"It's in the hospital," the driver added.

Gu Yaner nodded, got up and got out of the car. The sun outside the window was just right. It was a sunny day. She quickened her pace when she thought Ke Hezhe was going to wake up.

Taking the elevator, Gu Yaner quickly returned to Ke Hezhe's ward.

When he opened the door, Zhang Qitian was sitting in the chair in front of the bed. He stared at Ke Hezhe without blinking. When he heard the sound of opening the door, he looked at it. "Madam, Ke Shao's finger just moved. I guess he's about to wake up."

Gu Yan'er nodded, "I'll keep him."

"OK." Zhang Qitian got up, "madam, I'll go out first. When Ke Shao wakes up, you must call me."

Zhang Qitian recalled the nearly 20 hours waiting outside the operating room. As long as Ke Hezhe woke up, it was all worth it.

"What about Zhengnan? What about his situation?" if she could, she came back. "No one reported? Then ask and tell me." Gu Yaner didn't think of anything else and continued.

After all, Ke Hezhe and Xi Zhengnan live in the same hospital. There is no airtight wall in the world. Gu Yaner will know sooner or later.

After thinking about it, he whispered, "Mr. Xi's condition is somewhat bad. You rescued him once after you left the hospital."

Gu Yan'er couldn't sit still. Teng stood up. "How's the situation now?"

"A little more stable." Zhang Qitian thought about his words and whispered.

Gu Yaner immediately understood, "continue to send someone to watch and report to me once in five minutes." Xi Zhengnan was in danger.

"OK." Zhang Qitian withdrew from Ke Hezhe's ward.

Gu Yaner was very worried. After thinking and thinking, she dialed Fuyi's phone and rang it four or five times before she picked it up. "Sister Yan, I'm very busy. I'll return to you later."

"Is he dangerous?" Gu Yan'er asked. Her voice trembled. At this time, she felt that it shouldn't be so cheap today. Chen Xue should play harder. Chen Xue's woman is damn.

"Being rescued." Fu also said, and then hung up.

Gu Yaner couldn't sit still. She held Ke Hezhe's hand in her small hand, as if only he could give her peace of mind. Sure enough, his warm hand was like magic, which gradually calmed her mood and looked down at Ke Hezhe. Gu Yaner whispered: "He Zhe, are you going to wake up? You should bless Zhengnan. He also wakes up. I don't want to owe him a life. It will be a debt for my life. It will make me unhappy all my life. He Zhe, pray with me and wake Zhengnan up."

"Yan'er." the low male voice, although weak as a mosquito, Gu Yan'er heard and felt it for the first time, "he Zhe, are you awake?"

Ke Hezhe blinked his long eyelashes. "He hasn't woken up yet?"

Gu Yaner's ear pasted Ke Hezhe's lips and heard him repeat, "hasn't he woke up yet?"

"Yes." Gu Yaner took Ke Hezhe's hand and kissed, "he hasn't woke up yet. What should I do? What should I do?"

"Go and see him, go, Yan'er. Only you can wake him up. Go." Ke Hezhe grabbed her little hand and tried to push her away, but he found that he had no strength, "go." he could only urge her in a low voice.

"OK, I'll go now." Gu Yaner was still hesitant. It was inconvenient for her to appear in Heyi's vision, but Ke Hezhe said a word and she decided to go.

Ke Hezhe doesn't care. Why should she care.

After taking two steps, she suddenly stopped and looked back, "have you received the audio and video sent to you by Chen Xue?"

"Got it."

"Have you never doubted?"

"Hehe, what do you say?"

"Ke Hezhe, you don't care about me."

"Well, I don't doubt that I don't care about you. What about doubt? That means I don't trust you. In the final analysis, I don't do anything right, do I?"

Gu Yaner was stunned by Ke Hezhe. He was right. If he suspected, she would be sad.

Seeing her stunned expression, Ke Hezhe reluctantly smiled and said, "go quickly. I believe he doesn't have the character of xizhengnan."

Gu Yan'er really wanted to talk to Ke Hezhe again, but she couldn't let go of Xi Zhengnan. "Hezhe, I'll come back soon. When he wakes up, I'll come back."

"Let's go." Ke Hezhe waved hard. When he woke up, he heard what Gu Yaner said.

Yes, if Xi Zhengnan dies this time, it will definitely be a debt borne by Gu Yaner all her life, just like Murong Qing's death. She will bear the debt of her mother's death and finally start to fight Peng Qing and Rong Qingya.

Everyone has their own bottom line. Gu Yan'er must not stand that Xi Zhengnan died.

He is lucky that he can wake up.

He is also lucky to have Gu Yaner's heart.

