The pattering sound of water beat in the heart. The warm water washed the body, which made people particularly comfortable. The door was quiet. Ke Hezhe didn't appear. Gu Yaner put down her heart.

It was washed soon. Gu Yan'er closed her shower head and looked at her big belly in the four mirrors. It was growing day by day. Calculate the days. She would be born in more than two months.

Suddenly, I really want to know the appearance of the three babies in my stomach. I should still be like their brother and sister, either like her or Ke Hezhe.

When I think about it, I look forward to it more and more.

For a moment, I was distracted.

The door of the bathroom was suddenly knocked. She woke up with a start and turned to look, "Ke Hezhe, what are you doing?" he startled her.

"Yan'er, why was there no sound just now? You scared me." Ke Hezhe breathed a sigh. He waited outside. Suddenly, the sound of water stopped, and there was no movement inside. Moreover, it was still a long time. How could he not worry.

Gu Yan'er was ashamed. She had already washed. When she wiped her body and looked at her stomach, she couldn't help thinking about seven or eight. "I've washed. I'll go out now."

"Oh, good." Ke Hezhe didn't force himself in. The gentleman waited outside the door, but Gu Yaner was embarrassed to delay any longer. After wiping her body in a hurry, she put on the pregnant woman's pajamas. The size was just right. She guessed that she bought it in one or two days.

Moreover, it's a very conservative one. It's straight on her body. In addition, she has had contact with Ke Hezhe before. Therefore, she doesn't care too much that she swings directly in front of Ke Hezhe in her pajamas.

He pushed the door out. Ke Hezhe was leaning on the wall outside the door. When he saw her, his eyes swept over. The eyes looked handsome and beautiful. There was a touch of evil charm in Gu Yaner's mind. For a moment, something flashed in Gu Yaner's mind.

Also at the door of the bathroom, Ke Hezhen picked her up and went straight to the bathroom. As she walked, she bowed her head and kissed her lips. When the picture brushed her mind, she suddenly froze and let those memories roll crazy, but it was just a moment, but it was gone.

"Yan'er, what's the matter with you?" Ke Hezhe had found her wrong. He stepped forward and shook her shoulder. His eyes were full of worry.

"He Zhe, I just seem to think of something." Gu Yan'er, who remembered, said vaguely.

"What do you think?" Ke Hezhe's eyes lit up. She wanted her to recover her memory immediately. As long as her memory recovered, she wouldn't contradict him like this. At least she would accept his intimacy to her instead of always trying to push him away.

"I......" Gu Yaner recalled the pictures that had just flashed in her mind. What did she say? She couldn't open her mouth at all. She couldn't say that she remembered the scene when he held her and kissed her. She bit her lip and said, "it's just a little, it's nothing."

Ke Hezhe immediately took her hand and pasted it on his face, "Yan'er, think again."

Gu Yaner thought hard, but she couldn't remember anything anymore.

"Then go to bed and think," said Ke Hezhe. He picked her up again, rushed into the bedroom and put her on the bed.

The spacious bed, the brand-new sheets just put on, a fresh smell, gives people a warm feeling, "Yan'er, think again."

Gu Yan'er frowned, "you go out." it was agreed that she slept in the bed in the room. He slept in the living room. How can he deny it.

"Yan'er, it was on this bed that I first met you. It was on this bed that you gave me..."

"Ke Hezhe, you rascal." just as Ke Hezhe solemnly explained their words when they first met, Gu Yaner picked up her pillow and smashed it at Ke Hezhe. It's so rascal.

"Silly, you really slept in bed and waited for me to come back." Ke Hezhe ignored her pillow. He didn't care about the soft beating on his body.

Ke Hezhe uttered the word "bed", and the atmosphere was a little ambiguous. Gu Yaner was even more annoyed. Her little face was red and grabbed the quilt and covered her face. "You go out, don't say any more." although she was pregnant, she had no memory. She had no impression of men and women, and even didn't know what to do.

She is absolutely unprecedented.

"Yan'er, I'm trying to help you recover your memory. When you recover your memory, you'll know that what I said is not wrong." Ke Hezhe coaxed her gently and coaxed her to be a vegetarian for too long. Although he knew he had to continue to be a vegetarian, he had to be a vegetarian, but at least let him sleep with Gu Yan'er in his arms. He really didn't have much extravagance.

But Gu Yaner won't give these, so it's up to him to fight for them.

He said, and his hand had gently pulled off the quilt that Gu Yaner covered her face.

