"What a crappy hotel. Why are bath towels so small?" Gu Yaner wanted to pull a bath towel around her, otherwise she would wipe the man naked. Although she had been a husband and wife for a long time, she still felt strange and ashamed.

Ke Hezhe's thin lips curved into an elegant arc, with a shallow smile, "well, how about refusing to pay the house payment?"

"OK." Gu Yaner clenched her teeth and snapped her fingers. After all, she started to act naked, "untie her belt." she commanded the man. She hadn't been together for a long time. Suddenly, she didn't adapt. A deer in her heart had been jumping and jumping. The color of her skin was deeper at this time.

"Hiss..." Ke Hezhe raised his arm and gave a low "hiss", which seemed to hurt very much.

"Did you pull the wound?" Gu Yan'er frowned and hurriedly opened his hand about to hurry his belt. "I'd better come and stand obediently."

The belt of the stuck drill opened with a click. "You're so stupid. You can pull the wound with a click." while taking off the man's trousers wrapped around his two long legs, he looked up and stared at him.

"The position of the injury is not good."

Yes, as soon as she lifted her arm, it hurt. "OK, you stand obediently and don't move any more." when the little hand withdrew his trousers, the man also raised his legs and feet, and soon exposed the four corners of the inside. Seeing that it was her familiar style, she was more happy, "take it off."

The man frowned, "you said you only let me stand and don't move."

Well, she really should palm her own mouth.

The little hand fell on the little inside. She didn't take it off for him for such a long time, but she almost took it off for him at night in the dark, but this time, it was such an embarrassing situation.

Thinking of his injury, Gu Yaner clenched her teeth, stamped her feet and gently pulled, and someone's male symbol stood out. She looked at him blankly. It was clear that she couldn't see anything when she was just across the small inside. As soon as her hand moved, everything changed. At the moment, she felt that if she pulled the small inside back, it would also be supported.

For a moment, Gu Yaner was stunned at the behemoth.

"Wife..." looking at the expression of the cute woman, Ke Hezhe's voice became hoarse.

"Oh, I'll start now." Gu Yan'er took a deep breath and took a deep breath. The injury on his chest was not suitable for more exercise. She still quickly wiped him and had a comfortable rest for a night. She didn't sleep well these days. She thought he must have not slept well. When she just looked up, she saw his dark circles under his eyes.

Don't ask, he must have stayed up last night.

Although she was in the same room with xizhengnan when she was there, she slept for a while.

The heart has no side, the heron rubs the man's Bronze texture, and the fingertips scratch inadvertently from time to time, which often makes her hot in her body.

Finally, there is only the last and most embarrassing place left.

The man's Adam's apple began to surge. He looked down at the busy woman. He thought his welfare should come, but he didn't want Gu Yaner to turn around and take down the shower hanging on the wall, turn on the switch, and the warm water poured on it, but it was like a soft insect crawling on it. Ke Hezhen's handsome face was becoming more and more red, He really didn't expect her to play like this, but it really wouldn't lift the water to the wound on his chest, but it was safe.

But his chest was safe, but it was not safe at all. The whole person felt that it would explode at any time. He had been forbearing since he brought her into the room, but he couldn't bear it any more at this moment.

Ke Hezhe's eyes were blurred. Suddenly, with a long arm, he inadvertently hugged the half defenseless woman. Junyan bowed slightly, and the thin lips fell on Gu Yaner's lips. First, the soft touch touched Gu Yaner's heart, but for a moment, Gu Yaner's brain was only a man's kiss.

With the man's finger falling, Gu Yaner's thinking was completely thrown into the claw wa country. She didn't even know how to get into the room and how to get to the big bed. She only remembered that the man was fierce like a beast and tossed her all the time. Again and again, she enjoyed it and didn't get tired. In the dark world with the lights off, everything turned into a dream, a dream of endless spring.

Until she fell asleep tired quietly, the man finally got up to deal with the wound originally agreed to be wrapped by a woman.

The dark red blood oozed out. He wiped the blood bit by bit with a cotton swab in one hand, sprinkled the medicine, wrapped the white gauze around his mouth and tied it with a knot, and his forehead was full of fine beads of sweat.

In fact, she shouldn't be allowed to bandage him.

This is the best.

Turn around and lie gently on the side of the woman, with her long arm inserted under her cerebellar bag. She has been sleeping heavily. She is tired.

Ke Hezhe narrowed his eyes and took the mobile phone in one hand. First, he quickly handled some urgent affairs through the mobile phone and some things to be explained. Then he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

This night passed so fast, and it was also the most comfortable and safe night that the two had experienced together for a long time.

