind, "it's related to Jing Xu, isn't it?" before the two shots, he said a sentence to her, although she was very nervous and couldn't remember what the original words were, But she vaguely remembered that every time he talked to her, he would mention Jing Xu. The child seemed to be his biggest concern before blocking the gun.

"It's lenghongyou. He was adopted and abandoned by the Baptist family and let him live and die. It's also lenghongyou who funded him. If it weren't for his second young grandmother, he wouldn't have made today's achievements if he couldn't finish Harvard, but it's a pity that we found it too late."

Gu Yaner was stunned. No wonder he would contact himself. It was to contact Jing Xu, but she never thought that when Xi Zhengnan would be a close brother. If she wanted to come, it was very normal for Xi Zhengnan to know when to tell he Zhe. "It was he who told him the news?" it turned out that when he forced aunt Meng to poison her not only challenged Ke Hezhe's last bottom line, It also challenges the final bottom line of Xi Zhengnan, because such a result is likely to endanger Jing Xu who is eating her milk. Recall that Xi Zhengnan found her poisoning so quickly, it must not be accidental, but he has been vigilant.

It never occurred to me when he poisoned Ke Hezhe and Xi Zhengnan. Or at the beginning, Xi Zhengnan hated Ke Hezhe. After all, lenghongyou's death has something to do with Ke Hezhe, but it also has something to do with when. If it wasn't for when Ke Hezhe wouldn't contact Yang Jingya, lenghongyou's dystocia wouldn't happen. Everything is intertwined, No matter how hard it was to sort it out, she closed her eyes, and her eyes became more and more fashionable. "Will he die?" he was trying to stop the shot. She knew when he was in love with his brother and would not let Xi Zhengnan ignore it. However, the shot was too straight and hit the head. For a moment, she would resent Ke Hezhe's shooting too accurate and too fast, The injury to his chest did not affect his shooting speed at all. He was faster than when.

Zhang Zhu didn't speak this time. He didn't know what happened on the roof of the villa at that time. He just urged the driver to drive to the hospital. Ke Hezhe was unconscious. No one knew what the consequences would be if he didn't save him.

She felt a dull pain for Ke Hezhe and Zhengnan.

Looking back at this time, Xi Zhengnan had already decided when to block the gun for him. Therefore, he didn't leave when and when he was so close before the start, just to block the gun, but Ke Hezhe

Gu Yaner looked down at Ke Hezhe and remembered what he said before he was unconscious, "anesthesia... Anesthesia..."

"He Zhe's is an anesthetic gun?" how is this possible? She was as like as two peas in the world. She was shocked by her own idea. If it was an anesthetic gun, it would never be possible to put a khzhe horse in it, but it could only be washed south, because the two identical guns had passed one person's hand, that is to wash the South.

Gu Yaner only hated that she was too nervous at that time, so the picture in her mind was not very complete. Obviously, she was on the scene at that time, but she couldn't restore everything that happened at that time.

She's so stupid.

She should have been alert when he said those words that seemed to explain the future. As a result, she only thought about Ke Hezhe's life and death. She completely ignored the man who said he liked her that day.

He said he liked her.

She didn't believe it at first, but when she knew everything at this moment, she believed it.

If he didn't like it, would he keep Ke Hezhe for her?

What is the meaning of anesthesia gun?

Is to keep kehezhe.

Well, if Ke Hezhe is stupid, then washing Zhengnan is even more stupid.

Two fools.

"Silly, silly..." she murmured. Her hand fell on Ke Hezhe's handsome face. His expression was very calm, as if he was asleep. There was no pain. One hand slowly fell on the wound of his arm. There was no bleeding there, but the bullet hole hanging on the sleeve proved that he was indeed shot there. Gently lifted it away and looked at it, Gu Yaner is sure of everything.

There was no bullet through the flesh and blood, which was completely different from the shot in his chest. Xi Zhengnan was worried about when his shot was faster than Ke Hezhe. He was afraid of when to shoot Ke Hezhe, and he promised her that Ke Hezhe would be fine.

When he promised, she just laughed it off, but now she knows that he has always been serious.

In the final situation of life and death, he didn't think about Ke Hezhe's death or when to die, but he calculated himself alone.

The shot that blocked him hit him in the head.

When the speed slowed down, Gu Yaner looked up and saw that the hospital had arrived. There were several doctors and nurses and medical carts standing in front of the gate not far from the largest hospital in QH.


Two, indeed.

Gu Yaner suddenly turned back and saw that there was another car behind the car.

When did he send Xi Zhengnan.

Suddenly, she wondered when he would come? Will you personally send Zhengnan to the hospital?

There was no time to think about it. The car had stopped. The doctor and nurse calmly and orderly carried Ke Hezhe to the medical push bed. She held Ke Hezhe's hand. When the nurse walked to the hospital hall, there were people in another push bed.

The strange man, with a strange face, pushed the push bed up, "hurry... Hurry..." the man urged the nurse to hurry and hurry up, so the two push beds came to the medical ladder together.

The elevator opened, but it could only accommodate a pusher.

"I'll go first." the man glanced at Gu Yaner and said hastily without waiting for her to speak. The face was strange, but the voice was also strange. For a time, Gu Yaner didn't know who he was, but she recognized the man on the bed. Now she also recognized him.

That's Zhengnan.

"No, we arrived first." Zhang Zhu also knew that it was Xi Zhengnan, but he subconsciously protected his master. After all, Ke Hezhe was his gold master. No matter how much Xi Zhengnan did, there was a poor relationship.

"Zhang Zhu, let them go first." Gu Yaner waved her hand and motioned the man to go to the elevator. It was not that she didn't cherish Ke Hezhe, but that she knew that Ke Hezhe was okay. Instead, she was gray and washed Zhengnan. She didn't know what would happen. She looked at the face foolishly, and her mind was a little confused. She wanted to touch whether his hand was as cold and cold as Ke Hezhe, but, I didn't have the courage to walk over. My feet were fixed in place like lead.

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