Gu Yaner looked back at Ke Hezhe's burning eyes, and suddenly flashed in her mind the picture of her lying awkwardly on this bed, and

For a moment, she was confused.

"Why did I come here?" for no reason, she couldn't come to him shamelessly.

Everything came back to the origin. Ke Hezhe gently hooked his lips and hesitated for a moment. He still said, "you were photographed and the man asked you to come."

"Someone took a picture? Who is it?"

"Think again."

Gu Yaner really began to think. The more she heard it, the more she felt that what she had experienced in the past was like a blockbuster. It was incredibly "colorful", which made her want to restore her memory.

"Yan'er, don't worry. Take your time. I'll accompany you." Ke Hezhe looked at her tangled look, and gently hugged her and lay down on the bed together.

Gu Yaner was still unconscious and was still trying to recall the incomplete memories that flashed in her mind.

"Yan'er, I took you as......" the greasy touch in his hand made Ke Hezhen unconsciously intoxicated. However, when he said this sentence, he suddenly found it wrong and quietly stopped, "fortunately, I was......"

But she didn't want to. Gu Yaner only heard the sentence in front, "who do you think I am?" in the dark bedroom, only a small wall lamp was lit, and the orange light moistened the whole space, as if shrouded in a dream, which was not true at all.

"Yan'er, I don't regard you as anyone." Ke Hezhe turned his mind. It seemed that as long as he was in front of Gu Yan'er, he would always take off his guard and completely relax, so that he said away.

He and Yan Ran can't say anything until Gu Yan'er recovers her memory. He doesn't want Gu Yan'er to think seven or eight.

Although there were rumors before, they were all said by others, and he didn't directly admit it.

Gu Yaner's eyes turned gloomily. She lay flat on the pillow and looked at the ceiling above her head. In her mind, she was quickly passing through the recent scenes, "is it Yanran?" she was like Yanran. Ke Hezhe regarded her as Wu Yanran, which was absolutely possible.

Ke Hezhe was shocked and had to say that Gu Yaner was very clever. He guessed it all at once.

"I knew Yanran before I knew you."

Gu Yaner knew this. It was because she knew this that she didn't delve into the crazy rumors about Ke Hezhe and Wu Yanran at that time.

She is not an unreasonable woman.

Before he didn't know her, she didn't have the right to blame him for everything that happened between him and anyone. As long as he didn't have an affair with other women after he knew her, it's just Chen Xue

At that moment, Gu Yaner thought of Chen Xue again.

"Yan'er......" Gu Yan'er's silence made Ke Hezhe nervous. He thought she was jealous and angry. His big hand fell on her swollen stomach and gently stroked, "Yan'er, you... What do you think of?"

"Ke Hezhe, what are you guilty of?" Gu Yaner smiled and pinched Ke Hezhe. This man, she really can't say how she feels about him now. Those flash incomplete memories have told her that she and he are indeed the most intimate. Those pictures make her blush and jump wildly as soon as she remembered.

"Yan'er..." it seemed that there was no anger in her smiling voice. Looking at her charming little woman posture, Ke Hezhe couldn't help it. He clasped Gu Yan'er's small face with one hand and gently kissed her down.

Yes, at first it was really just gentle, but gradually, when he felt Gu Yaner's response, he deepened the kiss and wanted to kiss her into his body.

Gu Yaner didn't resist Ke Hezhe's kiss, just because, since he was really her man, why should she be hypocritical.

The air was full of the unique smell of men. Gu Yaner gradually indulged in the world quietly woven by Ke Hezhe. His hand fell on her body and lit her body inch by inch through his thin pajamas. Until she felt the change of his body, she suddenly woke up, "Ke Hezhe, don't..."

Although everything is natural, although these make her seem to recall everything that happened between Ke Hezhe and her before, she has a big stomach.

Listening to her tender protest, Ke Hezhe smiled and kissed her, "good, not afraid, I won't touch you." he couldn't bear to hurt the baby in her belly, "I promised you, just help me... Help me..." he has been a vegetarian for too long. This feeling of looking at meat but not eating is actually more uncomfortable, which makes him an absolutely normal man, and the man is going crazy, Therefore, he only wants to liberate once with the help of her body, even if he can't go deep, but as long as he sniffs her breath, he will be satisfied.

"What?" Gu Yaner didn't understand it at all. She looked at the man in front of her like a virgin with shame. There was an unspeakable feeling in her heart. I have to say that the atmosphere created by Ke Hezhe this night successfully captured Gu Yaner's heart.

Sure enough, you will definitely gain if you pay with your heart.

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