It feels good to have no entanglement, think nothing and think nothing.

Early in the morning, Gu Yan'er was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, a sharp knock on the door woke her up.

Gu Yan'er opened her eyes vaguely. The early morning sun gently sprinkled into the room through the curtains, but it was also the tenderness of the sun against the knock on the door.

I was dazed by the sound of the door for three seconds. Everything last night suddenly returned to my heart. When I turned my head, I just saw Ke Hezhe's handsome face frowning and patted her small face with a big hand, "Yan'er, you continue to sleep. I'll go and have a look and come back right away."

He has someone in the corridor. As long as he is with Gu Yan'er and Xi Zhengnan, someone will always be outside.

I didn't want to be knocked on the door so violently that Gu Yan'er's good sleep was disturbed.

Ke Hezhe's face turned black.

If it weren't for stopping the other party from knocking on the door so that Gu Yaner could sleep again, it would be more important for him to pick up his mobile phone and call Zhang Zhu to reprimand him.

Put on his morning coat, but when his tall body had come to the door, his cell phone rang.

The big hand holding the door handle was about to release and clicked on the message.

"Yes, madam."

Ke Hezhe's handbrake stopped. His mother came. Is it too fast?

He rescued Gu Yaner only last night. His mother is here now.

Who gave her the news that he was in this hotel? Who sent her here from T city?

He has a headache. The person knocking at the door can handle it properly as long as he changes to someone who is not Peng Qing, but he can't say anything blunt to his mother and do anything unfilial.

No matter how Peng Qing is, Peng Qing is the mother who gave birth to him and raised him. It's Ke Qingyu who hasn't done his duty as a father to him.

In the final analysis, Peng Qing is also unable to feel happiness because of Kehe's other love, and her views on some things are somewhat extreme.

He took a breath and saw that the knock on the door was getting louder and louder. With a gentle press of his hand, the door opened. Outside the door, Peng Qing's hand was held in the air. When he saw that it was Ke Hezhe's face, he showed a happy smile, "zhe'er, are you okay?"

"Mom, come with me." Ke Hezhe casually took the door and pulled Peng Qing over to talk in the public leisure area on the side of the corridor. Otherwise, Peng Qing and Gu Yaner would be embarrassed if Peng Qing were allowed to enter the room.

The matter between the two people has not been completely eliminated. If Peng Qing sees Gu Yan'er, she is afraid to throw her face.

He knows his mother's temper very well. Therefore, early in the morning, he should try to avoid the separation between his daughter-in-law and his mother.

"President..." the man in the corridor scratched his head, "I..."

Ke Hezhe nodded softly, "it's none of your business." when he met Peng Qing, he couldn't help it, let alone his people.

"Zhe'er, where are you taking me? I have something to ask you." no, Peng Qing won't go as soon as she earns his arm.

"Mom, let's go over there." Ke Hezhe coaxed in a low voice, pointing to the direction of the leisure area.

"Well, don't you have a reservation? Why can't you come into your room to talk? Zhe'er, can't your mother come into your room?"

Kehezhe has a big head.

In fact, it's not the first time.

Looking at Peng Qing hard, "Mom, Yan'er, who was rescued last night, is not feeling well. She's resting. Look at this early morning..." it's only six o'clock in the morning. Peng Qing should have come by night's plane.

"Zhe'er, what are you saying? She's uncomfortable and you're uncomfortable? Are you hurt? You can get up and open the door when you're hurt. What about her? She hasn't been hurt at all? Let's go in. Although I'm not her real mother, I'm her legitimate mother-in-law at least. Is there a daughter-in-law who sees her mother-in-law like this? When people come, they can't even get up and don't say hello? It's too much It's time. "

"Mom..." Ke Hezhe frowned and raised his hand to stop Peng Qing from opening the door.

"Mom, I thought the hotel guest knocked on the wrong room." but just then, the door opened, and Gu Yaner Tingting stood in the door with her pajamas sent in last night. Although it was not very formal, she was not rude early in the morning.

Peng Qing glanced at her up and down. Gu Yaner, who was dressed in pajamas, was still neat, but her long hair was a little messy. She just woke up after a look. "Why didn't you open the door, but he zhe? He was injured. Don't you know?"

Gu Yaner's heart was a little empty. She remembered the man's beast like behavior last night. She would also be provoked by him. She forgot that he was still hurt. Her little face was red. She looked at him gently, "he Zhe, are you okay?"

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