Later, Gu Yaner finally understood.

Every inch of her body was kissed by Ke Hezhe. Fortunately, no matter how excited his body was, he didn't take the last step. In the end, everything was sprinkled on Gu Yaner's chest. At that moment, she wanted to strangle Ke Hezhe.

When it was over, Ke Hezhe leaned gasping on her side, "Yan'er, you used to like it best."

Gu Yaner felt that she must have been crazy when she heard this. How could she like him to make her like this.

"Go away." no more. She closed her eyes and didn't want to pay attention to Ke Hezhe. Her small face was red as if she had been dyed rouge. She felt that she was in disgrace.

"Hehe, with three children and a big belly, she is still shy. Yan'er, are you shy too late?" Ke Hezhe smiled low. His magnetic voice didn't depend on it. He had to get into Gu Yan'er's eardrum. Every word shocked Gu Yan'er's heart more and more.

"Don't say it." she bit her lips and then roared, hoping to find a seam to drill in.

"This is a fact. I'm just telling you what happened before, Yan'er. This is a compulsory course for every woman before she becomes a mother. Not only men can be comfortable, but women can also. Come on, let me help you..." Ke Hezhe said. The lips and hands fell on Gu Yan'er like magic, so that she could no longer resist, Can only sink and sink with the rhythm of men.

Later, Gu Yaner collapsed directly on the bed. At that time, Gu Yaner finally understood what Ke Hezhe said that women can be comfortable. If she didn't really experience the feeling of immortality and death, she would never believe it.

"Darling, do you want to do it again?" seeing Gu Yaner's trembling end, Ke Hezhe began to seduce Gu Yaner again, for nothing else, because he felt that one time was not enough. At least he was like this. After eating vegetarian food for too long, he wanted to eat several meat meals continuously.

However, Gu Yan'er must have a few meat dishes before it's his turn. Otherwise, she must not cooperate.

However, Gu Yaner couldn't cooperate at all this time. She fell asleep. She was tossed by Ke Hezhe and had no strength anymore. As soon as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep comfortably.

Listening to her low and shallow breathing, and then looking at her long eyelashes, Ke Hezhe's fingertips fell gently, touched her eyelashes, and then moved away, just like a dragonfly, but Gu Yaner was still asleep and couldn't feel his fingers at all.

"What a little pig..." whispered, and his long arm gently hugged Gu Yan'er's bucket waist. Ke Hezhe closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Although only once, it's better that he hasn't had this welfare for a long time.

The apartment was indeed blessed with him. Gu Yaner, who could not handle it anywhere else, finally disarmed as soon as she entered the apartment under his bombardment.

Although there was no final and complete liberation, he was very satisfied to get it on her. After this night, even if she still refused to admit the relationship between him and her and refused to remarry with him, at least there would be no other men in her eyes, otherwise, he would have no sense of security every minute.

This night was Gu Yaner's most solid sleep recently. It was different from the feeling that Xi Zhengnan slept with her.

To sum up, it gives her a feeling of mutual respect with Xi Zhengnan, and she has the feeling of being a little woman with Ke Hezhe.

Gu Yaner was so tired that she didn't even have a dream. She slept until dawn. The light in the bedroom had long gone out. The sun was reflected into the bedroom through the curtains. Gu Yaner narrowed her eyes. When she glanced around, she remembered that she had come to a strange place again, "Ke Hezhe..." a completely strange bedroom. When she reached out and touched her side, it was empty for a while, Gu Yaner shouted Ke Hezhe's name in a slight panic.

She was the only one left in such a place where she had never 'come', and she couldn't help but panic.

The door of the bedroom was pushed open. Suddenly, the strong aroma floated. Ke Hezhe's apron rushed in before he could solve it. "What's the matter? Uncomfortable?"

Gu Yaner felt her body. When she found that she was naked, when she flashed the absurdity with Ke Hezhe last night, her eyelids drooped slightly and she didn't dare to look at Ke Hezhe, "you... You go out."

Ke Hezhe was stunned. Didn't she call him in?

Why did she let him out when he came in?

Is he going out or not?

For a moment, Ke Hezhe stood in front of the door, neither did he go, nor did he go. "Yan'er..." looked at her sadly. Did she want him to come in or not?

"Go out." fortunately, Gu Yaner gave Ke Hezhe the answer again in time. He reluctantly withdrew.

But Ke Hezhe felt wrong when he closed the door. He turned and gently pushed the door open a little gap. Sure enough, Gu Yaner inside was in a hurry in her pajamas. He looked at her bulging belly, and his heart was sweeter than ever.

