Fortunately, he was sincere to her and his daughter. He wanted to peel off his heart to her and Tianyu. He was really satisfied when he thought of these.

When did he understand why Fu asked them to go out? Unexpectedly, Fu was open and generous. He praised the girl again in the bottom of his heart. It was a pity that Xi Zhengnan didn't call Fu, so he had no choice.

He nodded helplessly. When he pulled the little hand of condensate Xi and held it in his big palm, "let's go out." since Fu is also open to it, he should be open to it. As long as Xi Zhengnan can live, everything will be fine.

The people in the ward quietly withdrew one after another.

Gu Yan'er gently sat on the chair that Fu Yi had just sat in front of the bed. Her small hand gently held xizhengnan's big hand. There was also the temperature that Fu Yi had held, so that it was not cold.

"Zhengnan, I'm Yan'er. I came to see you." Gu Yan'er whispered. As soon as she opened her mouth, her eyes became moist and moist.

If it weren't for her, Xi Zhengnan wouldn't lie in the hospital bed again at this time.

She is like when she described it as the broomstar of xizhengnan. As long as xizhengnan meets her, there will always be one or another problems.

Anyway, this time, she hurt him.

"Zhengnan, you'll wake up, won't you?"

"Because you don't want to give up the beauty of the world. You still want to see me and know that I'm all right. In this way, you can be at ease. Even if you want to leave the world, at least open your eyes and look at me again."

Holding Xi Zhengnan's big hand and getting used to his temperature and his breath, Gu Yaner continued: "I know you are good to me. No one in the world is better than you. Even you are good to me, he Zhe. Unfortunately, I met you after meeting he Zhe, and everyone can only have one love. With he Zhe, I am doomed to fail you."

"I know you may not care whether you get me or not. What you care about is my happiness and my happiness. You only need me to live well. However, your kindness often makes me feel ashamed and makes me feel unworthy to be with you or to be your friend. Zhengnan, these are not your fault, but I don't want to bother you any more."

"Zhengnan, you can't wake up, but you need to know that if you really can't wake up, you thought about making me happy and making me happy. I'm afraid there's no way for me anymore." if he can't wake up, it will be her lifelong sadness, her lifelong regret, and her heavy cross on her back.

"Zhengnan, don't you like Jing Xu? Although Jing Xu is already very happy with Bo Jiu and He Xi, as Jing Xu's uncle, you have the responsibility and obligation to monitor He Xi and Bo Jiu's love and protection for Jing Xu from time to time. If they don't do well enough, only you are most qualified to teach them a lesson. Zhengnan, these responsibilities and obligations belong to you, and you can't push them to others 。”

"Zhengnan, you are still young. You can get married and have children. At that time, you will have your own life. That is the most perfect."

"After all, your life is not only love, but also the understanding of life. With a continuation of life, you will better understand the beauty of life."

"Zhengnan, wake up, or I won't spare you..."

One voice, one sentence, Gu Yan'er didn't know how long she had said. She had long forgotten the time.

Stained with tears, she kept staring at Xi Zhengnan. At first, she was nervous and relaxed slowly. She whispered with Xi Zhengnan. No matter whether he heard or responded, she just said her. She believed that Xi Zhengnan would be able to hear.

The door of the ward opened.

Fu Yi came over, but Gu Yan'er didn't hear Fu Yi's door opening and footsteps at all. She still continued to whisper with Xi Zhengnan.

"Zhengnan, in fact, Fu also really loves you. In this world, it is the most beautiful to be happy with each other, but perfection is very few after all. They all say that love grows over time. I believe you will have feelings with her after getting along for a long time. When you have a baby together, you won't resent me again, will you? If you are happy, I will be more happy." This last sentence, she is sincere. If Xi Zhengnan is happy, she will also be very happy.

Fu also twisted her hand. She was deeply hostile to Gu Yan'er recently. She didn't like to see Gu Yan'er, and she hated Gu Yan'er because Xi Zhengnan was so badly hurt. At this time, she was ashamed to hear Gu Yan'er comforting Xi Zhengnan.

It's her fault that she blamed Gu Yan'er for Xi Zhengnan's refusal to accept her. Now if you want to come, what's the matter with Gu Yan'er?

If she doesn't love, she doesn't lack suitors, but she despises all those men.

All she can see is Zhengnan.

But there was only one Gu Yan'er in Xi Zhengnan's heart.

