Ke Hezhe's lips were light, and he remembered the charming and lovely appearance of women under him last night, and the embarrassment revealed at this time because he didn't bandage his wound. The two phases overlapped, which made him want to hold her in his arms and hurt her again.

Unfortunately, the time and place are right, except for one more person in the characters.

"It's all right." she whispered to Gu Yan'er, then turned to look at Peng Qing, "Mom, go in."

Peng Qing glanced at Gu Yan'er coldly. Then she raised her legs and stepped into the room. As soon as she entered, she waved her hand, "why don't you open the window? It's suffocating."

Gu Yaner is embarrassed. How can I open the window with the air conditioner on?

This is common sense.

However, she immediately reacted that Peng Qing didn't like her. It's estimated that Peng Qing didn't like what she is doing now.

She just showed her kindness just for Ke Hezhe. She didn't want him to be difficult in the middle. After all, Peng Qing was the only one who was sorry for her, not Ke Hezhe. When she remembered all kinds of things in T City, she only felt more love for her men.

"Mom, my son is afraid of the heat. Turn on the air conditioner." Ke Hezhe only said this faintly. As for the following sentence 'turn on the air conditioner, you can't open the window', he just endured it. He just wanted Peng Qing to sit down and go back to T City. Then he would personally send a car to take her to the airport. He didn't want to accompany Peng Qing. There are too many things at hand today, Even Gu Yaner can't accompany her during the day. Even if she wants to be with him, she drives around with her.

Peng Qing sat on the only chair in the room. After sweeping the messy bed, her face became more ugly. "Zhe'er, take off your clothes and let mom see your injury."

"Mom, I'm really fine."

"No, I must see." seeing Ke Hezhe motionless like a mountain, Peng Qing simply stood up and had to take off his morning coat for him personally. He was determined to check.

"Mom, I'll come." in fact, Gu Yaner was more worried about Ke Hezhe than Peng Qing. She saw the blood oozing from his chest when she took a bath last night. Later

Recalling those pictures that made people blush and heartbeat, she wanted to beat the man's ass. why didn't she cherish herself?

However, even she herself was made irrational by him and let him take everything. Now where is she qualified to teach him a lesson?

The little hand fell on the belt around his morning jacket. With a gentle pull, the man's chest was exposed. The white gauze was wrapped on the wound cleanly without blood. Gu Yaner took a long breath and looked at him with eyes, as if she were saying, "did you wrap it yourself?".

Ke Hezhe's gentle smile also relieved the two women's worries. "I said I'm fine. It's not a gunshot wound or flesh wound. It'll be clean in a few days."

Her faint tone really made Peng Qing's face look better. "Tie up your clothes and sit down. Mom has something to ask you." Peng Qing suddenly became serious and her expression became serious.

"Mom, what's up?"

"Did you transfer the shares of the company to others?"

"What do you mean?" Ke Hezhen didn't react at once, but instead smiled, "well, there's such a thing." he remembered that the gun fight that day and when did he sign two agreements because of Xi Zhengnan's request. The losers who won were naturally injured.

"People have come to buy shares. Did you sign it yourself? Did others fake your handwriting? Three quarters of the shares, zhe'er, explain to me what's going on?"

Gu Yaner counted carefully in her mind. It seems that she is "son, always have dinner with her mother." Peng Qing is Ke Hezhe's mother. Naturally, she loves her son and will follow Ke Hezhe. If Gu Yaner makes such a proposal, I'm afraid Peng Qing will scold him on the spot.

The difference between people is so big.

"OK." Ke Hezhe answered without hesitation. The family had a meal together. Now it has become extravagant. Think about it, he hasn't seen the three little ones at home for some days. "Mom, wait outside. Yan'er and I changed our clothes and went down to the restaurant for breakfast."

"OK." Peng Qing walked out reluctantly.

Gu Yan'er suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. She relaxed and fell on the bed. "Ke Hezhe, I'm so tired." she was always worried when she came into contact with his mother. She felt that more brain cells were wasted in a few minutes than in her usual years.

"Wife, it's hard for you." the man looked down at the woman on the bed. If he hadn't hurt his chest, he would have jumped on it all at once. He really wanted to kiss hard, so his hand moved with his heart, his fingers hooked, and said with a low smile: "come here."

That expression seemed as if Peng Qing had made up all the things about the company being acquired, which had never happened at all.

"Why?" Gu Yaner got up without thinking. The man stretched out his hand and pulled her close to him, but there was a little distance in the middle to prevent her from colliding with his wound. "Very good, I want to reward you." the man said, Junyan bowed slightly, and then four lips kissed together.

After that, Gu Yaner's brain won't think, and all the nerves are floating with the man's.

She was one of them, and she didn't want to take care of anything.

With him, she doesn't have to worry about anything.

This man has always been the pillar of her heart. She loves him to the bone, and he responds to her with deep-seated love. Just such a kiss, she can feel it.

Before, her mobile phone fell off, but this man took care of everything in T City in good order. He left messages and explanations, whether it was Ke Hexi's or Bo Jiu's or his mother and Yanran's.

The deep kiss was very short. Ke Hezhe loosened Gu Yaner. Peng Qing was waiting outside. He didn't want to be affectionate. His long finger gently lifted her jaw and looked at her blushing face. "When I'm sure to wash Zhengnan's Hospital, you'll go back."

"No." Gu Yaner immediately rejected, "where are you? Where am I? Anyway, she has been out for so many days. It doesn't matter whether one day is more or less." she just wants to be with him. From now on, she doesn't want to separate again. Even the children can't separate her from him.

Just separated from him in the hospital for a few days, she felt like an afterlife when she met again. She didn't want it anymore.

"Be obedient. Today I met with several brain experts to make a final decision, but I still hope it is more convenient for him to go back to T city for treatment. The washing family has asked."

"Is that difficult for you?" Gu Yan'er immediately worried.

"He is an adult. What happens is his own choice, so there is no reason to embarrass me."

Well, he always says everything simply, and I hope everything is simple. If washing Zhengnan is bad one day, there will be no way to explain the company's shares one day.

Thinking of this, Gu Yaner has a headache

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