It turned out that I was shy again.

Women always experience shame at first. Gu Yaner has experienced it twice, and unfortunately, both of them are in this apartment.

The smell of food was floating in the kitchen, which was the result of Ke Hezhe's hard work since he got up early in the morning.

When he got up early in the morning, he chopped the stuffing and wrapped a cage of steamed buns. The stuffing was Gu Yaner's favorite cabbage, celery, lean meat, and corn porridge. Ke Hezhe baked two egg cakes and put the prepared dishes on the plate. When he put them on the table, the direction of the bedroom was still silent, which made him frown.

He walked over and gently pushed the door. This time, he couldn't open it.

The door was locked inside.

"Yan'er, what's the matter with you?" he couldn't hear anything in the bedroom, and Ke Hezhe was nervous.

Gu Yaner in the bedroom has put on her pajamas, but she doesn't know how to go out. After last night, she was embarrassed to let her go out to see Ke Hezhe at this moment.

No, I'm sorry.

"Yan'er, open the door." Ke Hezhe shouted, but there was no response in the bedroom. He was more nervous and worried.

Gu Yaner was still motionless, holding her knees in her hands. She really didn't know how to face Ke Hezhen.

Hearing that there was still no sound in the bedroom, Ke Hezhe frowned and thought a thousand times in this moment. At this time, she finally realized that she was shy. After thinking about it, she said, "Yan'er, I'm going to work. Breakfast has been cooked. You'll come out to eat later, otherwise you'll be hungry." she can eat very well recently. She's pregnant with three, There are three other small things to grab when eating alone. Therefore, Ke Hezhe knows that he is always hungry. In the villa prepared by xizhengnan for Gu Yaner and later bought by him, Gu Yaner's favorite snacks are everywhere for one reason. He is afraid that she is hungry.

Gu Yaner bit her lip, but she still couldn't export it and promised Ke Hezhe.

Ke Hezhe shook his head helplessly. However, he didn't intend to leave at all. What he just said was just to take advantage of Gu Yaner. Otherwise, the little woman may have been hungry and refused to come out.

Well, how much he hurts.

After waiting for a while, Gu Yaner still didn't come out.

Ke Hezhe knew it, pretended to leave, opened the door of the apartment, and then closed it.

Then, quietly, he came to the door of the bedroom.

When he leaned on the lintel waiting for Gu Yaner to appear, he even laughed at himself. When he became such a childish president, he pretended to go out just to wait for her to come out.

However, soon, Ke Hezhe's practice paid off.

The bedroom door first opened a gap, but Ke Hezhe was on the other side of the door, so he couldn't see the woman in the crack, and Gu Yaner naturally couldn't see Ke Hezhe at the end of the door.

Most of the time, Gu Yaner didn't see him. Gu Yaner finally opened the door and came out, "Yan'er..." at the moment when he saw Gu Yaner, Ke Hezhe couldn't help shouting, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and the woman

This low call, low and soft, but exploded like a bomb in Gu Yaner's world, "Ke Hezhe, you... You lied. Didn't you go to work?"

Looking at her shy little woman's charming state, Ke Hezhe stretched out his hand and took Gu Yaner in his arms. "It's not to deceive you, but to worry that you're hungry. Come and have breakfast. There are steamed buns you like, cabbage and lean meat. When you eat, I'll go to work."

"Did you get up early in the morning to make steamed stuffed buns?" Gu Yaner wanted to roar, but when she saw the steamed stuffed buns on the table, her eyes widened. How early it would be to get up. If she were, she might not be able to get up.

"Reward you."

In three simple words, Ke Hezhe said it completely with his heart. He really wanted to reward Gu Yaner after tossing her for so long last night. There's nothing wrong with this sentence.

"Ke Hezhe, you bastard." but his explicit confession aroused her shame when he heard Gu Yaner's ears. She was going to die of shame. Unfortunately, she couldn't earn Ke Hezhe at all. He couldn't go back to the bedroom and wrap herself in a shell.

Ke Hezhe just didn't hear. He just took her to the table and pressed her to sit down. A hot steamed stuffed bun was handed to her lips, "have a taste?"

It smells good.

Gu Yan'er was really hungry and smelled the aroma of steamed stuffed buns. She was bought by his steamed stuffed buns. She took a big bite. It was really delicious, but it seemed as if she was chewing Ke Hezhe's meat.

Ke Hezhe smiled and watched her eat. Although she was still angry, eating was a good thing, which proved that most of her anger had disappeared.

Well, that's good.

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