The world is so strange. Those you love don't love you, and those you don't love have to love you.

Fu also came in quietly and withdrew quietly.

The ward was very quiet. The instruments and meters were crying. All the indexes of Zhengnan's body unconsciously returned to normal.

The door opened again. This time, the doctor came in. He carefully checked the instruments inserted in xizhengnan. He couldn't help sighing: "Miss Gu, you're amazing. Mr. Xi should have passed the dangerous period. Maybe he will wake up soon. You can talk to him more."

"Really?" Gu Yaner was surprised and couldn't believe to see the doctor. She just had to wash Zhengnan to wake up and let her do anything.

"Really," said the doctor, sure and appreciative.

Gu Yaner gently washes the back of Zhengnan's hand. He has been sleeping for a long time. It's time to wake up.

"Zhengnan, open your eyes and look at me. I'm Yan'er. Yan'er is sitting next to you waiting for you to wake up."

"His eyes moved." suddenly, the doctor shouted in surprise.

Gu Yan'er stood and looked at Xi Zhengnan's eyes. At this moment, his eyes didn't open. However, the long eyelashes were flickering gently. Xi Zhengnan woke up and really woke up. "Zheng Nan, if you wake up, you move your fingers." she held his hand. As long as his fingers moved, she could feel it.

After that, Gu Yaner felt the big hand in her hand seriously.

One Minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes later, the big hand did not move and there was no response.

The doctor's eyes floated over and asked her if she had any reaction to washing Zhengnan.

Gu Yaner shook her head in disappointment. When she was sad, suddenly, Xi Zhengnan's finger moved. Although it was very light, she still felt it, "Zhengnan, very good, you move again."

As if she had heard her words, Xi Zhengnan's fingers moved again.

Gu Yaner was very excited. "Zhengnan, open your eyes and look at me. I'm Yan'er, it's Gu Yan'er."

Xizhengnan has always been a pair of eyes, such as dyed deep, and finally opened slowly.

The vision gently and slowly fell on Gu Yaner's small face.

At this moment, time stands still.

All things in the world, only his Gu Yan'er is left.

Lost weight.

He wanted to touch her face, but he had no strength at all, so he quietly looked at Gu Yaner, as if he wanted to imprint her deeply in the bottom of his heart.

Gu Yaner's tears suddenly surged up and Xi Zhengnan woke up. This is a better gift than anything.

"Zhengnan, you finally woke up. You scared me." Gu Yan'er glanced at Xi Zhengnan coyly. His previous failure to wake up was a deep torture for her, which made her almost unable to sustain. Unexpectedly, at this time, it was dark and bright again.

Xi Zhengnan's big palm shook Gu Yaner's back. She said so many words that she hadn't said to him before.

Although she still didn't accept him, he was grateful for everything she said.

She just doesn't love him. Besides, she regards him as her real friend.

It's just the wrong time.

They just met at the wrong time.

Every time I thought of this, xizhengnan's heart was stuffy. Only at this moment, my mood is no longer comfortable.

"What about him? Is he okay?"

This "he" naturally refers to Ke Hezhe. Gu Yaner smiled, "he woke up early, but you have been torturing me. You have saved me again. You are satisfied if you have to scare me like this?" this time, she is serious. She doesn't want him to scare her like this in the future. That feeling is too bad.

"Oh, he really has nine lives." Xi Zhengnan said with emotion.

This "nine lives" is really in line with Ke Hezhe's life. Gu Yaner has been used to his nine lives, but every time he tenaciously lives, doesn't she?

That's good. It's said that there must be future blessings if you don't die. She believes it for the time being.

"Are you hungry? Shall I get some porridge?"

Xizhengnan nodded gently, "OK."

"Fu also feeds you, OK?" Gu Yan'er said this in a completely deliberative tone. She felt that as long as Xi Zhengnan woke up, her mission would be over. To stay was to add to the hearts of those who were guarding outside at this time.

Besides, she still has Ke Hezhe to take care of. She can't stay here all the time.


Gu Yaner didn't expect that Xi Zhengnan agreed without thinking. This is a good omen. She should write down what she said to him before.

Such a change, she likes.

Gu Yaner got up and went to the door. Her steps were slow, but she didn't see the man behind her staring at her back.

So reluctant, so unwilling.

However, she had to leave his world step by step.

Moreover, it can only be farther and farther away.

Goodbye from now on, just friends.

Nothing else.

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