And Xi Zhengnan has nothing but friendship to have Gu Yaner. In sum, Xi Zhengnan is more pathetic than him.

Gu Yaner quickly rushed to the ward in xizhengnan. Sure enough, she was stopped by someone when.

"I want to see him. Maybe I can wake her up."

"No, why not." this time, when there were many people, seven or eight people stopped her and Ke Hezhe's people. There were only two Ke Hezhe's people, seven or eight against three. When people had a complete advantage, but Gu Yaner was not allowed to go in.

"Get out of the way." a low cry came from behind. Gu Yaner turned back with the people when she was a doctor.

"Doctor, I came to see xizhengnan. Let me go in and see him."

"The patient is being rescued. The more people in the ward, the worse the air. Please don't go in and disturb the patient." the doctor directly denied and let her in.

"Gu Yan'er?" suddenly, someone came over again.

"Ning Xi, you're coming." Gu Yaner's eyes brightened. She finally moved to the rescue. She wants to go in. Now only Ning Xi can say when, "Ning Xi, when can you let me in?"

"Your name is Gu Yan'er?" the doctor who wanted to go in looked up and down at Gu Yan'er, full of suspicion.

"Yes." Gu Yan'er was most afraid that people would ignore her, so she didn't have a chance to go in.

"Does the patient like you?"

Hearing the doctor's question, Gu Yaner was stunned at first, and then said with some embarrassment: "it seems so."

"What does it mean? It seems like it. Basically, he often calls' Yan'er Yan'er 'when he is unconscious. I didn't understand what it means at first. Now I understand that he is calling your name. Go in, or you can wake him up. Maybe."

"Can I?"

"It should be OK. Come on, you go in with me." the doctor told Gu Yaner to follow in, but Gu Yaner was stopped by someone when she was about to lift her step.

"No, he Shaofen told me that you can't go in if anyone goes in."

"This is what the doctor means, can't it?" he drank low and couldn't see it anymore.

"Madam..." when people saw the condensation, they immediately wilted.

"Let her in. If Mr. He has any opinion, I'll bear it."

A word from Mr. He, suddenly, when people don't dare to talk.

You know, every time condensate Xi makes trouble with when, she calls Mr. He. Mr. he represents that her alienation and resentment for when have not dissipated. At this time, don't get into condensate Xi. You know, when, although he is not afraid of heaven and earth, he is afraid of one person, that is, his own wife condensate Xi.

Of course, when xiaotianyu grows up, there may be another scared villain, he lengtianyu, but that's what will happen in the future.

Now when, will only spoil condensate Xi and he lengtianyu, a pair of big women and little girls.

It is said that one thing falls to one thing, and the only thing that can fall when is condensation.

Think of here, when people back away.

The doctor pushed the door in, and Gu Yaner hurried in.

"Who let her in?" when he was angry, he frowned when he saw Gu Yaner. Xi Zhengnan was still in emergency rescue. He really didn't want Gu Yaner to come in.

It was Gu Yan'er who hurt Xi Zhengnan. He was angry when he saw Gu Yan'er and wanted to kill her.

"She is Gu Yaner. She is a person that the patient subconsciously cares about. She can help awaken the patient. Let her come."

"I asked sister Yan to come in." the doctor said and stared at her.

It's not Gu Yan'er who wants to provoke Zi Zhengnan. Let's figure it out. The first person to provoke is Xi Zhengnan. At that time, Xi Zhengnan provoked Gu Yan'er with a purpose.

Can Gu Yaner be blamed for falling in love with her carelessly?

She didn't want to know zizhengnan.

It was xizhengnan who brought it to the door.

If others don't know these things, they are clear.

In fact, it was clear when, but Zhengnan was not washed, and she was injured again and again because of Gu Yaner.

Gu Yaner's constitution is hurt for washing Zhengnan.

With a glance of condensate Xi and the doctor's explanation, when did Gu Yan'er not get rid of her? She just said to Fu Yi, "let her try."

Xizhengnan in the ward is still under rescue, and has been rescued for half a day.

Looking at Xi Zhengnan's ECG, he kept beeping. When his heart also mentioned his throat, or, just try it once, be a dead horse, be a living horse doctor, and then listen to fate.

Fu also nodded. She is now very rational. After all, she is a nurse. She heard what the doctor said, "let's go out."

"Why did you go out?" when she was unhappy at this time, she felt that putting Gu Yan'er and Xi Zhengnan alone would kill Xi Zhengnan.

"You stay here, how can sister Yan wake up Zhengnan? She can't speak." condensate Xibai glanced at it and shook her head. She really didn't dare to compliment the man's Eq. she didn't understand it. She was almost speechless.

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