The elevator was rising all the time. Gu Yaner stared at the numbers on it. Finally, the elevator stopped on the top floor. The whole floor was an operating room.

Gu Yan'er closed her eyes, but whether she opened or closed them, she could not get rid of the look of Xi Zhengnan, who was sleepy and bleeding.

She thought she was going to be stunned. He said that no matter what happened to anyone, she should take good care of herself and her children.

"You can go in." suddenly, the nurse interrupted her thoughts. Gu Yaner found that the elevator had arrived. When she got into the elevator, the nurse didn't press the operating room on the top floor, "this is..."

"Mr. Ke's chest injury is only a trauma. Although the wound is a little deep, the most important thing now is to find out whether he was hit by an anesthetic gun. If it's not an anesthetic gun but other toxic substances, it's more dangerous than his current trauma."

"OK." Gu Yaner replied low. The nurse was right. This was also the doctor's order. But as long as she thought that she couldn't go to the top floor and accompany the man about to have the operation, she felt boundless guilt. Xizhengnan was shot because of Ke Hezhe.

The elevator stopped on the floor of the laboratory. She still held Ke Hezhe's hand. She couldn't leave him alone until she was sure that he was 100% okay.

When the pusher got out of the elevator, several plainclothes greeted him. He moved with the movement of the pusher. His eyes were full of vigilance, "Zhang Zhu, they are..."

"Wu sent someone to protect the president."

Gu Yan'er nodded and asked a man in a low voice, "when did you catch it?"


The determined answer made Gu Yaner's brain jump. Therefore, the emergence of these people means that they will be in danger at any time?

Just for when you're still alive and at large.

She suddenly remembered the strange man pushing Xizheng south into the elevator, "Zhang Zhu, is it the one who sent Xizheng south to the hospital..."

"I'll go..." a plainclothes immediately stopped, "I'll go to the top floor." when to catch is the most important thing, which is as important as rescuing Ke Hezhe and xizhengnan.

"Zhang Zhu, you should follow me, if..." after a pause, she said, "please take care of Mr. Xi." she couldn't go, so she had to ask Zhang Zhu to replace her. After all, she owed Xi Zhengnan.

"OK." Zhang Zhu hesitated, but when he swept Ke Hezhe, he finally agreed and went to the top floor with the plain clothes.

The hospital at night has never been so busy. All the laboratory departments should come. The doctors in white coats walk around. Ke Hezhe has been sent to the surgical treatment room after blood drawing. At this time, she is waiting here for the test results after blood drawing.

"Madam, your husband's examination report came out. He was indeed shot with an anesthetic gun. It's no big problem."

Hearing this, Gu Yaner finally breathed a sigh of relief. She lifted up the skirt of her evening dress and rushed to the surgical treatment room. Whether she was allowed or not, she pushed the door and walked in. "How's he?" Ke Hezhe, you must be well, otherwise I won't spare you. She whispered and was extremely nervous.

"I sewed a few stitches. When the anesthetic in his body is too strong, he should wake up."

Gu Yaner looked at Ke Hezhe with gauze wrapped around her chest. This time, his injury was much lighter than that in X city. It had to be said that God cared for the man and pushed Ke Hezhe into the VIP ward. The plainclothes were still outside the door. Obviously, the security of Ke Hezhe had reached the top priority. After all, when was QH the base camp.

Gu Yaner stood by the bed, tucked in the sheets for Ke Hezhe, took another look, and then hung up the infusion. She turned around and lowered the air conditioner twice. The man was always afraid of heat, but she was not afraid of heat and cold. Therefore, every time he was with her, he made do with her to raise the temperature. Now, he was a patient, and she naturally had to make do with him.

Knowing that his injury was no big deal, she just wanted to go to the top floor to see how xizhengnan's operation was.

He pushed the door out and directly said to the plainclothes facing him, "where's Chen Jian?"

"I don't know."

Gu Yan'er frowned. She understood that these plain clothes were sent by the police. What should be said should not be said. In case of uncertainty, they should not be said.

It seems that she can't know the whereabouts of Chen Jian from these plain clothes, but it doesn't matter, because she is not interested in Chen Jian's whereabouts. She just wants to take care of Ke Hezhe for her if Chen Jian can just come. Although she is reluctant to keep Chen Jian by Ke Hezhe's side, it's the most reassuring to give Ke Hezhe to Chen Jian.

At least, she will be the best one for Ke Hezhe.

However, she can't find Chen Jian now.

Looking back at Ke Hezhe, she thought that he was hurt for her. She was distressed at the bottom of her heart. She couldn't let him be left here alone. "Zhang Zhu, when is that man?" she called Zhang Zhu. If Chen Jian wasn't there, Zhang Zhu was her second choice.

"Probably not."

Gu Yan'er is a little disappointed. It seems that she really owes him a favor to Xi Zhengnan. If she doesn't go up, even she can't forgive herself.

"OK, I'll go down."

A minute later, Zhang Zhu walked out of the elevator and Gu Yaner greeted him. "Why are you sure it's not him?"

"His blood type is different from that of Mo Mo, and Mo Mo's blood type is also different from that of Yang Jingya. Therefore, Mo Mo's blood type should be like that of his father, so he is not."

"Judging from this?" Gu Yan'er frowned and felt that there was something wrong, but she couldn't think of why for a moment.

"Yes, I took his blood. The test results are not right."

Forget it, these are not what she can investigate. She is not a policeman. She'd better take care of two men. "Is he out of danger?"

Zhang Zhu shook his head, "still in operation..."

So, before the operation is over, even the doctor doesn't know how xizhengnan is.

Gu Yaner's head was big. She entered the elevator and stared at her shadow on the elevator wall. She was still wearing an orange evening dress. Since when the roof of the villa came, she had no time to think about changing clothes. It was only at this time that she found that her evening dress seemed so inappropriate and out of place in the hospital.

But she's really not in the mood to buy a suit and change.

On the top floor, when I got out of the elevator, I saw the strange man waiting in front of the operating room pushing xizhengnan for surgery. She looked at his profile, and her figure proportion was like when.

The only difference is that the face is more masculine than when she saw it. It has less feminine flavor and more rough manly flavor. After looking at it carefully, suddenly, she can't be sure when he is.

Forget it, Xi Zhengnan is not out of danger. She is not in the mood to guess. The night is very quiet, which makes Gu Yaner feel suffocated.

Ke Hezhe was sleeping all the time, and the dose of the anesthetic gun was very high.

She couldn't understand the idea when Xi Zhengnan changed his gun to an anesthetic gun and when he stopped the gun for him. Wouldn't he be afraid?

Suddenly, the three words "in operation" that were always in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Gu Yaner's heart instantly mentioned her voice.

The operation is over.

There are only two answers.

Or raw.

Or die.

She can't think about it.

The brain is blank, so let the doctor announce everything.

She wanted to clap the door, but she didn't dare. She was afraid that Xi Zhengnan was just asleep at this time. Did she wake up the man inside as soon as she clapped the door?

Listening, footsteps rustled. Then the door of the operating room opened. "Who is the family member of xizhengnan?" the nurse who walked in front asked in a low voice.

"I am."


Gu Yaner spoke in a hurry, and the strange man was no slower than her. The two crowded in front of the operating room and looked in through the doctors and nurses who were coming out. When Gu Yaner saw the infusion bottle hanging on the pusher bed being pushed out, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ze Zhengnan is still alive.

As long as you're alive.

Living, there is everything, there is the future.

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